Small loophole perfection: 100%.

Get 1,000 interstellar currency rewards.

Will it be converted into points?

Ling Wuyi chose [No], and then the personal platform appeared:

Restorer: Ling Wu

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Accumulated points: 1185

Interstellar currency: 11000

Backpack: Headache gone x 7

Life-saving pill × 1

Psychedelic × 14 times

'Like a fish in water' bracelet x 1 (permanent use)

Gold Finger: Permanently designated character location searcher (limited to three times per world, each time no more than ten minutes)

Permanent vulnerability crisis alarm (every time a vulnerability occurs in the world, an alarm will be automatically issued)

Protagonist halo see-through eyes (you can see the hero or heroine who has the protagonist aura)

Mind reading (can read people's inner thoughts, each world can only be used three times, each time can only target one person, and each time can only last for one hour)

Ling Wuxi felt that the repair of the bug in the last world was all about giving him interstellar coins, it was really too simple!

After reading the personal platform, Ling Wuxi opened her eyes and looked at her current environment.

The place she is in is like a single girl's bedroom. The main color of the bedroom is pink, purple and fresh, very girly.

It was already daytime outside, but Ling Wuyi felt that her body was extremely tired.

He turned over and hugged the quilt with his hands and feet, closed his eyes and prepared to receive the plot and memories before going to sleep——

The first thing Ling Wu received was the memory, knowing that the host's name was Chen Ruoruo, and he was twenty-five years old this year.

Chen Ruoruo is very beautiful, very beautiful.

Chen Ruoruo has a special profession - mortician.

Well, it is a profession that helps the deceased organize the remains of the deceased.

Chen Ruoruo likes this job, because she thinks it is a very sacred job for the deceased to leave peacefully.

So she studied this major in college.

Three years after graduation, Chen Ruoruo has been working on this job.

I still feel scared at first, but I get used to it slowly and I don't feel scared.

Choosing this profession, of course, also had a certain impact on Chen Ruoruo, such as interpersonal communication.

When others heard that she was the make-up artist of the deceased, they would feel jealous of her and would not dare to get close to her.

Although Chen Ruoruo is very pretty, her relationship is not going well.

Chen Ruoruo finally had a boyfriend half a year ago, and Zhuang Yan's family was in good condition, and it was rare that both Zhuang Yan and Zhuang Yan's family didn't mind her doing this job.

Zhuang Yan cherishes her very much and respects her concept of not living together before marriage even more.

Chen Ruoruo thought that Zhuang Yan should be the one she was destined to give her happiness, right?

But she was wrong, Zhuang Yan is not the one who can give her happiness...

Chen Ruoruo's parents died unexpectedly when she was eighteen years old, in a car accident, and her face was completely changed.

The embalmers restored their faces to look almost the same as they were in life.

It is precisely because of this reason that Chen Ruoruo fell in love with this profession.

There is a lot of compensation for the death of her parents, which is enough for her to finish college, and even now there is still a large sum, which is useless for her.

When Chen Ruoruo couldn't find a boyfriend, she thought that when she got old, she would use the money to open a nursing home, where she would spend the rest of her life.

After her parents passed away, Chen Ruoruo only had her aunt and her family.

Chen Ruoruo thought that her aunts and uncles treated her as her own, but she didn't know that they had been coveting the huge amount of compensation from her parents.

Lin Na, Chen Ruoruo's cousin, is also her best friend who she thinks can talk about everything.

Chen Ruoruo really cared about her cousin Lin Na, and she always thought about her cousin's family first.

Falling in love, Chen Ruoruo shared it with Lin Na immediately, and took her to see Zhuang Yan.

But Chen Ruoruo never expected that Lin Na would fall in love with Zhuang Yan at first sight!

In order to see Zhuang Yan often, Lin Na followed Chen Ruoruo and Zhuang Yan almost every time they dated. even turned into Lin Na asking Zhuang Yan alone.

Zhuang Yan is not a good man either. He knew Lin Na's thoughts on him, but he didn't refuse.

The two even turned into a ********* Lin Na several times asked Zhuang Yan to break up with Chen Ruoruo, but Zhuang Yan told her very directly: "I will marry Ruoruo because she is suitable for marriage. Wife. You are only suitable to be a ********** Lin Na, blinded by jealousy, thinks every day, she wants Chen Ruoruo to die, she wants to die!

She thought that as long as Chen Ruoruo died, Zhuang Yan would be with her.

Later, she thought of a way...

Lin Na moved to Chen Ruoruo's residence and said that she wanted to live with her and have a companion.

Of course, Chen Ruoruo wished for someone to accompany her, and this person was her very good cousin!

So, the two began to live together.

But she didn't know that her nightmare started when Lin Na moved in——

Chen Ruoruo's working hours are not stable, most of them are at night, because more people die at night.

After working for three years, Chen Ruoruo never believed in ghosts and gods.

She believes that people die like a lamp goes out, and there are no ghosts at all.

One day, when she was working normally, she always felt that something was wrong, as if...someone was watching her!

But because her partner was not feeling well that day, she was the only one in the studio!

In addition to her, there are also the deceased lying on the bunk bed.

She looked back behind her several times, but there was nothing.

After work, she went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Sudden! A figure in the mirror quickly passed by, shocking Chen Ruoruo.

Chen Ruoruo hurried out to look, there was nothing in the long corridor...

Back home, lying in bed and sleeping, she started having nightmares.

She thought it was just because she was too tired that she was having nightmares, but she didn't expect that this was just the beginning!

Since then, she has been seeing 'ghosts'.

Chen Ruoruo, who didn't believe in ghosts and gods before, began to believe that there were ghosts in this world, and was even terrified.

Her condition is getting worse and worse, and she is suspicious every day.

At the beginning, Zhuang Yan still felt sorry for her, and took her to see a doctor or something.

But later on, Chen Ruoruo would say that there was a ghost at any time, and he couldn't even carry out normal work.

She dared not sleep at night and dared not go out during the day.

A beautiful woman who was originally a watery woman turned into a thin woman with sunken eye sockets and a pale and haggard face, without the slightest aura of before.

Such Chen Ruoruo made Zhuang Yan leave her in disgust.

After being dumped by Zhuang Yan, Chen Ruoruo was very sad. She felt that her only support was gone, and those ghosts could bully her more wantonly.

One day, Lin Na sent her a video.

The video...was taken by Lin Na and Zhuang Yan.

She didn't know that it was the previous video, Lin Na thought that after Zhuang Yan broke up with Chen Ruoruo, she would be able to be with her.

As a result, Zhuang Yan quickly found a girlfriend, who couldn't even do sex.

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