After finishing the cleaning work, Ling Wuwen and An Yuan returned to the studio and began to prepare tools and supplies.

Ling Wuwen was working with her head down all the time, and An Yuan would turn her head to look at her cautiously from time to time.

Ling Wuxi was wearing a mask, no one saw her tightly pursed lips.

She is in a very bad mood now, very bad!

In Chen Ruoruo's memory, there was no such thing as Xi Ziqiu committing suicide.

So... what went wrong?

This question, Ling Wujin knows that only after receiving the plot can she know——

The work started, and the first thing Ling Wuyi had to do was to restore Xi Ziqiu's body.

Xi Ziqiu died by jumping off a building. Not only was his head broken, but his neck, hands and feet were also deformed due to broken bones.

It was not the first time that this kind of body had been dealt with after jumping off a building. Ling Wuyi didn't dare to bring too much emotion into it, so she had to follow the proper procedures.

She must personally perform plastic surgery on Xi Ziqiu's body, in fact, because she feels that Xi Ziqiu's appearance has been carved into her bones, and she can restore Xi Ziqiu's appearance to the same as before life without looking at the photos for comparison——

The working hours were long, and Ling Wuwen didn't even eat lunch.

"Ruoruo... It will take at least three hours, let's have lunch first?" An Yuan felt that she was going to be hungry.

Ling Wuyi kept her head down, and said back to her: "Go and eat, I'm not hungry yet."

An Yuan talked to her, although her tone was the same as usual, but An Yuan felt her depression.

An Yuan paused, but still put down the tools in his hand: "Then I'll eat first..."

"Well, let's go."


After An Yuan left, Ling Wuyue stopped moving.

Looking at the face that had been almost repaired by her, Ling Wuyi frowned slightly.

Xi Ziqiu's eyes were tightly closed, because there was no makeup to cover the stitches, and the wounds were not covered, so this face still looked hideous.

"President..." Ling Wuyi murmured.

It's really sad, even if it's Xi Ziqiu's body, she's still sad.

With trembling hands, he caressed Xi Ziqiu's scarred face.

In fact, it was said that Xi Ziqiu committed suicide by jumping off a building, but Ling Wuyi didn't believe it.

Although I haven't received the plot yet, I don't know the character and background of Xi Ziqiu.

But she just didn't believe it, absolutely didn't believe that Xi Ziqiu's host would choose to commit suicide to end her own life!

Chen Ruoruo committed suicide because Lin Na gave her hallucinogenic drugs, and finally couldn't bear the betrayal of the man and cousin.

Then why is Xi Ziqiu?

Xi Ziqiu, who was lying on the bed, couldn't tell her this question...

Ling Wuwen helped Xi Ziqiu repair, clean and make up. She did it very slowly and meticulously.

By the time this is done, it's already night.

Seeing that she was wearing a handsome white suit on the bed, her hair was combed meticulously, and her thin lips were gently pursed, as if she was Xi Ziqiu who was asleep, Ling Wupi finally couldn't help crying.

She brought her emotions into it and couldn't control herself at all.

Xi Ziqiu lying there was exactly the same as when he was alive.

He was lying there with his eyes closed, just like Xi Ziqiu lying in the nutrition cabin.

The only difference is that one of them is wearing a sterile suit and the other is wearing a white suit...

Seeing Ling Wuwen crying so sadly, An Yuan was at a loss for what to do.

Although knowing that the 'idol' is dead, Ling Wuyi will definitely be very sad.

But I didn't see Ling Wuwen cry all day, and the work was done very well.

I didn't expect that now that the work was finished, I would suddenly cry so sadly.

An Yuan walked over, hugged Ling Wuwen gently, and patted her back to comfort her.

"We do this, and we see so many life and death every day. We should expect to meet someone we know one day. Don't be sad, you can make the mat autumn into the same way as before, and his family will be grateful to you."

An Yuan's consolation was useless, but Xia Lun brought good news to Ling Wuyi.

Xia Lun said that the system is almost ready, and according to the time of the novel world, it will be ready tomorrow afternoon.

"You promise that I will be able to see the virtual form of the president's brainwaves after it's done?" Ling Wuwen asked Xia Lun.

"Of course I promise!" Xia Lun replied confidently.

After finishing speaking, he said again: "Go and eat something quickly, and then go home to rest, or you will destroy even the best physical fitness."

"Well, I'll go back now!"

After losing contact with Xia Lun, Ling Wu felt much better.

At can see Xi Ziqiu's brain waves tomorrow.

This news successfully revived Ling Wumi full of blood. She stopped crying and stood up from the ground.

She smiled at An Yuan and said, "Thank you for comforting me, Yuan Yuan, I'm fine."

An Yuan heaved a sigh of relief when Ling Wuwen said that it was all right.

A staff member came over with a black coffin, put Xi Ziqiu's body in it and took it away.

The work of Ling Wuwen and An Yuan is over, they changed their work clothes, cleaned themselves and went home——

It was already nine o'clock in the evening when Ling Wuwen returned home. She was so hungry that she ate dinner outside before going back.

Lin Na is not at home, as for where she went, Ling Wuyue is not interested in knowing.

In order to know the cause of Xi Ziqiu's death as soon as possible, Ling Wuyi went back to the room to accept the plot.

This time the plot is only half, and it just happened when Xi Ziqiu died.

Xi Ziqiu is the hero's friend, and he can be regarded as a male supporting role.

As Ling Wuyi knew, Xi Ziqiu's identity was a singer.

Thirty years old, in fact, it has only become popular in the past two years.

Five years ago, Xi Ziqiu terminated the contract with the original company, and signed to the male lead's new company after the contract was terminated.

After four years there, Xi Ziqiu met the heroine.

At that time, the male lead was not with the female lead, and Xi Ziqiu fell in love with the female lead.

The heroine also has a good impression of Xi Ziqiu, who is cheerful and humorous.

Xi Ziqiu is really a very cheerful man. From the beginning of the plot, Ling Wuyi became even more convinced that he would not commit suicide.

Seeing the back, Ling Wuyi felt that her lungs were about to explode!

In fact, the heroine is already with Xi Ziqiu, and it is the hero who wants to snatch the heroine over.

Just at this time...Xi Ziqiu accidentally found out that the male protagonist actually sells drugs, and it's specially for those stars in the entertainment industry!

Xi Ziqiu is a person who hates drugs very much. After mastering the hero's drug dealing, he is going to call the police.

Before Xi Ziqiu was about to call the police, that is, in the early hours of this morning, the hero went to his house...

Yes, the hero knew that Xi Ziqiu had evidence of his drug trafficking, and even knew that he planned to call the police at dawn.

The reason why the hero knows is because the heroine slipped her tongue.

The heroine didn't know that her careless slip of the tongue would cost Xi Ziqiu his life!

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