Before the words fell, Lin Na's cry came from the other side: "Wuuuuuuuu...Cousin, come and save me...Come and save me..."

"What's wrong?" Ling Wuwen was a little curious about what kind of 'ghosts' Lin Na saw in her hallucinations.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... "

Uncle and aunt?

The uncle and aunt mentioned by Lin Na are Chen Ruoruo's parents.

Unexpectedly, the 'ghost' that Lin Na saw would be Chen Ruoruo's parents, so what about Aunt Chen and his wife? And what kind of 'ghost' did Zhuang Yan see?

"What are you talking about?" Ling Wuwen asked Lin Na pretending to be a little strange.

"I...ah—don't come here! Don't come here! Ah——"

Lin Na's scream made Ling Wuyi feel like her eardrums were about to be shattered, so she quickly threw the phone on the bed.

Rubbing her sore ears, Lin Na's scream could be heard from so far away.

Ling Wuyi couldn't help asking Xia Lun: "Little Lunlun, where is Lin Na now?"

Xia Lun looked at Lin Na's location, and replied, "It's in the women's room at the bar."

Because of Lin Na's constant screaming, many people thought that something serious happened, and kicked open the door of the toilet cubicle.

Seeing Lin Na holding her head and screaming, those people were both curious and puzzled, and some took out their mobile phones to record and take pictures.

Of course, there were also kind people who came over and asked Lin Na if she felt uncomfortable.

Lin Na has entered a state of hallucinations. In her eyes, all the people in front of her are grinning ghosts with hideous faces!

"Ah—ah—don't come here! Don't come here! I don't want to die—I don't want to die—"

Lin Na kept shrinking into the corner, making those people unable to do anything.

In the end, someone called the police and called the police, but the police came to no avail. Lin Na directly scratched the policeman's face.

No way, the police called the ambulance from the mental hospital again.

The medical staff came, forcibly sedated Lin Na and took her to the hospital.

The police took Lin Na's mobile phone and called Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen first, because the notes written on the mobile phone were father and mother.

But after calling for a long time, Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen didn't answer.

Later, the police saw the "cousin" written on Lin Na's recent phone call, thinking that it was considered a family member, so the police called.

When the police called, Ling Wuxi was almost asleep. She only asked Xia Lun where Linna was, and she was not interested in knowing what Linna was doing.

When she saw the call from 'Lin Na' in a daze, Ling Wuyi was a little annoyed and ready to hang up the phone directly.

But when she was about to hang up, Xia Lun told Ling Wuyi that the caller was not Lin Na, but the police.

"It's probably because no one answered the phone when Lin Na's parents called, so the police called you."

Hearing that the call was from the police, Ling Wuxi paused for a moment, then threw the phone aside and ignored it.

Turned over and continued to sleep.

The police called, and Ling Wuyi knew that she would not be able to sleep tonight after she answered the call.

She didn't want to sacrifice her sleep time for Lin Na!

The police called Ling Wupi but no one answered, and finally they called Lin Na's phone number with 'Dear' written on it.

Finally, someone answered the phone, and it was Zhuang Yan who answered the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, before the police could speak, Zhuang Yan yelled: "Lin Na!!! I told you not to call me again!! Do you not understand human speech?!"

After finishing speaking, Zhuang Yan gave a bang and hung up the phone.

The uncle of the policeman was yelled at by Zhuang Yan, and he expressed that he was in a daze...

Come on, no one can get through on the phone, so let the patient stay in the hospital for the time being.

Lin Na lives in a mental hospital. Originally, the police and doctors wanted to send her home when she woke up. After all, there was nothing wrong with the physical examination.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Na woke up the next day, she was in a bad state of mind. She hid in the corner of the room and screamed at anyone who approached her.

Such Lin Na looks like a mentally ill patient!

So Lin Na was left behind.

The police saw Lin Na's address from her ID card and went directly to her home to look for it.

After ringing the doorbell for a long time, no one answered the door. The police thought there was no one at home and were about to leave when they heard the sound of glass breaking inside.

The policeman rang the doorbell again, shouting, "Lin Na's parents, are you at home? I'm a policeman!"

After about five minutes, the door was carefully opened.

"You said, you are a policeman?" Uncle Chen stuck out his head, full of fear.

The policeman was taken aback by Uncle Chen's haggard look. Why...the whole family is mentally ill?

"Yes, I'm a policeman, so are you Lin Na's father?" The policeman showed Uncle Chen his police ID and asked Uncle Chen again.

Uncle Chen nodded and said, "I am, Mr. Police, are you okay?"

"Your daughter was frightened by something in the bar last night. She is now in a mental hospital. Come and see with me!"

Uncle Chen thought for a while, then nodded: "I'll call my wife together, Mr. Police, please wait for a while."

With that said, Uncle Chen closed the door with a bang.

The policeman was stunned, and stood at the door waiting for Uncle Chen.

After waiting for a long time, the police were ready to ring the doorbell again, and Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen opened the door.

Seeing the appearance of Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen, the police really suspected that the whole family had mental problems.

"Mr. Lin, Mrs. Lin, come with me."

The police drove and sent Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen to a mental hospital.

At this time, Lin Na's mental state was much better under the doctor's control. Seeing her parents coming, Lin Na rushed to hug them and started crying.

"Mom and Dad! I... my uncle and aunt came to look for me again last night. They said they were going to kill me! I'm so scared... I'm so scared..."

Aunt Chen and Uncle Chen also looked terrified: "They...they went looking for you too? Last night they also looked for me and your mother. We didn't dare to sleep all night."

The policemen, doctors and nurses next to me were all dumbfounded. What does this... mean?

"Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin, have you encountered any problems? You can tell us, and we will help you."

The police thought it was Lin Na and the others who had been threatened or blackmailed. If this happened, of course they needed the police to come out.

Aunt Chen shook her head, looking at the police with bloodshot eyes: "It's not a threat... It's not blackmail... It's a ghost asking for your life!"

Her tone of voice was so drawn out that it sounded a little scary.

The policemen, doctors and nurses present were inexplicably terrified by Aunt Chen's tone...

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