Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1483 Kind Vampire (8)

Xuanyuanqi was riding a horse, but the horse's legs went limp and knelt down instantly, almost throwing him off.

"Where does Princess Ziyang want to go?" Xuanyuanqi got off his horse and walked in front of Ling Wuyi.

In Xuanyuanqi's view, Ling Wuwen is different from other vampires.

She is not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted.

Based on these two points, Xuanyuanqi has a good impression of her, and he is not as afraid of her as he is of Lou Lanting.

"The imperial palace is not fun, I want to go out for a stroll." Ling Wuwen said with a smile.

"I am very familiar with the capital, how about I come to guide Princess Ziyang?"

Looking at Xuanyuanqi who is so active, Ling Wuyi raised his eyebrows, what does this guy want to do?

"If Prince Xuanyuan is free, that's fine. Then I'll trouble you."

Ling Wuyi originally wanted to refuse, but thought that maybe she could use Xuanyuanqi to stimulate Lou Lanting?

Although Lou Lanting added five favorability points to her during the two months since she came to this world, thirty-five favorability points are still very little!

If this Xuanyuan was a good one, Ling Wuyi would definitely not take advantage of him.

But what she saw in Xuanyuanqi's eyes was that Xuanyuanqi wanted to use her to get a lot.

That being the case, let's use each other——

It is impossible to go out of the palace with a carriage, because the horse can't even stand up, let alone walk.

Those vampire bearers, Ling Wuwen, didn't bring them out, so they simply walked.

Xuanyuanqi is indeed a good guide, just by listening to his conversation, you can tell that he usually likes to wander among the opposite sex.

He tried to radiate his charm to attract Ling Wuwen and make Ling Wuwen bow down for him.

Of course, Guman on the side could see the straightforward attempt.

After living for more than two hundred years, although she has never been to a human place, she is not an idiot!

Guman disdains human beings, and even more disdains Prince Xuanyuan who is trying to pursue her princess.


The only one who can match her princess is Housekeeper Lou! I don't know how to live or die!

Guman believed that only his own princess could be worthy of Lou's butler, and only Lou's butler could be worthy of her princess.

The reason why Guman treated Princess Mingmei so well last night was not only that Princess Mingmei offended Ling Wuyi by her words, but also the way Princess Mingmei looked at Lou Lanting.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it!

You actually want to covet the housekeeper, no matter what kind of princess you are! Damn it all!

——But seeing his princess smiling so happily at Prince Xuanyuan, Guman was a little flustered.

No way? Could it be that my princess was hurt too much by the housekeeper, and there is something wrong with her mind?

Guman followed Ling Wupin, silently watching the interaction between Ling Wupin and Xuanyuanqi, the more he watched, the more he felt that something was wrong with Ling Wupin's mind.

Perhaps it was Chaoxia's body that had a problem, which caused her blood to have a problem.

Yes, human blood has a strong effect on their vampires, so the humans they want to choose must be healthy.

Thinking that either Ling Wuyi was stimulated by Lou Lanting, or there was something wrong with Zhao Xia's body, Guman decided to go back at night and let Lou Lanting take a look at Zhao Xia's body, and tell him about it by the way—

Ling Wuwen and Xuanyuanqi wandered around the capital for a long time, and even ate human food.

Vampires can eat human food without diarrhea, but they will not feel full after eating.

Moreover, the sense of taste of a vampire is different from that of a human. After trying several kinds of snacks and candied haws, Ling Wu did not eat any more.

When I was a human, I thought it was delicious, but now that I am a vampire, it tastes really bad!

Feeling a little hungry, and even showing her fangs, Ling Wuyi told Xuanyuanqi that she wanted to go back to the palace.

Xuanyuanqi looked at Ling Wu's reddened pupils and the fangs that were accidentally exposed when he spoke, but he still swallowed in his heart.

He thought about it, if he married Princess Eternal Night City, or made Princess Eternal Night City fall in love with him...

Then the city lord of Eternal Night City, who is known to love his sister, will definitely help him when he is in trouble, and even protect Xuanyuan Dynasty all the time!

But at the same time, he was also a little worried, worried that one day Ling Wunian would go crazy and bite him directly.

Confused in his heart, but on the surface, he has been courting Ling Wuxi in various ways——

Ling Wuyi should have drunk blood immediately after returning to the palace, but Guman thought that Zhao Xia had a physical problem, so he asked Lou Lanting to show Zhao Xia his body first.

Hearing that Guman asked him to show Zhaoxia's body, Lou Lanting raised his eyebrows: "Huh? Why?"

"There is something wrong with the princess today, she and Prince Xuanyuan..."

Guman told Lou Lanting exactly what Ling Wuwen and Xuanyuanqi did when they went out today, and even their expressions. Hearing this, Lou Lanting frowned.

He is the steward of the City Lord's Mansion in Eternal Night City, but he is not just in charge of the affairs of the City Lord's Mansion.

He is Ye Tianhen's right-hand man, and he has more dealings with humans than Ye Tianhen.

So Guman just said the beginning, and Lou Lanting knew the purpose of Prince Xuanyuan.

The smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes. Anyone who knew Lou Lanting knew that he was angry.

Generally, when Lou Lanting is not emotional, he smiles lightly, and when he is angry, his smile deepens.

Seeing Lou Lanting's expression, Guman swallowed, and said, "I think... it might be because of Chao Xia's health, so... I want Steward Lou to take a look."

Lou Lanting nodded slightly, hummed, got up and went to Chao Xia's room.

Princess Mingmei also lived with Zhaoxia. When Princess Mingmei saw Lou Lanting coming, she was a little surprised: "Housekeeper Lou, are you here to see me?"

It was obvious that Lou Lanting was bloodletted to drink last night, but today Princess Mingmei can still look at Lou Lanting with joy and she is also drunk.

Without the sub-zero temperature in Eternal Night City, Zhao Xia felt that his body had recovered a lot in just one day.

Seeing Princess Mingmei so excited, Zhaoxia, who was leaning on the bed, turned her head to look at Lou Lanting.

Her previous vision was pitch black, so apart from the vampires guarding her, Ling Wuyi and Guman, Zhao Xia hadn't seen any other vampires in Eternal Night City.

Lou Lanting, this is the first time she saw him.

Unlike in the plot where she saw Ye Tianhen first, she saw Lou Lanting first.

Looking at Lou Lanting's face, Zhao Xia was really amazed.

I have never seen a man so beautiful that a woman would be ashamed...

The heartbeat seemed to miss a beat——

Lou Lanting ignored Princess Mingmei, walked up to Zhaoxia and pulled her wrist.

Zhao Xia was stunned, the touch of Lou Lanting was still as cold and biting as other vampires, but she didn't feel disgusted.

Even... a little nervous.

Lou Lanting just lowered his head and sniffed Zhaoxia's wound to make sure there was something wrong with her body.

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