With the mentality that I'm not good and you don't want to be good, Lin Na sent a video to Chen Ruoruo.

Chen Ruoruo couldn't accept it at all when she saw it, and even jumped off the balcony at home!

After Chen Ruoruo died, the huge amount of compensation left by her parents was in accordance with the law. She had no spouse or children, only her aunt and family.

So, the aunt's family got the money as they wished.

In fact, Chen Ruoruo didn't really see a ghost, but Lin Na added a drug that could stimulate the brain nerves and make people hallucinate into the oatmeal she ate every day.

Everyone's hallucinations are different. During that time, Lin Na would drag her to watch ghost movies every day. Over time, Chen Ruoruo began to see 'ghosts'——

After receiving the memory of the body, Ling Wuyi was about to receive the plot, but she was interrupted by a phone call.

As soon as the phone rings, she knows that she has a job, so Ling Wuyi dare not answer it.

Open your eyes, press the answer button and put it next to your ear: "Boss."

"I'm back to take the order, I'm in a hurry." Chen Ruoruo's boss Yang Wenhao's voice came from the other side.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

Ling Wuxue rubbed her head, if I remember correctly, when she came, Ji Ti had just stayed up late and got home from get off work.

No wonder you feel so tired!

How long has it been since I'm going to work again!

Sighing, he got up from the bed obediently.

After washing in the fastest time, I changed into a white shirt and suit pants.

Walking out of the room, Ling Wuyi glanced at the closed door opposite.

In that room lived Lin Na.

Lin Na just moved in last week, so Chen Ruoruo hasn't seen a 'ghost' yet.

When passing by the kitchen, Ling Wuwen glanced at the oatmeal packaging box placed there.

When Chen Ruoruo got home from get off work this morning, she brewed a bowl for herself to drink. I don't know if it has been drugged.

Ling Wuwen didn't stay for too long, she changed her shoes and went out.

When she arrived at the company, her partner An Yuan had already arrived first.

Seeing that Ling Wuyi was wearing work clothes and doing cleaning work, she whispered beside her and said, "Hey, do you know who we are going to serve later?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask the boss." Ling Wuyue replied.

"I know! I went to see it just now, and I can't believe it's him! I really can't believe it!" An Yuan said regretfully.

Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows and turned to look at her: "What? Do you know her?"

"It's not just me who knows him! People all over the country know him!"

"Who? Is it a star?"

"Yeah, the singer Xi Ziqiu who just won the best singer of the year award!"

With a bang, the bottle of disinfectant in Ling Wu's hand fell to the ground.

She stared at An Yuan with wide eyes: "Are you sure? Are you sure it's Xi Ziqiu?!"

"I'm sure! It's Xi Ziqiu. His mother sent him here. It is said that he committed suicide by jumping off a building... Hey Ruoruo, what are you doing so fast..."

Ling Wuwen contacted Xia Lun while running to the room where Xi Ziqiu was parked.

After contacting for a long time, Xia Lun didn't answer her call.

When Ling Wuwen walked into the room, only her boss Yang Wenhao was there.

Seeing Ling Wumi running out of breath, Yang Wenhao turned to look at her: "Why are you running so fast?"

Ling Wuyi didn't have the heart to pay attention to Yang Wenhao, and went directly to the bed to look at the body covered by the white cloth.

Yang Wenhao said very formulaically: "The popular singer Xi Ziqiu, 30 years old, committed suicide by jumping from the balcony of his apartment at 8 o'clock this morning."

Ling Wuwen still couldn't believe it. When she came, the system reminded her that Xi Ziqiu's brain waves had just entered the body.

And this body, Ling Wuwen, knew him as the popular singer Xi Ziqiu, who was exactly the same as Xi Ziqiu in terms of name and appearance.

But now...he is lying here!

With trembling hands, Ling Wuwen lifted the white cloth covering the corpse's face.

The person who jumped to his death had his skull cracked open, exposing his blood-stained brain.

His head has been deformed and even looks a little sick.

But Ling Wuyi focused on that face, the almost deformed face.

Yes, although I couldn't believe it, this was Xi Ziqiu.

Ling Wuxi stepped back two steps, her mind buzzed, and her vision was blurred.

Seeing that Ling Wumi was in a bad mood, Yang Wenhao hurried over to support her: "What's wrong? Is he your idol? Is it okay? If not, you can go to rest."

Ling Wuwen didn't answer him, so Yang Wenhao helped Ling Wumei go out to sit down, and then poured water for her.

At this time, Ling Wuyi finally contacted Xia Lun. As soon as he got in touch, he yelled at Xia Lun, and then asked him: "What's going on?!"

"Unexpected accident! I just went to investigate, so I didn't bother to contact you."

"Then what should I do now? The president's host is dead, what about the president's brainwave? Why didn't the system remind me who the president's brainwave is looking for now?"

"Because... the president doesn't have a host now. Without a suitable host, his brain waves can only wander around in a virtual form in this world."

"What do you mean? Virtual form, how do I attack him? Or do I have to wait until he has a suitable host?"

"Don't worry, wait, I'm going to build a system now, so that you can see the virtual form of the president, so that you can also increase your favorability."

Hearing what Xia Lun said, Ling Wu was relieved.

Just rest assured here...

She looked up at the room where Xi Ziqiu was staying with Xi Ziqiu. That person... looked exactly like Xi Ziqiu, but he was lying there without any signs of life.

Really, Ling Wuyi felt that she couldn't accept it!

She couldn't help thinking... if one day Xi Ziqiu was also lying lifeless on the cold iron bed...

Just thinking about Ling Wuwen like this makes me feel like I'm going to die from heartache!

"Drink a glass of water to calm down your emotions." Yang Wenhao's voice brought Ling Wuyi back to his senses.

Ling Wuyi looked up at him, took the white disposable water cup, and said softly, "Thank you, boss."

"Don't do this order, I will do it with An Yuan..."

Before Yang Wenhao finished speaking, Ling Wuwen stood up: "No! I want to come in person!"

Seeing Ling Wuwen's firm attitude, Yang Wenhao paused and nodded, "That's good, but don't bring your personal emotions to work."

"Boss, don't worry, three years of experience is not for nothing." While speaking, Ling Wuyi forced the corners of her lips to smile at Yang Wenhao.

"I'm not ready yet, now go back and get ready."

After saying that, Ling Wuwen continued to do cleaning work——

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