It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon when Ling Wuyi, Yang Wenhao and An Yuan returned to the company.

When I was about to continue working, I received a message from Lu Yunxiao: Remember to have dinner.

Just as Ling Wu was about to reply to Lu Yunxiao's message, Yang Wenhao who was next to him said, "Let's eat before continuing to work."

After a pause, he turned his head to look at Yang Wenhao, and said, "Then boss, let's go to dinner together first."

Yang Wenhao nodded and walked towards the cafeteria first.

Yang Wenhao is a young and middle-aged man who is nearly forty years old. He is serious and hard-working.

"You go and eat first, I... I won't go." An Yuan's face was a little pale and ugly.

The deceased just now, some of that...

Although An Yuan has been working for a few years, but today she feels that she is not able to adapt, and she always feels sick to her stomach.

Ling Wuwen looked at An Yuan's face, stretched out his hand to pull her wrist, and felt her pulse without any trace.

After feeling the pulse, Ling Wuwen said jokingly, "Yuanyuan, you must be pregnant, right?"

"How is it possible!" An Yuan replied without even thinking about it.

But just after she finished speaking, she herself had some doubts.

Frowning, he thought carefully about when his aunt came last time.

Only then did I realize that my aunt had delayed her arrival for twenty days!

Yang Wenhao on the side stopped and turned to look at An Yuan.

He is married, and his wife used to be an embalmer. When she was first pregnant, she also felt nauseous at work.

Hearing what Ling Wujin said, Yang Wenhao also felt that An Yuan's performance seemed to indicate that she might be pregnant.

After all, this is not the first time they have encountered such a deceased person, and An Yuan is not a young girl who just worked.

So, Yang Wenhao said to An Yuan, "Don't work today, go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow."

An Yuan blushed and nodded, and said, "Then...then I'll go back first..."

With that said, An Yuan was about to leave.

Ling Wuyi hurriedly called her to stop: "Aren't you going to tell Li Ming?"

"Oh oh oh... I'm going right now..."

Seeing An Yuan's nervous and bewildered look, Ling Wuyue thought it was a little funny.

Shaking his head, smiling and walking towards the cafeteria, he sent a message back to Lu Yunxiao: he just returned to the company, and now he is going to work after dinner.

Lu Yunxiao responded to the message in seconds: OK, remember to call me when you get off work.

Ling Wuyi really wanted to reply, 'You are so long-winded', and she said it several times, as if she was embarrassed to call him.

The reason for the refusal before was not because Ling Wuyi didn't want to disturb Lu Yunxiao, but because it would be too casual for someone to agree immediately after saying that.

In the end, Ling Wuyi still replied three words to Lu Yunxiao: Got it!


Without An Yuan around, the workload was even greater.

Ling Wuyi has to do the work of two people alone, but luckily tonight is not so busy, and she can get off work at one o'clock in the morning.

Before leaving get off work, Ling Wuyi called Lu Yunxiao.

She originally thought that if Lu Yunxiao fell asleep after calling, she would tell Lu Yunxiao not to pick her up, and it would be faster for her to take a taxi back by herself, without waiting for him to come.

As a result, Lu Yunxiao answered the phone and said, "I'm already outside your company, come out after get off work."

Ling Wuxi was stunned, and she didn't have the ability to predict, how could she know that she was off work at this time?

There is only one answer, Lu Yunxiao came outside the company early to wait for her!

Some are speechless, but more are moved.

He answered "OK", then hung up the phone, changed his clothes and left the company.

Walking to the entrance of the company, you can see Lu Yunxiao sitting in the driver's seat of the car from a distance.

With his head down and a laptop on his lap, he stared intently at the computer screen.

From the looks of it, Lu Yunxiao should be working.

Ling Wuxi paused, walked to the side of the car, opened the co-pilot's door and got in the car.

When Lu Yunxiao heard the sound of the door opening, he turned his head to look over, and gave Ling Wuyi a smiling face: "It's time to get off work!"

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Well, when did you come here?"

Lu Yunxiao looked at the time and said, "Come here at twelve o'clock."

"I've been waiting for an hour. What if I don't get off work until three or four o'clock? Why are you here so early?"

Ling Wuyi frowned, although Lu Yunxiao came to pick her up, she was very happy.

But Lu Yunxiao still has to manage the company, so if he doesn't have a good rest, will he still have the energy to manage the company?

"Well, anyway, I still have some things to deal with at work, so I just drove over and deal with business while waiting for you."

Lu Yunxiao's tone was gentle, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were a little tired.

Ling Wuyi felt a little distressed, and decided not to let Lu Yunxiao wait for her like this in the future.

Lu Yunxiao turned off the computer, put it away, then started the car and left.

"Today is earlier than yesterday." Lu Yunxiao said with a smile.

Ling Wuwen hummed, and replied: "Today is indeed earlier than yesterday." Then he stopped talking.

In the car, suddenly fell into silence.

As if sensing that Ling Wumi was angry, Lu Yunxiao turned his head to look at her while waiting for the red light.

He asked tentatively, "Are you angry?"

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips and shook her head: "I just don't like to trouble others like this."

"But I don't think it's troublesome... What I mean is, you only troubled me this once, but I still have to trouble you to accompany my mother!" Lu Yunxiao said with a smile.

Ling Wuyi was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look at Lu Yunxiao: "After you say that, I am speechless."

Lu Yunxiao grinned, showing his white teeth.

Seeing that Ling Wuwen didn't seem to be angry anymore, Lu Yunxiao quietly let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, being so active towards Ling Wuwen, besides wanting her to accompany his mother, he also has other selfish motives.

I don't know why, but after seeing Ling Wuwen for the first time, he would have strange dreams every night.

He dreamed that he was by Ling Wuyue's side every day, and when she was working, he was watching from the side.

When she was watching a movie at home, he was watching it with her.

Although he knew that everything in the dream was 'fake', he just couldn't help but want to get close to Ling Wuwen.

He felt that there was a kind of magical power in Ling Wuxi's body, which made him want to talk to her, want to look at her...

Ling Wuyi didn't know that Lu Yunxiao would recall what happened when Xi Ziqiu was still in virtual form in a dream state from time to time.

All she knew was that her favorability had risen to eighty-seven points——

Lu Yunxiao directly sent Ling Wuwen to the door of the house, and watched her enter before leaving.

Before leaving, Lu Yunxiao also told Ling Wuwen: "We will move here tomorrow, so we will pick you up at noon for lunch, shall we? My mother cooks herself."

Ling Wuyi didn't refuse, and nodded in agreement.

Originally, he wanted to ask which floor and which room he was on, but Lu Yunxiao said, "I'll come pick you up at noon tomorrow."



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