Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1473 Little Demon in the City (26)

There is also a men's ring beside it, Yan Yu handed it to Ling Wu, and motioned for Ling Wu to put it on for him.

Ling Wu's cheeks were pink, but she still put the ring on for Yan Yu.

Putting on the ring, Yan Yu held Ling Wu's hand and admired it very satisfied.

I took out a card, and didn't let the clerk put on the ring, just put it on my hand.

Only then did Ling Wuxi know that Yan Yuxuan's ring was not a proposal ring, but a couple ring!

Tsk tsk tsk~ Do you want Jiang Zi? Also buy couple rings!

After buying the ring, the two went to the restaurant for dinner.

——At nine o'clock in the evening, the movie that Ling Wuyi wanted to watch was about to be shown.

Ling Wuwen took Yan Yu's hand, checked the ticket and entered the screening room.

As soon as she found a place to sit down, Ling Wuyi saw Yi Fan come in with a beautiful girl. She raised her eyebrows, it seemed that she was the girl Yi Fan hooked up with!

Ling Wuyi didn't intend to greet Yi Fan at first, but planned to wait until he found a seat to sit down, and then went to scare him when the movie was showing.

But she underestimated Yi Fan's eyesight and her and Yan Yu's looks.

Plus...it's just a coincidence that Yi Fan and that girl's seats are next to Ling Wu's!

"Sister! You didn't tell me when you came to the movie!"

"You didn't even tell me when you brought your girlfriend to watch the movie~" Ling Wuyi replied.

Yi Fan laughed so hard that his teeth lost his eyesight, but the girl next to him was extremely shy.

"Let me introduce, this is my sister Liangyu, and this is my sister's boyfriend Yan Yu."

Originally, Yi Fan wanted to say that Yan Yu was Ling Wu's boss, but then he thought about the panic he said, so he had to bite the bullet and say he was her boyfriend.

Yan Yu raised his eyebrows and did not deny it. When Yi Fan came in just now, he had already recognized him.

After introducing Ling Wuwen and Yan Yu, Yi Fan introduced his girlfriend: "This is my girlfriend, Meng Tianyao."

"Hello, I just heard my brother mention you! I wanted to find a chance to meet up another day, but I didn't expect to meet earlier." Ling Wuwen greeted Meng Tianyao with a smile.

Meng Tianyao is a girl with a good personality, gentle and gentle.

Ling Wuwen greeted her, and she also greeted with a smile: "Hi, I often hear your brother mention you too!"

After a few polite words, they began to keep quiet because the movie was showing.

Yan Yu is on the left of Ling Wuwen, Yi Fan is on the right, and Meng Tianyao is sitting next to Yi Fan.

Seeing that Ling Wuwen came out with some snacks, Yi Fan was not polite, and first reached for his pocket to share with Meng Tianyao.

"My sister made it herself, it's delicious!"

Looking at the well-made and seemingly delicious snacks, Meng Tianyao was a little surprised: "Liangyu's hands are so skillful!"

I reached out and picked one up, put it in my mouth and tasted it, the taste is much more delicious than imported snacks!

Meng Tianyao couldn't help but tell Ling Wuyao to let her teach her how to make it another day, and she also likes to eat snacks.

"Okay~ Next weekend, I will teach you how to do it next weekend." Ling Wuyi also readily agreed, and set the date directly.

After setting the date, she turned her head to look at Yan Yu and asked his opinion.

A smile flickered across Yan Yu's eyes, and he nodded slightly, agreeing.

"Then come home on the weekend." Yan Yu said.

After all, that Meng Tianyao is also Ling Wu's sister-in-law who has never been married, so it's no problem to invite her to the house.

Although he doesn't like to be lively, it's okay for one or two people to come to the house once in a while.

Because they are still watching movies in the cinema, they dare not discuss too much, as it will affect others.

After making an appointment with the time and place, each of them watched the movie seriously——

After watching the movie, the four of them went to the coffee shop to sit for a while and chatted.

Basically, Ling Wuwen was chatting with Yi Fan and Meng Tianyao, while Yan Yu sat aside and listened to their chat.

Although he didn't talk much, he didn't feel embarrassed.

Because he felt that just listening to Ling Wuwen's talk was very interesting, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

After chatting for about half an hour, Ling Wuwen, who ate two small cakes, said that she was going to the bathroom, and Meng Tianyao went with her.

Leaving Yi Fan and Yan Yu staring at each other, they seemed a little embarrassed.

Yan Yu is a quieter person, while Yi Fan is a more talkative person.

After taking a sip of coffee, he glanced at the silent Yan Yu, and after thinking about it, it was Yi Fan who spoke first.

"That... Liangyu, did you tell me about me?"

Yan Yu hummed, which was the answer.

Then, he stopped talking again.

Yi Fan scratched his ear, feeling inexplicably embarrassed.

"Your current relationship..."

"Couples." Now Yan Yu took the initiative to speak.

"Ah... oh...then you never thought that decades later, when you are old, she will still look very young?"

Yan Yu raised his eyes and looked at Yi Fan coldly.

He understood what Yi Fan meant, but he was just reminding him that demons have different paths.

Yi Fan was indeed reminding Yan Yu that although he expressed his support for Ling Wuyi to go to Yan Yu's side, he was actually very worried that Ling Wuyi would be hurt if he was with Yan Yu.

In Yi Fan's view, the safest way for Ling Wuwen is to return to a place that belongs to demons, not a place where humans live.

But what can I do, he is a sister-in-law~

After persuading her once, he could only support and encourage her.

Therefore, Yi Fan wanted to persuade Yan Yu to leave Ling Wuyue.

Yan Yu looked at Yi Fan with firm eyes: "No matter when, she is mine." Until he dies!

Ling Wuwen, who had just come out of the bathroom, sensed that her favorability had increased to ninety-five points. She didn't know the reason, but after walking back to her seat and seeing Yi Fan's unnatural expression, she could more or less guess it.

Yi Fan also secretly persuaded her before, saying that it is always wrong for a ladyboy to be together.

Although she is his sister, he can protect her and won't hurt her, but others are different!

In case one day, other people know that she is a demon.

In case one day, Yan Yu is afraid of her and doesn't want to be with her anymore.

At that time, Ling Wuwen told Yi Fan firmly that no matter what the outcome, she would definitely stay by Yan Yu's side!

Also because she said so, Yi Fan didn't persuade her anymore.

"Let's go." Yan Yu stood up and said to Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuwen glanced at Yi Fan and nodded, "Okay."

"Then let's go first." She said to Yi Fan and Meng Tianyao with a smile.

Yi Fan also stood up, took Meng Tianyao's hand, and said to Ling Wuyao, "Then we're leaving too."

Yan Yu settled the bill long before, and left with Ling Wuyue——

Going to bed at night, Yan Yu moved directly to Ling Wuxi's room and hugged her to sleep.

Seeing that her favorability is already ninety-five points, Ling Wuyi certainly doesn't mind him occupying half of her bed!

In fact, Yan Yu hugged Ling Wuwen to sleep mainly to touch her hair, not her ears, so let's touch her hair.

When he was about to fall asleep, Yan Yu said: "After decades, will you think I'm old?"

Obviously, he listened to Yi Fan's words.

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