Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1515 Seeing the 'ghost' mortician (10)

After the restoration was completed, Ling Wuwen put on the white wedding dress sent by her parents for the deceased.

She still remembers that the parents of the deceased cried very sadly when they brought the wedding dress, saying that her daughter had always dreamed of wearing a wedding dress to take a family portrait with them, but her parents were too busy with work and always thought that there would be opportunities in the future of.

I didn't expect...

Working here, I can see the pain of white-haired people sending black-haired people every day, and I can also see the regret of children sending their parents.

In fact, Ling Wuyi's heart is not very peaceful, what she dislikes the most is the separation of life and death.

Although she seems to have seen it a lot and is used to it, she actually doesn't like it.

Putting on a wedding dress for the deceased, Ling Wuqian combed her hair beautifully, put on a flower crown, and put on makeup.

After doing this, the deceased looks very similar to the living one.

Her eyes are slightly closed, the corners of her mouth are naturally raised, and she always has a smile on her face.

The deceased seemed to be a very cheerful girl.

Sometimes, the fate of some people, I really can't think of what will happen in the next second.

Ling Wuxi felt that working here, this job, made her feel a lot.

Cherish, cherish every day life!

Cherish, cherish the person you love the most!

Even if she knows that this world is over, they will go to another world.

But, they should cherish every day with each other!

The deceased was put in a coffin and taken away, tomorrow is the memorial service.

After the memorial service ended the next day, the parents of the deceased found Ling Wuyi and An Yuan, and thanked them for repairing their daughter's body so well and making up so beautifully.

"This is the first time I saw my daughter so beautiful! I believe... she will be very pleased to see that she can leave this world so beautifully!"

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

While talking, the couple supported each other, their voices choked.

"This is what we should do, please don't be too sad." An Yuan said softly.

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, and just listened to An Yuan comfort the couple.

After a while, the couple finally left.

An Yuan looked at the back of them leaving, and couldn't help sighing: "In this world, how can there be people whose hearts are so twisted that they can't court love and kill people?"

"Many people have a devil hiding in their hearts." Ling Wuwen said lightly, turned and left.

She still has a lot of work to do, she's very busy—

In the next few days, Lingwu is very busy, and there are many old people who have passed away these days.

I have to go early in the morning, and sometimes I can’t get home from get off work at night.

Xi Ziqiu hasn't come back for a few days, and he doesn't know what's going on with Lin Yufei?

Xi Ziqiu didn't come back, but Ling Wuyi received a call from Aunt Chen Ruoruo.

Aunt Chen said on the phone: "Ruoruo, you see, you haven't come back for a meal for a long time, come back to have a meal tonight?"

Ling Wuyi originally wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought of something, she still agreed.

But: "Auntie, I'm very busy these days. How is Saturday? I'll come back for dinner on Saturday night."

Today is Wednesday, and there are three more days.

Hearing what Ling Wuyi said, of course Aunt Chen over there agreed again and again: "Okay, then on Saturday, Auntie will cook you your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs!"

"Okay!" Ling Wuyi raised the corners of her lips, with a smile in her tone, but that smile is so weird no matter how you look...

After hanging up Aunt Chen's call, Ling Wuxi stood in the corridor for a while.

"What? Still not coming home from get off work?" The voice of the boss Yang Wenhao behind him brought Ling Wuyi back to his senses.

She turned around and smiled at Yang Wenhao: "I just answered a phone call, and I'm going back now, boss, you should go back and rest earlier!"

After speaking, Ling Wuwen ran away.

Driving home, Ling Wuwen took the few plants she bought from the flower shop to the kitchen.

The portion she bought was small, and she always asked for a leaf or a flower, and the shop assistants looked at her strangely.

Ling Wuxi worked in the kitchen for a long time before making a small packet of green powder.

Looking at her finished product, Ling Wuyue was still very satisfied.

She curled her lips into a sneer, since Lin Na killed Chen Ruoruo with hallucinogenic drugs, then she will treat him in the same way.

She didn't intend to kill Lin Na. Death is actually not the best punishment.

Let Lin Na's family see a 'ghost'!

It's really thanks to Wu Yage who likes to tinker with these weird drugs, otherwise she wouldn't even know that she could still play like this.

She can make medicine that can make people hallucinate, but the effect is not as good as Wu Yage's method.

After making these powders, Ling Wuwen went to sleep.

She waited until Saturday to take out these powders, and added them to the cream when making cakes, which became green matcha cream.

After making the cake, Ling Wuji put the cake into the packing box bought in the cake shop.

She must have said that she bought this cake from a cake shop. If she said that she made it herself, Aunt Chen and the others would only dare to eat one bite.

It's not the first time I've been to Aunt Chen's house, and Ling Wu is relatively familiar with the road.

Holding the cake box in one hand and ringing the doorbell with the other.

Soon, the door opened.

The one who opened the door was Lin Na, who was very well dressed.

"Cousin! You're back! Parents, my cousin is back!"

Hearing Lin Na's shout, Aunt Chen, who was busy in the kitchen, came over, "Ruoruo is back! Hurry up, come in!"

With a smile on her face, Ling Wuwen walked in the door.

Lin Na took the cake from Ling Wu's hand, feeling a little nervous.

Really, really don't like to eat the things Ling Wuyi bought, she finds it disgusting!

But when she thought of the scene Ling Wuyi would see when she came in, Lin Na felt that she could eat very happily!

Ling Wuwen changed her shoes and walked from the entrance to the living room.

When she saw the person sitting on the sofa in the living room, she immediately pretended to be stunned.

At this time, Lin Na pretended to be a little cautious to avoid Ling Wu's anger, looked at her and said, "Cousin...Ayan, he is my boyfriend now. I hope you can bless us!"

That's right, there are not only Uncle Chen in the living room, but also Zhuang Yan who was dumped by Ling Wuyue!

Zhuang Yan had a smile on his face, he didn't seem to be embarrassed at all, and he was happy that he could 'stimulate' Ling Wu Nie.

He stood up from the sofa, put his arms around Lin Na's waist, and said to Ling Wuyue, "Yes, Ruoruo, Nana and I have officially dated."

Ling Wuxi nodded, indicating that she knew, but she thought that Zhuang Yan was just right.

She didn't want to do anything to him at first, but he just sent him to the door by himself. What can she do?

Tilting her head, Ling Wuwen greeted Uncle Chen in an 'unnatural' way: "Uncle."

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