Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1484 Kind Vampire (9)

Just smell it and let go, and the whole process takes less than a minute.

He turned around and said to Guman: "No problem, take it to the princess."

Guman nodded, and went to bleed Chaoxia.

Zhaoxia is not an idiot either, after hearing what Lou Lanting said, don't you know what he did just now? !

It's like... the feeling of checking whether the food you eat is rancid!

Looking at the back of Lou Lanting leaving, Zhao Xia gritted his teeth, hating himself for being unlucky——

After Lou Lanting left Chao Xia's room, he went to Ling Wu's room, and he was going to talk to Ling Wu.

He just stood at the door but hesitated a little. What did he talk to Ling Wuying about?

In what capacity are you talking?

Ling Wuqin had already said that he would not pester him again, so he should feel lucky.

At the beginning, he was really thankful, and even heaved a long sigh of relief.

But then there was no one around to talk to, Lou Lanting still felt a little uncomfortable.

It's just a habit, you can change it...

"Master Lou, why don't you go in?" Guman, who had pretended to be bloody, asked with some doubts when he saw that Lou Lanting had been standing at the door of Lingwu's house.

Lou Lanting was stunned, and just about to speak, she saw Ling Wuyi coming out of the room: "Brother Ting, are you here to see me?"

In fact, when Lou Lanting came just now, Ling Wuyi had already heard his footsteps, and he didn't go out all the time, just wanted to see what Lou Lanting was doing.

As a result, Lou Lanting stood outside and didn't come in. She was about to go out, but she just heard Guman's voice.

"Well, I'm looking for you." Lou Lanting still nodded.

Ling Wuwen was a little surprised, but Guman on the side smiled all over his face, and handed the tray in front of her: "Princess, let's eat first."

Ling Wuxi nodded, and reached for the glass cup filled with blood on the tray.

After drinking it all in one gulp, the feeling of hunger disappeared in an instant.

Putting the glass back on the tray, Guman left with a smile on his face.

After Guman left, Ling Wuyi looked at Lou Lanting: "Brother Ting, come in."

With that said, Ling Wuyi turned first and entered the room.

There are no candles in the room, but it doesn't affect the sight.

Ling Wuwen walked to the stool in front of the table and sat down, and Lou Lanting also went in and sat down.

"Brother Ting, what do you want from me?" Lou Lanting didn't want to say anything to Ling Wuwen, Ling Wuwen asked him first.

Lou Lanting pursed his lips, and finally said, "I heard that you went out with Prince Xuanyuan?"

"Yeah, staying in the palace was a bit boring, so I went out for a stroll." Ling Wuyi had a smile on her face, as if she was very happy to go out for a stroll.

Lou Lanting frowned slightly, then immediately let go, and then continued to ask Ling Wuyi: "Well... what do you think of Prince Xuanyuan?"

Ling Wuyi seemed to blurt out without even thinking about it, and replied, "I think Prince Xuanyuan is a very nice person! His conversation is humorous and witty, and he also knows many interesting places in the capital!"

As soon as the words fell, the favorability increased by ten points! ! !

For Lou Lanting, who has only added 30 favorability points for hundreds of years, these ten points are simply - too much!

So now, there are forty-five favorability points.

Sure enough, it is still useful to stimulate Lou Lanting, and it seems that we will have to make persistent efforts in the future.

After hearing what Ling Wuyi said, Lou Lanting had the urge to suck Xuanyuanqi's blood dry.

For so many years, the girl in front of her had been around him before, but suddenly she stopped pestering him.

He obviously didn't like it, but now seeing her smiling and praising other people, he would feel very upset!

Lou Lanting didn't know why he did this, and he didn't think about it.

He found a high-sounding reason for his displeasure, which was: "Princess, we are different from the human race, they can only be our food. So...you, do you understand what I mean?"

Ling Wuwen frowned, and the expression on her face was already filled with disapproval of Lou Lanting's words: "I know we are not from the same clan, but why can't we be together? Alright!"


Although she also agrees that people of different races can fall in love, she can't bear to speak in this tone!

The favorability was unprecedented, and another five points were added!

The favorability has finally passed halfway, and I really hope that it will be as smooth as today in the future.

Ling Wuyi didn't show her joy, but saw Lou Lanting's frown tightened a bit.

"No! You are a noble vampire princess, and you must never be with humans!" Lou Lanting spoke to Ling Wuying with a very stern tone and expression for the first time.

Ling Wu's eyes widened, as if she was startled by Lou Lanting's sudden change of face: "Brother Ting..."

Seeing that Ling Wuyi was startled by his attitude, Lou Lanting immediately eased his expression.

"I'm sorry princess, I lost my temper. It's just that you really can't be with humans, you are so noble, you can't confuse the blood of the Ye family."

Half of the offspring of vampires and humans are of human blood, which is the most shameful blood of the vampire family!

Originally, the reproductive ability of vampires was extremely low, so they paid more attention to blood, otherwise more than half of the creatures in the mainland would already be vampires.

"The people I like, I can't be with them... Then should I listen to my brother and marry the earl he is satisfied with?"

Sadness was written all over Ling Wu's face, and she ran out after speaking.

As soon as I ran outside the palace, I felt that my favorability increased again!

This time I added less, just a little, but it was already very good for Ling Wuyi.

Originally, I wanted to take a turn in the palace, expressing that I was very sad.

But not long after he came out, Lou Lanting chased him out.

Looking at Ling Wuwen's back, Lou Lanting sighed.

A vampire can only marry one wife in his life. He knows that he doesn't love Princess Ziyang, so he has been reluctant to let go of his promise to marry her.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would 'like' a human being now!

Forget about liking humans, that Xuanyuanqi is not worthy of their vampire princess at all!

Oh no, it should be that no human being is worthy of it!

"Princess, you should be obedient." Lou Lanting said softly.

Ling Wuyi lowered her head and murmured as if talking to herself: "I don't like Prince Xuanyuan...how could I fall in love with others..."

The hearing of vampires is excellent, even the sound of mosquitoes fluttering slightly, they can hear clearly without touching their ears.

So why couldn't he hear Ling Wuyi's words!

The heart felt like it was being tapped lightly.

At this time, Lou Lanting was full of guilt towards Ling Wuwen.

He knew that she just showed that she liked Prince Xuanyuan just to pretend to show him.

But even though he knew clearly that Ling Wutian still had him in his heart, he still bit his tongue and refused to let go.

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