Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1460 Little Demon in the City (13)

In recent years, monster hunters have been hunting monsters frantically.

What he knew was that there was only this rabbit demon in front of him in the world now.

Originally, he thought that after killing this monster, he could switch to other jobs.

Of course he believes that there are good and bad monsters, but he thinks that monsters must not do good things in the place of human beings.

But when Ling Wuwen said that she was forced out by the demon catcher, Yi Fan felt that he was the bad one.

"Then you go back to the forest, I won't kill you." Yi Fan said.

Ling Wuxi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she still didn't let go of her guard.

She looked at Yi Fan and said, "If you don't hunt me down, won't there be other monster hunters chasing me? Do you think I can live to return to my own place?"

"Then...then what are you going to do?" Yi Fan frowned. He was not a deep-rooted man, so he was easy to deceive.

Ling Wuwen said so much, of course there is a purpose.

Her purpose is to...

"Do you have anything that can cover up my demonic aura? I promise to live like an ordinary person." Yi Fan has a treasure in his hand that can cover up the demonic aura.

In his memory, because of Kong Linglong, Yi Fan took out the treasure to Liangyu.

Originally, Liangyu's seductive aura would not be noticed after having that treasure, but later because of Yi Fan's injury...

In addition to suppressing the evil spirit, that treasure can also suppress the cultivation base.

In other words, after wearing that treasure, he is no different from an ordinary person.

At that time, Liangyu took off the treasure in order to save Yi Fan.

The demonic aura leaked from one side, she was a demon, so of course she was wiped out by the demon catcher.

Yes, Yi Fan likes Kong Linglong, and Liangyu likes Yi Fan.

A demon, but fell in love with a demon catcher, and a demon catcher who likes others——

Yi Fan's eyes lit up, thinking that he could give the treasure to Ling Wu.

He mainly thought that if Ling Wuwen wanted to live, he would definitely not dare to take the treasure off his body.

If she doesn't take it off, she is no different from ordinary people.

Yi Fan is also simple-minded, he didn't even think about it, how could Ling Wuyi know that he has a treasure that can hide the evil spirit?

"Okay, I'll give it to you, but you must not do bad things. If you let me know that you have done bad things, I will never forgive you!"

Ling Wuxi nodded, then spread her hand, beckoning Yi Fan to give it to her.

Without much hesitation, Yi Fan gave the treasure to Ling Wuyue.

The treasure is an ordinary necklace, which looks like a street stall.

After wearing it, you don't have to worry about being recognized by a monster catcher, because no one knows the existence of this necklace.

Ling Wuyi put on the necklace, and instantly she lost her demonic aura.

Of course, the necklace also suppressed her, and she couldn't fly or change back to her original shape.

"Okay, let's go." Yi Fan said to Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuwen spread her hands again, and said to Yi Fan, "Do you have any money? Lend me some. I don't have any money with me. You can't let me steal it, can you?"

Yi Fan: "..."

Although a little speechless, Yi Fan still took out his wallet and took out 500 yuan: "Is it enough?" He also asked Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuxi thought about it, staying in a hotel for one night is not enough!

By the way, she doesn't have an ID card yet!


Instead of taking the money from Yi Fan, he said to him: "Help people to the end! Help me get an ID card or something, otherwise I won't be able to act like ordinary people!"

Originally, Ling Wuyi thought her request was too much, and Yi Fan would not agree to it!

Unexpectedly, Yi Fan really agreed!

Yi Fan took Ling Wupi into his car, and he lived in the car with Ling Wupin.

Ling Wuwen also admires Yi Fan's perseverance, and has followed her for so long!

After getting into the car, Yi Fan took out his laptop.

"What's your name?" Yi Fan asked.

"Liangyu." Ling Wujin watched as Yi Fan took out the computer, turned it on and hacked into the computer of the Public Security Bureau, preparing to fill in her identity information.

"Is it these two words?" Yi Fan typed Liangyu in the name column.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Well, this is it."

Yi Fan then entered the information: "Age."

"Five hundred years old."

"Uh... I'd better write you eighteen years old." Writing five hundred years old might scare people to death.

Ling Wuwen said she had no objection, whether she was eighteen or twenty-eight.

He took a photo of Ling Wuwen's ID, and within ten minutes, Yi Fan entered Ling Wuwen's identity into the database.

Then he told Ling Wuwen: "After two days, the Public Security Bureau will call me, and you can go get your ID card and household registration booklet."

"That's enough?" Ling Wuwen only knew that Yi Fan was a very powerful hacker, but he didn't know that he was so powerful.

In ten minutes, her identity was settled.

Yi Fan nodded: "Well, that's fine. Then you..."

"Can you take me in, after I get my ID card and household registration book?" Without an ID card, she can't stay in a hotel either.

She could go back and live in Yan Yu's house shamelessly, but she didn't want to go back so soon.

Yi Fan is also very talkative, Ling Wuwen asked him to take him in, and he really agreed.

He sat back in the driver's seat and drove Ling Wuxi back to his residence.

After the car left, Ling Wuwen checked Yan Yu's location using location search, and found that he was still at home.

Hey... He really didn't come out to chase her!

Yan Yu originally wanted to go out, and wanted to tell Ling Wuyue to let her leave in a few days.

But he was also worried that Ling Wuyi would not leave once she stayed, so he couldn't bear to drive her away.

So forget it, let's go.

She is a demon, she can definitely survive outside...

But, isn't there a monster catcher chasing her? What if she was caught by the demon catcher?

Thinking of this, Yan Yu could no longer calm down.

He hurriedly opened the door and went out, went downstairs and left the community.

It's a pity that Ling Wuyi had been away from Yi Fan for a long time, and she didn't know that Yan Yu found out later——

Yi Fan's residence is a two-bedroom suite, which is small but very cozy.

From Liangyu's memory, I know that Yi Fan had a younger sister, but the younger sister died of illness.

Yi Fan let Ling Wumi live in his younger sister's room, and took her sister's clothes to change for Ling Wumi.

"It's getting late, you can rest assured to stay here, as long as you don't do bad things, I won't do anything to you." Yi Fan said.

Ling Wuwen smiled gratefully at him: "Thank you, Yi Fan."

"Eh? How do you know my name is Yi Fan?" Yi Fan was a little puzzled, as if he hadn't introduced himself yet!

"When you opened your wallet just now, I saw the name on your ID card." Ling Wuxi explained.

Yi Fan suddenly realized, and scratched the back of his head: "Then you go to sleep, I'm going out."

After finishing speaking, Yi Fan left the room and closed the door smoothly.

Ling Wuwen changed into Yi Fan's sister's pajamas, lay on the bed and got ready to sleep.

You can't practice if you wear the necklace, and she doesn't plan to practice anymore.

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