Uncle Chen was a little embarrassed, after all they knew that Zhuang Yan was Chen Ruoruo's boyfriend before.

But in just half a year, Chen Ruoruo's boyfriend became her daughter's boyfriend.

What Uncle Chen was worried about was that his niece would become estranged from his family, and then the huge compensation...

At this moment, Aunt Chen came out of the kitchen with a smile on her face.

She said: "Although Zhuang Yan was your boyfriend Ruoruo before, Nana got together after you broke up with Zhuang Yan. And I heard that Ruoruo you proposed to break up, so Ruoruo you don't mind right?"

Everyone has said so, does Ling Wuyi mean that she minds? Or do you say you don't mind?

However, Ling Wuyue really doesn't mind!

"Well, I don't mind, aunt." Ling Wuwen replied to Aunt Chen with a smile.

The smile on her face is really genuine and she really doesn't seem to mind.

After finishing talking to Aunt Chen, Ling Wuyi turned to look at Lin Na and Zhuang Yan again: "I bless you all!"

Isn't there a saying that goes well: A female cousin with a dog lasts forever!

I hope that this couple who are going to see a 'ghost' will last forever!

Seeing the smile on Ling Wuwen's face, Lin Na was a little proud, she felt that Ling Wuwen was forcing a smile.

Zhuang Yan was not too happy, he saw more faces than Lin Na.

He could see that the smile on Ling Wu's face was indeed from the heart.

So, she really doesn't care about herself?

Zhuang Yan couldn't hold on to the complacent smile at first when he saw the smile on Ling Wu's face.

He broke free from the arm held by Lin Na without a trace, then looked at Ling Wuwen, hesitating to speak.

Ling Wuwen didn't look at Zhuang Yan directly, but went to the kitchen, saying that she would help with the cooking.

Of course, when Ling Wuwen said she wanted to help, Aunt Chen's reaction was definitely the same as before.

Aunt Chen said dotingly, "Work is so tiring, just go out and eat fruit, I don't need your help!"

That being said, it seems that I really feel sorry for my niece who is tired from work. But in fact, they were concerned that Ling Wu's hands had touched a dead person.

When eating, Ling Wu Nie also has special bowls and chopsticks.

Ling Wuyi reckoned that Aunt Chen would wash Chen Ruoruo's bowls by herself wearing gloves when washing the dishes.

Since he is so disgusting, he has the nerve to covet his money! Excuse me?

When eating, Ling Wuyue put down her chopsticks before taking a few bites. I really couldn't eat with this table!

Zhuang Yan's attention was always on Ling Wuwen. Seeing Ling Wuwen put down his chopsticks, he put down his chopsticks too.

Lin Na at the side saw Zhuang Yan put down the chopsticks, so she followed suit.

Seeing Zhuang Yan's eyes, Lin Na really hated it!

"You all eat so little? What's the matter, the food you cooked today isn't delicious?" Aunt Chen also asked, looking at Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuxi smiled and shook her head: "Auntie, the dishes you cook are as delicious as always, but I just performed a cosmetic repair on a deceased person who died unexpectedly today, so I can't eat it."

After Ling Wuwen finished speaking, everyone at the table was stunned.

Now, if she can't eat it, everyone can't eat it!

Although Ling Wuwen didn't mention the details, people's brain power is powerful.

Ling Wuwen said that the death was accidental, so the body must be mutilated.

A person who has been doing this job for three years will feel a little bit unable to eat, how disgusting is that picture?

"Ugh..." Lin Na, who had a lot of brain power, ran to the bathroom first and vomited.

When she vomited back, Ling Wuwen asked her curiously: "What's the matter, Nana, is she pregnant?"

Lin Na and Zhuang Yan were taken aback at the same time. As soon as a shy and sweet expression appeared on Lin Na's face, Zhuang Yan spoke first: "No!"

Two words, the tone seemed to be impatient to get rid of her concerns, which made Lin Na's face full of embarrassment.

Although she was indeed not pregnant, Zhuang Yan's tone...

The atmosphere at the table was also a little silent because of Zhuang Yan's words, and Ling Wuyi smiled and said: "I bought a cake, it's the best dessert after dinner, I'll go and cut it."

With that said, Ling Wuji was about to get up and cut the cake.

Aunt Chen and the others didn't want Ling Wu's hands to touch anything, so they hurriedly stopped them: "Cousin, go sit down, I'll be fine!"

Seeing that Lin Na had said so, Ling Wuyi didn't force it.

Lin Na cut a small piece of cake by herself, she didn't want to eat too many things brought by Lingwu.

Except for Ling Wu, everyone else had no appetite to eat cakes.

But Ling Wuwen watched from the side, and even took a bite first, it would be no good for them not to eat.

Bite the bullet, still took a bite.

As a result, after taking this bite, I was stunned!

Ling Wuxi made the cake with her own hands, of course the taste is very good.

Seeing Aunt Chen, Uncle Chen, Lin Na and Zhuang Yan took out the cake and divided it up after eating a piece, a smile flashed across Ling Wu's eyes.

After eating the cake, Lin Na still asked Ling Wuyue, "The cake my cousin bought is delicious! Which cake shop did you buy it from?"

Ling Wuwen pointed to the cake box and said, "I bought it in this store, and I bought the matcha cake."

Before making this cake, Ling Wuwen also specially watched how the matcha cake in this cake shop is made.

Everything was done perfectly, and she had no problem eating the cake with toppings.

But these four people took quite a lot...According to the amount of medicine, Ling Wuyi predicted that they would start their journey of seeing ghosts from nightmares tonight——

The main purpose of coming to Aunt Chen's house was to give them cakes, and now that they ate cakes, she didn't want to stay for a long time.

Just when Ling Wuyi was about to say goodbye and leave, the phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that the caller was Yang Wenhao.

"Boss, do you have an order?" Ling Wu asked.

Yang Wenhao hummed: "In the villa at No. 9 Qinglong Street, I have already brought the guy, you can drive here by yourself."

"Okay, I'll come over now."

After hanging up the phone, Ling Wuyi turned to look at Aunt Chen's family.

Without her having to speak first, Aunt Chen said first: "If you have something to do, go and do it first, and come back for dinner next time."

Ling Wuyi nodded: "Then aunt and uncle, I will go first."

"I'll see you off!" Zhuang Yan stood up and looked at Ling Wuwen.

"No need, I drove here myself."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen took her bag and changed her shoes and left.

Just as Ling Wuwen left, Zhuang Yan also left.

Lin Na pulled him to keep him, but was thrown away by Zhuang Yan.

He looked at Lin Na coldly and said, "I just want you to cooperate and stimulate Ruo Ruo for a while, don't get too involved in the drama, you really take yourself seriously!"

After saying that, Zhuang Yan left.

Lin Na burst into tears immediately, biting Chen Ruoruo's name viciously: "Chen Ruoruo! Chen Ruoruo! I won't make it easy for you! I won't make it easy for you!"

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