Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1457 Little Demon in the City (10)

When asking the clerk to wear the skirt, Yan Yu thought that she should choose a smaller size according to the figure of the catkin.

After buying the skirt, Yan Yu went to buy shoes.

When buying shoes, Ling Wuwen whispered to Yan Yu's ear and asked him to choose a size 35.

After buying the shoes, Yan Yu stood in the mall and paused, thinking about what else he didn't buy.

His eyes fell on the signboard of an underwear store, Yan Yu's body stiffened instantly.

Standing on Yan Yu's shoulder, Ling Wuyue wanted to laugh, but held back, and whispered in his ear with a puzzled look: "Yan Yu, what's wrong?"

Yan Yu didn't speak, but his heart was broken.

It’s fine to go shopping in women’s clothing stores, and it’s fine to buy skirts and shoes.

However, I still need to buy underwear...

What if you don't buy it? If you don’t buy catkins, you can’t wear them!

Yan Yu gritted his teeth, walked into the underwear shop anyway, and bought a set of underwear for Ling Wuyi.

After buying everything from inside to outside, from top to bottom, Yan Yu took Ling Wuyi to the restroom of the mall.

Put her and the bag of clothes in the bathroom when no one was around, and then come out and wait.

While standing outside the bathroom waiting for Ling Wu, Yan Yu suddenly felt that his brain was really flooded!

To buy clothes for Ling Wuxi, he can ask his secretary or assistant to buy them!

Even if it's the weekend, if he calls them to ask them to do something, they won't be rejected!

So... why on earth did he bring Ling Wu to buy it himself? !

After waiting outside the bathroom for about ten minutes, someone suddenly patted me on the shoulder.

When Yan Yu turned his head, he saw Ling Wuyue, who was wearing a white dress and small white leather shoes, looking at him with a bright smile.

Her smile is very eye-catching, and her long red hair is also very eye-catching.

Although it was the bright red one, the same color as her rabbit fur, it was very bright but it didn't look abrupt or ugly.

"Does it look good?" Ling Wuwen held the skirt and twirled it in front of Yan Yu's eyes.

Yan Yuyou was watching carefully, the skirt fit very well, and the shoes fit well.

Nodding slightly: "Yes." He chose it himself, of course it's good.

Ling Wuwen jumped up and down, there was no need to go, so she jumped directly to Yan Yu's side to hold his hand.

Just as she was about to speak, Yan Yu spoke first: "Don't jump, walk."

Yan Yu thought that Ling Wuyue couldn't walk, so she couldn't help but remind her.

It is understandable to walk alone and occasionally jump up and down. It would be weird if it kept bouncing around.

Ling Wuyue let out an oh, and the smile on her face didn't diminish.

She is in a very good mood now, because just now, Yan Yu added 20 favorability points to her at once.

In other words, there are already seventy favorability points!

Yan Yu didn't speak, and let Ling Wuwen hold his hand and lead her to continue shopping.

One set of clothes is not enough, since we are here, we should buy more——

Not to mention, after being a rabbit for three months, Ling Wuyi really almost forgot how to walk.

After taking two steps, she wanted to jump again, but she held back after receiving Yan Yu's warning eyes.

After walking for a while, Ling Wuyi finally recovered, and then she was able to hold Yan Yu's hand and walk like a normal person.

As a demon who has just cultivated human form, Ling Wuwen must of course act as if she is dazzled by this colorful world, seeing everything is novel——

Looking at the pile of things that the deliveryman just delivered, Yan Yu felt that there was something wrong with his mind.

He even went shopping with Ling Wuyi for a whole day, and then bought a bunch of things for her.

Ling Wuxi was sitting on the ground looking at her things, she didn't realize it when she bought it, but now it's really a lot.

Looking up at Yan Yu, she asked him: "Yan Yu~ What should I do about these?"

Yan Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "Put it in the bedroom."

When renovating the house, he only planned to make a bedroom, but the area here is very large, and there is still a lot of space after making a study and a gym, so he built a cloakroom in the bedroom.

He usually doesn't like to dress up, and the styles of his clothes are almost the same, and it only occupies a small place in the cloakroom until now.

It's just right now, it's just right to install these things for Ling Wu.

Yan Yu has temporarily forgotten his decision to let Ling Wumi leave last night, and even gave her the place in his cloakroom.

Ling Wuwen still remembered that Yan Yu asked her to leave last night, but now that Yan Yu didn't mention it, she of course pretended not to know.

"Oh, that's fine. But Yan Yu, as you said, I can't enter the bedroom..." Ling Wuwen sat on the ground, looking up at Yan Yu.

Yan Yu paused, and suddenly thought of a question.

These things are quite easy to solve, just put them in the cloakroom.

But Ling Wu, how to solve it?

It's changed into a human form, so it's better not to change back to its original form, right? If you change back and forth and get caught by someone, it will definitely be dangerous.

So, where does the humanoid catkin sleep at night?

This question made Yan Yu a little annoyed.

Is it difficult to let her live in his room? But there was only one bed in the room.

Let her continue to sleep on the sofa? But that's not good, is it?

"Yan Yu? Yan Yu? Yan Yu, what are you thinking?" Ling Wuwen tugged at Yan Yu's hand.

Yan Yu lowered his head and looked at Ling Wuyi squatting at his feet.

With red hair, Yan Yu couldn't help but think of Ling Wu's catkin shape.

After hesitating for a while, Yan Yu said, "You are allowed to enter the room."

"Eh? Will I be able to enter the room in the future?" Ling Wuwen asked Yan Yu with some joy.

Yan Yu nodded, Ling Wu was not allowed to enter the room before, because she was afraid that she would lose her hair.

Now this look...well...maybe hair loss too.

The human form is better than the rabbit form, although he is used to the catkin form.

But to be honest, if it weren't for Ling Wuyi's human nature, he would never raise an animal.

So Yan Yu didn't want Ling Wuwen to change back to its original shape, in fact, it was more because he didn't want to see the rabbit.

With Yan Yu's consent, Ling Wuwen started to enter the room with her things.

She always remembers that what she is going to play is a rabbit demon who has just cultivated into a human form, so it is definitely not something she can do to put things in the cloakroom properly.

Seeing that the neat cloakroom was piled up with catkins, Yan Yu, who had obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness, had his forehead bumped.

He had no choice but to help his forehead, he was only stupid to let him go.

Walking into the cloakroom in two or three steps, I wanted to lift the ears of Ling Wuyi who was squatting on the ground, but found that she no longer had long ears.

After a pause, I was really used to it, and once I got used to it, I couldn't change it for a while.

He bent down, supported Ling Wuxi's shoulders and made her stand aside.

Seeing Yan Yu who was very skillful in packing things up, Ling Wupin tilted her head: "Yan Yu, why are you so good? You can do anything!"

Yan Yu's movements paused, but he didn't answer Ling Wuxi's question.

Many people would be surprised that he is the chairman of a multinational company and the head of the richest family, yet he lives alone and doesn't hire a servant.

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