Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1465 Little Demon in the City (18)

The next moment, he fell to the ground, dying with regret.

Ling Wuwen put the sword on the ground, if she hadn't been afraid of the jade unicorn so many weapons that she couldn't touch, she wouldn't have waited until now.

But it's not bad now, let those monsters vent their anger——

After Yu Qilin died, the Banshee Queen left with those monsters.

The Banshee Queen originally wanted to take Ling Wuwen away, but Ling Wuwen said that she still had something to do, so she couldn't leave.

That being the case, the Banshee Queen is not reluctant.

Ling Wuyi said goodbye to Liangyu's friends again, and sent them away.

Rescuing those monsters, Ling Wujin felt that this was fulfilling Liangyu's wish.

If it wasn't for her limited ability, Liangyu would really like to save those fellow clansmen.

"Liangyu, I'm sorry, I have chased you down and killed you several times." Yi Fan left the manor without anyone noticing, and looked at Ling Wuyue with guilt on his face.

Ling Wuqin smiled, and put on the necklace: "It's okay, thanks to you, I rescued the Queen so easily!"

Originally, Ling Wuyue thought that she could save as many as she could, but she didn't expect that there were so many more!

Fortunately, Yu Qilin's room is big enough, otherwise it wouldn't be able to accommodate hundreds of monsters.

"By the way, why didn't you leave with them?" Yi Fan was a little puzzled seeing Ling Wuwen put on the necklace again.

Ling Wuwen blushed at this moment: "Because I fell in love with a human being..."

"What?! But you and humans..."

"Don't worry, I just want to protect him." Ling Wuxi said.

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Yi Fan didn't know what to say.

After getting along with Ling Wuwen for this period of time, his prejudice against monsters has completely disappeared.

"The human being you like is Yan Yu, right?" After following Ling Wuyue for several months, of course he knew Yan Yu.

Before Ling Wuyi was in human form, she followed Yan Yu every day, so it's no wonder that she didn't like Yan Yu!

"Well, it's him."

"Then he...knows that you are a demon?"

"Yeah. I know."

"So, he drove you away?"

"Well, he may not be able to accept my identity as a demon." However, Yan Yu will accept it sooner or later.

After coming to country Y for half a month, the favorability has risen from 70 points to 85 points, so what are you worried about?

"What are you going to do now? Are you looking for him?" Yi Fan, who had just booked a flight back home with a computer, turned his head to look at Ling Wu.

"You are my elder brother~ you should be able to help me find a job, right?" Ling Wuwen approached Yi Fan with a smile.

She could tell that Yi Fan really regarded her as his younger sister.

In this case, she doesn't mind either.

Yi Fan raised his hand and rubbed Ling Wu's hair, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, let's be a sister for a day, let's be a sister for a lifetime!"

Although counted as living age, he is several hundred years younger than the monster in front of him.

With a younger sister, he also has a goal in life!

——Since then, Yi Fan has embarked on the road of sister control——

Ling Wuwen went back to China with Yi Fan, and the detective there who couldn't find her finally called Yan Yu.

"Have you found it?" As soon as he answered the phone, Yan Yu went straight to the topic.

"Yes, the chairman, he has already returned to China with that person named Yi Fan."

Yan Yu took a light breath and returned safely, which showed that the man was not the demon catcher he thought.

Maybe it's Ling Wuwen's new 'master'?

Thinking about it this way, Yan Yu felt that his worries over the past half a month were superfluous, he didn't know how nourishing his life was!

Going to country Y may be a tourist trip!

The more he thought about it, the more Yan Yu felt that he was a joke, a big joke!

Ling Wuyi, who just got off the plane and was going to Yan Yu's company to find Yan Yu, suddenly felt that her favorability point from 85 points had dropped to 50 points!

At that time, Ling Wuwen was completely stunned, with an expression of 'stunned baby'!

Yi Fan, who just came over with his luggage, tilted his head to look at her with some doubts: "What's wrong?"

Ling Wuxi's mood is broken...

She didn't do anything, and she was still glad that she left for half a month, and her favorability increased from 70 points to 85 points.

Originally, I thought that maybe she would appear in front of Yan Yu again and act coquettishly with him, maybe the favorability could rise to ninety points!

But I haven't had time to be happy... The favorability level "clicked" and dropped to 50 points!

My heart sank instantly.

Shaking his head, he responded to Yi Fan: "It's fine."

"Oh, let's go." Yi Fan took Ling Wuwen to the parking lot, and drove away his car that had been parked for more than half a month.

Originally, she planned to go to Yan Yu's company, but now she only has 50 favorability points... She should go to him after a while.


After returning to China, Ling Wuwen lived in Yi Fan's house as Yi Fan's younger sister.

Stop catching monsters, and of course Yi Fan has found a proper job and no longer works part-time.

He signed up for many training classes for Ling Wuyi and asked her to study.

In order to obtain a certificate to enter the job, of course Ling Wuyi also cooperated with the study, and even took a college diploma by herself.

The main reason for getting a college degree is that Ling Wuyi intends to apply for a job in Yan Yu's company.

She has been away from Yan Yu for more than three months, it's time to find him.

Yan Yu's company is recruiting recently, and Yi Fan has already sent her resume for her.

The reason why Ling Wuwen applied for Yan Yu's company, of course he knew the reason, and expressed his support!

"Why don't I go to Yan's Group too? If that Yan Yu makes things difficult for you, I can help you!" After getting along for a few months, Yi Fan has become a full-fledged sister-in-law, thinking about Ling Wu first. .

Yi Fan developed a kind of affection for Ling Wuwen, this kind of affection is called family affection.

This is a feeling that Ling Wuyi feels more at ease, and Yi Fan regards her as a family member.

In this way, she doesn't have to worry about staying with Yi Fan for too long.

"You only go there if you really like the work of Yan's Group, don't always do it because of me. I've learned so much anyway, I can do it myself!" Ling Wuwen replied to Yi Fan while cooking.

"Oh~ then I won't go." His current job is pretty good, leisurely, and it's also in his interest——

After submitting the resume, Ling Wuyi was soon notified to go for an interview.

On this day, Ling Wuyi specially dressed up before going to the interview.

The result of the interview was considered a success, because the interviewer was satisfied with Ling Wuxi's adaptability.

But the interviewer had a request, which was to ask Ling Wuyi to cut her long hair short and dye it black.

Ling Wuwen refused, she likes her current hair very much.

Originally, she wanted to appear in front of Yan Yu with a very capable image, but just because of her loli appearance, she is not suitable to be Yu Jie.

Forget it, let's go directly to Yan Yu.

Coming out of the interview hall, Ling Wuwen looked at the time.

There are still several hours before Yan Yu gets off work, so wait outside for him to get off work.

Ling Wuwen waited outside first, and then went to the parking lot when it was almost time for Yan Yu to get off work.

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