She decided in her heart that she was going to do what she had planned before.

But she didn't know that she had no chance...

As soon as Ling Wuyi got back to her car, she was almost taken aback by Xi Ziqiu who was sitting in the back seat of her.

Fortunately, Xi Ziqiu's virtual form was not as pale as a ghost, otherwise Ling Wuyi really thought he had seen a ghost!

Patting the little heart that had just been beating wildly twice, she asked: "Ziqiu, how is it? Have you found any evidence?"

Xi Ziqiu nodded and shook his head, which almost made Ling Wuyi stunned.

"Lin Yufei is very cautious. He didn't keep any transaction records at all. These days, probably because of my death and the news that I was murdered, Lin Yufei didn't make any transactions."

Tomorrow is the time for his memorial service, and it seems impossible to deal with Lin Yufei before that.

"Well, it doesn't matter, it's impossible for him not to make deals all the time." Ling Wuwen comforted Xi Ziqiu.

Xi Ziqiu nodded and looked at Ling Wuwen: "How have you been these few days?"

"Quite busy." Ling Wuwen replied with a smile, and then she was a little puzzled: "Why are you here?"

"When I was about to go back, I happened to see you driving towards this neighborhood, so I followed."

Xi Ziqiu didn't lie either, originally he was getting closer and talking to Ling Wuwen.

But I was curious about what Ling Wuyue was doing here, so I watched from a distance.

In fact, Xi Ziqiu was also there when Ling Wuwen arrived at Lin Na's house, but he was far away from Ling Wumei's sight.

"Who is Zhuang Yan?" Xi Ziqiu asked Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuxi didn't speak, she started the car and left first, because she saw Zhuang Yan walking towards her.

Zhuang Yan originally wanted to stop Ling Wu's car, but when he saw Ling Wu's driving so fast, he jumped back two steps in fright.

Seeing Ling Wuyi's car going away, Zhuang Yan took out his mobile phone and called her.

For Zhuang Yan's call, Ling Wuyi just glanced at it and hung up.

Seeing the caller ID on the phone, Xi Ziqiu turned his head to look at Ling Wu, waiting for her to answer his question just now.

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips, and then said: "Zhuang Yan is my ex-boyfriend. Some time ago, I found out that he was secretly with my cousin."

"I never thought that my closest cousin would marry my boyfriend. In order to prevent everyone from losing their dignity, I chose to break up first."

Ling Wuwen's tone was soft, and there seemed to be sadness in it, but it seemed that there was no sadness.

Looking at Ling Wu's side face, Xi Ziqiu felt inexplicably distressed.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Ling Wuwen, but the moment his finger touched her arm, it disappeared.

Pursing his lips slightly, Xi Ziqiu said, "Don't feel sorry for someone who doesn't deserve it. Such relatives and men, don't be your luck!"

In fact, when Aunt Chen was cooking, Xi Ziqiu was by her side, and he heard Aunt Chen whisper disgusting words to Chen Ruoruo.

At that time, Xi Ziqiu knew that this so-called aunt was not as good as an outsider.

At least from Xi Ziqiu's point of view, both Yang Wenhao and An Yuan treated Chen Ruoruo very well!

Ling Wuxi nodded lightly: "Well, you are right, such relatives and men are not my luck!"

Xi Ziqiu didn't speak anymore, only the sound of music in the car——

Ling Wuwen drove to the place Yang Wenhao mentioned.

There, an old man died suddenly while eating.

The family members are all by the old man's side, and they are preparing to bury the old man. So I don't want to send the old man to the funeral parlor, and have the funeral directly at home.

When Ling Wuyi arrived, Yang Wenhao and An Yuan had already arrived, but Ling Wuyi was not late either.

Enter the villa, put on work clothes, and do cleaning work.

The old man went quite peacefully, with no pain on his face.

He is already ninety-nine years old, and his family members are already mentally prepared, although it is still very sad.

This kind of deceased old man, Ling Wu and their job is to clean the body of the deceased and arrange the remains.

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening when I returned to my residence after finishing all this.

Ling Wuwen went back to the room to wash her hair and take a shower before sitting on the sofa with Xi Ziqiu and watching the computer.

Turning her head to look at Xi Ziqiu who was 'sitting' beside her, Ling Wuyi couldn't help but raised her lips and smiled.

Because Xi Ziqiu couldn't touch anything, he said he was 'sitting', but he didn't touch the sofa at all.

"It's funny?" Xi Ziqiu raised his eyebrows and asked Ling Wuyue.

Of course he knew what Ling Wuyue was laughing at, and there was a smile on his face too.

Ling Wuqian coughed lightly, held back a smile and shook her head: "It's not funny~"

"You don't have to hold back if you want to laugh, actually I really want to laugh too." Xi Ziqiu said.

Ling Wuyi opened her mouth and was about to speak when she received another call from Yang Wenhao.

Sighing, I knew there was another order to pick up without picking it up.


"Go back to the company to take the order, it's urgent."

"...Okay, I'll be right back."

After hanging up the phone, Ling Wuyi changed her clothes and shoes resignedly, and prepared to go out with the car keys——

Yang Wenhao said it was urgent, and it was indeed urgent.

There are several dead people who need to be sorted out. An Yuan, Yang Wenhao and her are each responsible for each dead person.

Originally, there were few people doing this kind of work, and those who were busy all night.

But tonight was fine, with Xi Ziqiu by her side.

There is no one in the workshop except Ling Wuwen and the deceased. Occasionally, he can still talk to Xi Ziqiu——

By the time the work was over, it was already eight o'clock the next morning.

Ling Wuwen was about to go home when she suddenly realized that today was the memorial service for 'Xi Ziqiu'.

She turned her head to look at Xi Ziqiu and asked him, "Today is your memorial service, are you going to see it?"

Xi Ziqiu shook his head: "No, I don't want to see those hypocritical people attend my memorial service."

Since you can't stop it, just out of sight.

Xi Ziqiu's eyes were a little cold, because he thought of the scene he saw when he was with Lin Yufei——

"My son is dead. If your company can't pay 50 million yuan, let's just forget it? You should know that when my son is alive, it's more than 50 million yuan!"

There was only desire for money on Xi's mother's face, without the slightest sadness of her son's accidental death.

Lin Yufei raised his eyebrows, with a smile on his face: "Fifty million is already the best of the company's benevolence. You must know that Xi Ziqiu committed suicide, not an accident at work."

"That's not what you said! If your company hadn't arranged too much work for my son, my son wouldn't be under great pressure, right? And what about suicide, maybe my son was too tired from work and came home, leaning on the balcony Did you accidentally drop it while you were there?"

After finishing speaking, Xi's mother curled her lips into a sneer, and took out her mobile phone to find a screenshot to show Lin Yufei: "This news Weibo screenshot, I think it's a bit reliable, I now suspect that my son was murdered !"

Lin Yufei frowned, looking at Xi's mother with cold eyes: "What do you want?"

Mother Xi raised her index finger and said three words: "One hundred million."


[Seeing that some readers said that the body of the chairman is based on Qiao Renliang, what Mei Kai wants to say is: No matter which entertainment theme Mei Kai writes, no one is based on anyone! The theme of this world is 'The Undertaker' and the inspiration comes from the Undertaker too! So please don't substitute any stars! 】

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