Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1466 Little Demon in the City (19)

He walked to Yan Yu's parking space with ease, and secretly squatted on the ground to hide.

Since Yan Yu can't be surprised, let him be frightened. Ling Wuwen, who was squatting on the ground, secretly smiled.

The familiar footsteps sounded, and Ling Wu's ears moved.

Listening to the voice calculating the distance between Yan Yu and her, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

When Yan Yu walked to the front of the car, Ling Wuwen jumped out and yelled: "Don't move, Jiese!!!"

In the entire parking lot, there are currently only Ling Wu and Yan Yu.

Yan Yu was startled by the sudden shout, but he wasn't frightened, but...Jie Se?

Looking at Ling Wuwen standing in front of him with a smile, the expression on Yan Yu's face was only shock at the beginning.

I haven't seen her for a few months, but Ling Wuyue is still as she remembers.

In the past few months, he has sent people to see how she is from time to time. He knows that she and Yi Fan are brother and sister, and that Yi Fan treats her very well, like a sister.

He knew that Yi Fan had enrolled her in a training course, and that she had passed the college diploma exam by herself.

He even found out that she had come to the company to apply for a job before he got off work.

Out of selfishness, he specifically ordered the personnel department to hire her.

He knew this, but did nothing.

I keep telling myself that shemales have different paths. Now that I know that Ling Wuwen is doing well, that's enough.

Looking at Ling Wuwen, Yan Yu worked hard to show that he was calm.

But Ling Wuxi knew that he was not calm.

Because just when the two people looked at each other, the fifty points of favorability increased to seventy-five points.

Although it didn't add back eighty-five points, it was not bad.

She lowered her head in embarrassment, walked up to Yan Yu, and said in a low voice, "I... I have learned a lot, and even got a college degree."

Yan Yu said in his heart: "I know." But he didn't speak.

"I came to the company to apply for a job today. I thought I would surprise you with a very capable image...but the interviewer asked me to cut my hair short and dye it black. I don't want to. So I guess I won't be hired .”

Yan Yu said again in his heart: "I know."

"I just want to meet you..." This sentence, Ling Wuwen said in a softer voice, but made sure that Yan Yu could hear it.

As soon as the words fell, the favorability increased to eighty points.

Ling Wuyi looked up at Yan Yu cautiously, said: "I'm leaving." Then she turned and prepared to leave.

As soon as he lifted his foot, he heard Yan Yu finally speak.


Although it was only two words, a happy smile appeared on Ling Wu's face.

She turned her head to look at Yan Yu, waiting for Yan Yu to speak.

Yan Yu pursed his lips and opened them for a while: "You..."

"You" is over, Yan Yu doesn't know what to say.

"Huh? What?" Ling Wuwen asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Tomorrow you can come to work in the company, report directly to the HR department, and I will explain it to you." After speaking, Yan Yu got into the car and left quickly.

Ling Wuxi stood where she was, blinked first, and then grinned.

"Oye! Awesome!"

Originally, he thought that if he couldn't be admitted, he would at least show his presence in front of Yan Yu.

Unexpectedly! Not only did he increase his favorability, but he was also notified directly that he could go to work!

This means that Yan Yu also wants to see her, right?

Hmm~ I don't know what position Yan Yu plans to arrange for her? She applied for the design department.

No matter which department you are in, anyway, it would be great to see Yan Yu every day in the future!

Even if you can't see it at work, you can always see it when you eat!

The phone rang, and Ling Wuxi took it out of her bag.

It was Yi Fan who called, and Yi Fan asked where she was, and he could pick her up just after get off work.

"I'm in Yan's Group, come here, I'll wait for you by the side of the road."

After hanging up Yi Fan's phone, Ling Wuwen went out.

Yi Fan's position is very close to her, so he will arrive soon.

Ling Wuyi glanced at the global limited-edition luxury car parked by the side of the road and pretended not to know, got in the car and left with Yi Fan.

Yan Yu, who had parked his car on the side of the road, kept watching the car Ling Wumi was sitting in left. After he got out of the parking lot, he thought that if Ling Wumi came out, he would kindly see her off.

But I didn't expect that a car would come to pick her up as soon as Ling Wuyi came out.

He recognized the man driving the car, that Yi Fan who was quite similar to Ling Wuxi's brother and sister.

Although it is said that they are brothers and sisters, Ling Wuyi has been living with him for the past few months...

Yan Yu is always a little bit hostile towards Yi Fan, wondering if it's because men don't like men?

Or is it because he still regards Ling Wuyue as his pet in his heart, so seeing Ling Wuyue with others makes him unhappy?

What's the use of being upset! He let her go!

Holding the steering wheel tightly and then loosening, Yan Yu took a deep breath, started the car and left——

"How was the interview?" Yi Fan asked Ling Wuyi while looking at the car.

Ling Wuxi raised her chin proudly: "Of course it was a success! I can report to the company tomorrow!"

"So fast? Don't we have to wait for a few days to know the result?" Yi Fan was a little surprised. Big companies are so efficient?

"No, it was Yan Yu who told me to report directly to the HR department tomorrow."

Yi Fan suddenly realized: "Did you see him today?"

Ling Wuxi nodded: "I went to the parking lot to wait for him."

"Haha~ No wonder! It seems that Yan Yu of yours is still a person with a cold face and a warm heart, and duplicity!"

Ling Wuqin smiled and did not continue this topic.

Yan Yu is indeed a person with a cold face and a warm heart. I don't know if he is still unhappy every time he goes back to Yan's house without her by his side for more than three months?


The next day, Ling Wuwen was wearing an orange professional suit and her red hair was tied up. Yi Fan drove her to Yan's Group.

"Do you want me to take you in?" After getting out of the car, Yi Fan was still a little worried.

Although she has learned a lot in a few months, she is still a monster who has not yet entered the world!

This is my first time working, in case I'm not used to it...

Ling Wu patted the back of Yi Fan's head: "You don't trust my ability that much?"

"Trust trust! Of course I do! You are my sister!" Yi Fan rubbed the back of his head and said with a smile.

"That's it! Okay, I'll go in, you go to work." Ling Wuwen waved to Yi Fan, turned and walked into the gate of Yan's Group Company.

Yi Fan saw Ling Wuwen leaving, so he also got in the car and left.

According to what Yan Yu said, Ling Wuwen went to the HR department to report, and then waited for the assignment.

"Liangyu, right? Come with me." The HR manager was very polite to Ling Wuyi.

Are you welcome? Early this morning, the chairman called to say he had hired a new employee.

Being able to be personally explained by the chairman, the HR manager was as nervous as entertaining the chairman when entertaining Ling Wuni.

Luckily she looks like a very cute little girl...

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