Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1461 Little Demon in the City (14)

As long as she doesn't take off the necklace, no one except Yi Fan and Yan Yu will know that she is a demon.


In the plot, Yi Fan gave up killing Liangyu because of Kong Linglong, and gave her the necklace to wear.

But she died in the hands of the demon catcher in order to save Yi Fan.

That monster catcher is the one who hunted and killed monsters crazily these years.

Leaving Yan Yu, in fact Ling Wuyue was still planning to find the demon catcher.

The reason why the demon catcher killed the demon was to take the demon's inner alchemy to practice an elixir of life.

It's just a pity that he killed all the demons in the end, and he didn't practice the elixir of life...

snort! For his own selfish gain, he killed all the demons, and finally killed Liangyu.

This account must be settled with him!

Although the monster catcher is very powerful, she can't beat him absolutely.

But, who said that force must be used to deal with demon catchers?

Ling Wuxi tilted her head, looking at the photos on the bedside table.

There is a man and a woman in the photo, the man is Yi Fan with a baby face, and the woman is Yi Fan's younger sister, who also has a baby face.

The two of them smiled brightly and looked really beautiful.

Yi Fan is someone who can be trusted, but Ling Wuyi won't stay by his side for long.

After getting her ID card and household registration book, she left.


Yan Yu, who hadn't slept all night, got up from the bed, went to the bathroom to wash up, and opened the cloakroom to get clothes.

Seeing more than half of the things in the cloakroom that didn't belong to him, he paused.

He changed his clothes as if nothing had happened, and left the room.

When he reached the living room, he glanced at the sofa reflexively.

But there...there is no red rabbit.

There is always something empty in my heart.

He shook his head lightly, as if to drive away the inexplicable feeling.

Go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, habitually take out a piece of meat, and habitually prepare two breakfasts.

But when he smelled the smell of meat, Yan Yu was stunned again.

Pursing his lips tightly, he dumped the meat in the pot directly into the trash can.

Feeling a little irritable, I didn't even eat breakfast, and went directly to the company——

Everyone in the company today knows two things. The first is that the chairman did not bring a rabbit, and the second is that the chairman is very irritable.

In just one meeting, five people were fired, nine people were demoted, and dozens of people were deducted year-end bonuses.

The first point can be ignored, but the second point... Anyway, the people in the company are cautious, and they don't even dare to speak loudly when they are breathing.

Throughout the day, Yan Yu felt very uncomfortable, something was wrong.

Just like eating gunpowder, he will explode at the slightest disappointment.

In the eyes of those in the company, he is simply a disaster!

Yan Yu leaned on the office chair, closed his eyes, and frowned tightly.

He told himself that it was just a rabbit, it was just a rabbit who had been trained to become a demon.

He is a human, she is a demon, it is only natural for him to let her go.

So, he doesn't need to worry.

Even if she is caught by the demon catcher...

Yan Yu became even more irritable when he thought of a demon catcher catching Ling Wuwen.

He knew he shouldn't worry, but he was worried!

No, we must find her!

Thinking of this, Yan Yu no longer has the mind to work.

Pick up the phone, send someone to find a red rabbit, and then call attention to a beautiful girl with red hair.

Worried that those people would not be found, Yan Yu simply drew Ling Wu's appearance.

Yan Yu has learned to draw, so the catkins he draws are just like photos.

After handing over the painting to the people below, Yan Yucai tried his best to focus on his work.


Ling Wuyi didn't know that Yan Yu was asking for her. She stayed at Yi Fan's house for two days, and the Public Security Bureau called to tell her to get her ID card and household registration booklet.

Ling Wuyue, who got her ID card and household registration booklet, left the city directly, and went to find that demon catcher...

Over there, Yan Yu, who had been waiting for several days, received a call.

"Chairman, that girl has been found, is she called Liangyu?"

Yan Yuteng, who was about to sleep, sat up from the bed: "That's right, where is she?"

"Yesterday, she left city E and flew to country Y."

Yan Yu frowned slightly, went to Country Y? What are you going to do in country Y?

"Did she go alone?" Yan Yu asked.


Yan Yu's brows are still not loosened. Could it be that he went to country Y to avoid the demon catcher?

"Are you sure someone is following her?" What if the demon catcher still followed her secretly?

I was stunned over there, he was only responsible for finding someone. The person was found, of course he didn't pay attention to whether someone would follow him.

"I'm going to check the surveillance again..."

"No, send me the monitoring. Also, send someone to country Y to find her."


After hanging up the phone, Yan Yu took out his laptop and turned it on to receive the surveillance video from the airport.

In the picture, Ling Wuxi is carrying a backpack, wearing the clothes and shoes he bought for her, and boarding the plane with the ticket and ID card.

Soon, Yan Yu's eyes fell on a young man wearing a black T-shirt.

The man's gaze was on Ling Wuwen all the time, he didn't get close to Ling Wuwen, but kept some distance away.

He, following Ling Wuyue, checked in and boarded the plane.

Yan Yu reversed the video, intercepted a clearer frontal photo, and asked people to check it.

The young man in the video is Yi Fan who took Ling Wumi in for a few days and lent her money to buy a plane ticket.

Because Yi Fan asked Ling Wuwen what he was going to do in Country Y, but Ling Wuwen didn't say anything.

Yi Fan felt that since he let Ling Wuwen go, he had a responsibility towards her.

So when he bought an air ticket for Ling Wuyi, he also bought one for himself, and decided to follow her.

Of course Ling Wuyi knew that Yi Fan was following her, but she pretended not to know.

With Yi Fan around, he can actually help her——

After Ling Wuyi arrived in country Y, she prepared to use the locator to search for the location of the demon catcher.

Of course, she came to country Y to settle accounts with that monster catcher.

Before she came, she searched for that person's location with location search, and found out that he was in country Y.

That being the case, then come to country Y.

Seeing that there was only one location search left, Ling Wuyi decided not to use it.

Still have to keep it, use it at critical moments——

From the corner of the eye, she glanced at Yi Fan who was following her, and Ling Wuyue walked away quickly.

Seeing Ling Wuwen walking so fast, Yi Fan was startled and hurried to catch up.

As a result, after reaching a corner, there was no sign of Ling Wuxie!

Yi Fan was at a loss, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?

Just when Yi Fan was going to look for Ling Wuwen nearby, someone patted his shoulder.

Looking back, he saw Ling Wuwen.

Yi Fan blinked: "You...you..."

Ling Wuyi raised her lips and raised her eyebrows, "You still like to follow me!"

"I'm worried that you will..."

"Worried that I will do bad things? Worried that if I go abroad and do bad things, you won't be able to catch me in time?"

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