Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1458 Little Demon in the City (11)

Actually, Yan Yu just wanted to be quiet.

With so much time in a day, except for work, I always have to find something to do.

In addition, he is more willing to do these things.

Yan Yu put all the things that Ling Wutian bought for shopping in the cloakroom into his cloakroom, and then told Ling Wuwen how to use them.

After finishing speaking, Yan Yu looked at Ling Wuwen: "Where did you live before?"

Ling Wuyi tilted her head and said, "Before, I have been practicing in the forest. If I hadn't been hunted down by a monster catcher, I wouldn't have come to a human place."

Those monster catchers are also true. You said that killing all the monsters means you are unemployed?

What's more, not all monsters are bad.

For example, Liangyu, the rabbit demon, she is devoted to cultivation, she did nothing bad but was hunted down.

Yan Yu nodded, no wonder he didn't know anything.

But: "Why are you looking for me?"

Yan Yu suddenly remembered that when Ling Wu was still in the shape of a rabbit, he used Bai Suyun's mobile phone to call him, and when he saw him, he still bit his tie and refused to leave.

Why do you pester him like this?

It was Ling Wuyi who couldn't speak before, so he didn't ask.

Ling Wuxi blinked her eyes, this question...

"You don't know, I actually hid in your house secretly when I was hunted down, so..." Ling Wuxi lowered her head, whispering like a child who has done something wrong.

Of course, she made this up. But how could she explain that she knew him?

Yan Yu frowned, hiding in his house?

There was a rabbit in the house, and he didn't even know it!

Sure enough, demons are different...

Pursing his lips, Yan Yu looked at Ling Wuwen and said, "Don't tell others."

"Ah? Why don't you tell others?" Ling Wuwen looked at Yan Yu in confusion.

"You are a demon."

He was worried that Ling Wuyi would be silly and tell everyone that she was a demon.

"Oh, I won't tell others!" When speaking, he nodded vigorously.

"It's okay, don't change back to the rabbit shape." To avoid being seen.

Ling Wuxi nodded again: "Well, then have I always been like this? Does this look good?"

Yan Yu looked Ling Wuwen up and down, except for his short stature, he was perfect in both appearance and figure.

Nodding slightly: "Yeah."

Ling Wuwen leaned in front of Yan Yu, grinning brightly.

Yan Yu, who was dazzled by that smile, quickly shifted his gaze and looked at the time. It was almost time to prepare dinner at this point.

After telling Ling Wuji not to play with the things in the room, she went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

As soon as Yan Yu left, Ling Wuwen visited his room.

The main color is still white, and there are no decorations or photos.

Hmm~ I really don't feel like home.

It's a poor kid who doesn't have a mother and a father...

Walking to the bed and looking, the bed is quite big and comfortable, but will Yan Yu let her go to bed for dinner?

If Yan Yu doesn't let her change back into a rabbit shape, he will definitely sleep her on the bed, right?

After walking around the room, Ling Wuwen went out to the kitchen to watch Yan Yu make dinner.

Yan Yu also made two chicken legs for Ling Wuwen this evening, Ling Wuwen couldn't help but gnaw on one before dinner was ready.

Yan Yu didn't say anything, and kept her as a pet——

When it was time to go to bed at night, Yan Yu asked Ling Wu to sleep on the bed in the room.

"What about you?" Ling Wuwen asked Yan Yu.

Yan Yu thought for a while and said, "I sleep on the sofa."

Ling Wu's eyes fell on the sofa. Although the sofa was also big, it was still too narrow for Yan Yu to sleep on.

Shaking her head, Ling Wuwen went to the sofa and sat cross-legged: "I'll sleep here, I'm small."

Yan Yu disagreed, and Ling Wuwen refused to let him sleep on the sofa.

"Otherwise, let's sleep on the bed together!" Ling Wuxi got off the sofa and walked to Yan Yu's side.

"Puff, cough, cough..." Ling Wu's words made Yan Yu cough, choking on his own saliva.

He told himself that Ling Wuwen said that because he didn't understand the difference between men and women, not because of anything else.

Ling Wuwen thinks it is a good idea to sleep together! Anyway, the bed is so big, it's no problem for two people to sleep together!

Yan Yu was still in a daze and didn't speak, Ling Wuwen directly took his hand and walked into the bedroom.

Her strength was so strong that Yan Yu couldn't break free.

Just like that, she was pulled into the room by Ling Wuyue, and then pushed down on the bed.

Ling Wuwen was also lying on the bed, with her arms around Yan Yu's waist, so heavy that he couldn't move.

"Okay~ Let's sleep like this!" Ling Wu said very satisfied.

Yan Yu's body was stiff, this was the first time that Ling Wu had been in such close contact with him since he became a human.

Just before, the intimate contact between him and Ling Wuxi was when he pinched her ear and lifted her, and she squatted on his shoulder.

But now... Ling Wuwen threw herself into his arms.

She could clearly feel her body temperature, and her unexpected body fragrance.

Yan Yu's ears turned red in disappointment.

After maintaining this posture for a long time, Yan Yu finally moved his fingers.

The Adam's apple also moved up and down, and said, "Relax, I haven't bathed yet."

Ling Wu, who was almost falling asleep, moved her ears habitually, and then opened her eyes.

She looked up at Yan Yu, but she didn't let go of him: "I took a shower yesterday, why do I have to take a shower today?"

She was washed once a week as a rabbit, of course she had to ask that question.

"... From now on, you have to wash every day." How can the human form and the rabbit form be the same?

Ling Wuyi snorted: "Then, do you want to go to the pet shop and ask the beautiful sister to wash it for me?"

Yan Yu: O__O "...

Looking at those shiny black eyes, Yan Yu suddenly realized that he needed to popularize the human way of life for Ling Wuniao.

Organized the language, and then said to Ling Wuwen: "In the future..."

This evening, it was destined to break Yan Yu's habit of cherishing words like gold.

The two talked on the bed for a long time, and Yan Yu took a lot of effort to 'teach' Ling Wuyi some daily life.

"Okay, I'll get you some water, and you go take a shower." Yan Yu got up from the bed.

Ling Wuxi sat on the bed, watching Yan Yu go to the bathroom to fill her with water.

Just now Yan Yu has been teaching her how to behave, but she pretends to be ignorant.

It was really funny to see Yan Yu speechless.

And what Yan Yu said to her today is much more than three months combined!

It seems that she will have to pretend to be stupid more in the future, so that Yan Yu will talk to her more——

The sound of water in the bathroom over there stopped, Yan Yu came out of the bathroom, and went to the cloakroom to find a nightgown and **** for Ling Wuwen. You go to the bathroom and take a shower, wash it with the pink one Wipe off the water with a towel. "

Ling Wuwen took the nightgown and **** from Yan Yu's hand, originally wanted to tease Yan Yu, saying that she couldn't take a bath and asked him to teach her.

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