After Aunt Chen finished speaking, Lin Na and Uncle Chen next to her also nodded.

The performance of this family of three made them understand a little bit.

It is these three people who are sick!

The psychiatrist diagnosed the three of Lin Na with delusional disorder, imagining that there are really ghosts in this world, and it is so serious that they have hallucinations.

As a result, all three of their family were left in the hospital for treatment.

Uncle Chen still has family members, so the police and the hospital did not contact Ling Wuyi, but contacted Uncle Chen's relatives.

When Ling Wuwen knew about it, Lin Na's family of three had already been locked up in the hospital for treatment.

Their condition is a bit serious, from seeing 'ghosts' at night in the beginning to seeing 'ghosts' in the daytime later, their condition is getting worse and worse.

Later, Aunt Chen and Uncle Chen even told some things in their self-scaring that the psychiatrist had to call the police!

A few years ago, Chen Ruoruo's parents were responsible for the car accident, because they knew that if they died accidentally, they would receive a huge compensation.

Unable to bear this temptation, Aunt Chen and Uncle Chen tampered with the brakes of Chen Ruoruo's parents.

Originally, I thought there would be some accident, but I didn't expect Chen Ruoruo's parents to have a car accident as they planned.

At that time, Chen Ruoruo was an adult, so the huge amount of compensation was handed over to Chen Ruoruo.

But it didn't matter, Aunt Chen and Uncle Chen understood Chen Ruoruo's personality and taught her to save the compensation.

They thought that in a few years, Chen Ruoruo also had an accident.

Then the huge compensation will come to their hands as they wish!

Intentional murder, this is what Aunt Chen and Uncle Chen are charged with.

But now they are too sick to be locked up in a mental hospital.

As for Lin Na, she also explained the fact that she was going to drug Chen Ruoruo, causing her to die unexpectedly.

Although Lin Na has not carried out this criminal act of her own, she is also imprisoned in a mental hospital——

Zhuang Yan on the other side also ate the cake and also had hallucinations.

However, Zhuang Yan's family conditions are good, after realizing that Zhuang Yan seems to have a mental problem, they quickly sent him abroad for treatment.

When the police called Zhuang Yan, Zhuang Yan had already returned from treatment. Although he was not cured, he was under control.

As long as Zhuang Yan remembers to take the medicine every day, there will be no problem. But if he doesn't take the medicine one day, he will see a 'ghost' that night.

On Aunt Chen's side, Ling Wuwen didn't care much about it anymore, but she did let Xia Lun pay attention to Lin Yufei's side.

According to Xia Lun, Lin Yufei's death of 'Xi Ziqiu' is over, although there are still people on Weibo saying that there is something strange about the death of 'Xi Ziqiu'.

But what if there is something strange? The body of 'Xi Ziqiu' has been cremated, and there is no way to do an autopsy.

There is also a saying on the Internet that the police went to investigate after 'Xi Ziqiu' jumped off the building.

'Xi Ziqiu' lives on the 32nd floor, one floor per floor.

The police checked the surveillance in the residence of 'Xi Ziqiu', but found that there was no surveillance video at that time period.

Then the question arises, 'Xi Ziqiu' committed suicide, why should the monitoring records be deleted? And he has already jumped off the building, how can he have the ability to delete the monitoring records?

The police wanted to continue their investigation, but were ordered to stop the investigation by their superiors.

This news was told by a netizen, who said that some relatives in his family also participated in the investigation of this case.

After being ordered to stop, there was no news.

As soon as the news came out, more people on the Internet were unwilling to believe that 'Xi Ziqiu' committed suicide.

But within two days, the netizen who spread the news stood up and said that he was idle and doing nonsense, and there was no such thing, so now he apologizes to everyone.

Time passed day by day, except for some fans of 'Xi Ziqiu' who were unwilling to believe that he committed suicide, everyone else gradually forgot about 'Xi Ziqiu'——

Recently, Xi Ziqiu came back every morning, mainly to tell Ling Wuying about Lin Yufei's itinerary, and then he also said that there were people who traded drugs at Lin Yufei's place recently.

Xi Ziqiu memorized all the Lingwu catkins that Xi Ziqiu said, and then hacked into their computers one by one to see if there were any clues.

Not to mention, it really made Ling Wuxi find the encrypted file in the computer of a popular artist.

After unlocking, the artist's encrypted file was successfully copied.

Opening the encrypted document, it contained detailed records of his purchase of drugs from Lin Yufei.

From the time and place to how much money, how much, and who to trade with, it is all clearly written!

Ling Wuyi saw that the latest transaction between this artist and Lin Yufei was three days ago, and the time, place, and amount of money were all the same as Xi Ziqiu said.

If Ling Wuyi sent this encrypted document directly to the police, then the police would know that there was a lot involved as long as they followed suit to investigate.

Even if Lin Yufei has the ability to get the city's police officers to confess not to investigate the cause of 'Xi Ziqiu''s death, the General Police Department will definitely not just let Lin Yufei get away with it!

But Ling Wuwen discovered another encrypted document, which contained the artist's diary.

After watching it, I realized that the artist was contaminated with drugs because of Lin Yufei.

He thought about quitting drugs, but every time he succeeded, Lin Yufei would force him to take drugs again.

It has developed to the present, even though he knows that taking drugs is wrong, he is completely dependent on drugs.

The diary wrote a lot about the artist's mood and experience, and some privacy made Ling Wuxi hesitate.

Forget it, she'd better get Lin Yufei's direct evidence before calling the police——

After that, Ling Wupi's life remained the same, she was busy when she should be busy, and stayed at home when she was not busy.

Xi Ziqiu still came to Ling Wuwen every morning to tell her about the situation.

Recently, Xi Ziqiu has got a lot of information. Because Lin Yufei is sold out, there will be a big deal in the near future.

Lin Yufei will also be present for this transaction.

Ling Wuxi hacked into the computer of the General Police Department. Although she was almost caught, she still saw important information.

For example... The General Police Department has noticed Lin Yufei.

It's just that Lin Yufei's "background" is relatively hard, and there is no direct evidence, so they are not easy to act.

So this time, Ling Wuyi will give them a chance to act!

At eight o'clock this morning, Ling Wuwen once again invaded the network security system of the General Police Agency.

Unlike the cautious one before, she sent out a message in a very ostentatious way, and sent it to the chief of the Police Department.

The director of the General Police Department was a little skeptical when he saw the message Ling Wuwen sent him, but Ling Wuwen wrote in his closing words: My friend sacrificed his life for the information, I hope the director will cherish it This is a chance to wipe out Lin Yufei's gang!


[The 1550th monthly ticket will be updated! 】

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