Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1472 Little Demon in the City (25)

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, and just stayed beside Yan Yu quietly.

The entire cemetery was so quiet that it seemed that there was no sound of breathing.

"Grandpa, I'm tired."

"Grandpa, I don't want to worry about them anymore."

"Grandpa, I just want to live for myself. Live the way I want..."

"Grandpa, have you seen the girl next to me? I like her, even if she is not human, I like her too."

"Grandpa, if what I do in the future is different from your last wish, please forgive me."

Yan Yu didn't say these words, but Ling Wuyi listened with her mind reading skills.

Because the surrounding was really quiet and terrifying, she simply used mind reading techniques to read Yan Yu's inner activities.

When she heard Yan Yu say that she liked her even if she was not human, Ling Wu was inexplicably shy.

Although the phrase "Even if she is not human", seems to be a curse.

But she is indeed 'not human'...

—— After staying in the cemetery for at least two hours, Yan Yu finally left with Ling Wu.

After leaving, Yan Yu's mood completely improved, and he returned home to make Ling Wu's supper.

Ling Wuxi knew that it was because he had finally figured out some things and completely let go of the burden that Grandpa Yan had placed on him.

While at the cemetery, Ling Wuwen heard Yan Yu say that after Bai Suyun and Kong Linglong got married, he would distribute the property that the rest of the Yan family should have according to another will.

After that, don't care about them anymore.

Those of the Yan family, if they were honest at the beginning, it would be okay, but now they are dead——

After eating the midnight snack made by Yan Yu herself, Ling Wuyi went back to her room.

In the middle of the night, I felt my rabbit ears itch.

When I moved, the itching stopped, but soon it started to itch again.

Ling Wuxi was a little impatient, she opened her eyes and saw Yan Yu sleeping next to her, pinching her rabbit ears.

"...Yan Yu, why are you on my bed?"

She remembers the first time Yan Yu was allowed to sleep in the same bed as her, Yan Yu seemed to be facing a big enemy!

What now, why did you take the initiative to come to her bed?

"Can't sleep."

Ling Wuwen blinked, not quite understanding what Yan Yu said.

Can't sleep, so come and pinch her bunny ears?

Indeed, Yan Yu just couldn't sleep, so he came to see if the rabbit's ears were exposed.

Unexpectedly, Ling Wuyue really exposed the rabbit ears, so she couldn't help pinching them.

After pinching it, I was reluctant to let go as if addicted.

Then, Yan Yu simply lay down on Ling Wu's bed...

She closed her ears in a speechless manner, then tooted and said, "You itch when you pinch it~"

Yan Yu's palms were empty all of a sudden, he just touched his hair if he didn't touch anything.

Miraculously, the feeling of the hair is similar to that of the ears, both are soft.

"Go to sleep." Yan Yu didn't intend to leave, but asked Ling Wuxi to close her eyes and go to sleep.

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Although he was a little speechless, he closed his eyes obediently and went to sleep.

Yan Yu put his hand on top of her head, rubbing it from time to time.

However, the top of the head is not itchy like the ears, so Ling Wuyi chose to ignore it.

Before she knew it, she fell asleep——

When I woke up the next day, I saw Yan Yu's sleeping face as soon as I opened my eyes.

I checked the time with my phone, it was past nine o'clock.

Usually Yan Yu never got up so late, it didn't matter what time it was, he woke up at seven o'clock on time.

He never set an alarm clock, but he has a biological clock.

But today, Yan Yu doesn't seem to be waking up yet.

It was already twelve o'clock when I got home yesterday, and I had supper.

It was already one o'clock in the morning when she went to bed, and Yan Yu was still suffering from insomnia, probably later.

Carefully got up from the bed, not waking Yan Yu up.

Leaving the room, holding the wallet but forgetting to take the mobile phone, going out to buy groceries——

When Yan Yu woke up, he didn't see Ling Wuyue, so he thought she had woken up.

He went out but didn't see Ling Wuwen, Yan Yu looked around.

When he was sure that Ling Wuyi was not at home, he never let go of his brows.

He took his mobile phone to call Ling Wuxi, but heard the mobile phone ringing in the room.

Just when Yan Yu thought that Ling Wuwen had 'run away from home' and 'leaved without saying goodbye', the door was opened.

"Good morning~ did you sleep well?" Ling Wuwen was smiling all over her face with the vegetables in her hand.

The moment he saw Ling Wuwen, Yan Yu's heart dropped instantly.

"Good morning~ why didn't you wake me up?" Yan Yu walked up to Ling Wuyue in two or three steps, and took the vegetables in her hand.

Ling Wuqian smiled and walked behind Yan Yu to the kitchen, and replied, "Well~ didn't you suffer from insomnia last night? I think you went to bed so late, so you should wake up later!"

Yan Yu skillfully sorted those dishes into the refrigerator, then turned around and looked at Ling Wu Nie seriously.

"You promised me."

Ling Wuxi raised her eyebrows and asked, "What?"

"You said you would leave after I die, so don't leave me!"

Ling Wuxi nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't leave!"

Yan Yu didn't speak any more, but started to prepare breakfast.

It was too late, it was eleven o'clock after breakfast.

Ling Wuwen asked Yan Yu what to do today, Yan Yu thought about it, and said to take her to the movies.

"Huh? It's better to watch movies at night, right?" She always felt that the atmosphere of watching movies at night is better.

Yan Yu thought for a while and said, "Then go shopping first." Then watch a movie.

"Okay! Then I'll go online to see if there are any good movies today, and then book a movie ticket."

It's rare that Yan Yu wants to 'date' with her, so of course she can't wait for it!

"Yeah." Yan Yu nodded.

Ling Wuxi booked a movie ticket to watch a horror movie.

Yan Yu said, go shopping in the afternoon, then eat out, and then watch a movie.

Ling Wupi has no objection to this arrangement at all, and is still planning to make some snacks and take them to the cinema to watch while eating!

Move as soon as you say it, if you eat breakfast too late, then skip lunch and have afternoon tea.

When Ling Wuwen was preparing snacks, she prepared small snacks by the way.

At the beginning, Yan Yu was still watching, but later he followed to help Ling Wu.

After afternoon tea, Ling Wuwen sorted out the snacks and took them out.

What Yan Yu said about shopping was to take Ling Wuwen to a jewelry store.

But what Yan Yu mainly looked at was the ring.

Ling Wuyi was a little surprised, thinking that Yan Yu wanted to propose to her!

Now the favorability has just passed ninety, isn't it a bit too soon to propose?

Yan Yu is a very picky person, he was not satisfied with many rings after seeing them.

If you are not satisfied with this store, go to another store.

After choosing for more than three hours, Yan Yu finally chose a ring that he was quite satisfied with.

He personally put the ring on Ling Wu's hand and asked her: "Do you like it?"

The ring that Yan Yu had chosen for several hours was indeed very beautiful, and Ling Wuyi also nodded: "Yes, I like it very much!"

Yan Yu didn't speak, but his eyes were full of satisfaction.

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