In order to prevent her from sleeping when Lu Yunxiao came to pick her up, Ling Wuyi specially set the alarm clock for eleven o'clock.

As soon as the alarm clock rang, she quickly got up from the bed and took a shower.

Maybe because he wanted Ling Wuyi to sleep a little longer, Lu Yunxiao didn't come to ring the doorbell until twelve o'clock.

During the one-hour wait, she leaned on the sofa to make up for half an hour of sleep.

Followed Lu Yunxiao downstairs, to the next building.

Lu Yunxiao lives on the sixteenth floor, which is also a duplex apartment, but the area is much larger than her single apartment.

There are three bedrooms alone, not counting the gym, study room, and a greenhouse.

When Ling Wuwen went, Lu's mother had already prepared lunch.

Knowing that Ling Wu is coming, Mother Lu prepared a lot of dishes.

"Ruo Ruo you are here!"

"Mrs. Lu." Ling Wuwen greeted Lu's mother with a smile.

Lu's mother took Ling Wu's hand kindly: "Don't call Mrs. Lu so alien, call me Aunt Lu."

She also felt that being called Mrs. Lu was very alienating, so she changed her words: "Aunt Lu."

Mother Lu looked very happy, she took Ling Wumi to the dining room and sat down: "I was so happy when I found out that you lived in the same community as Yunxiao! Now that I have moved here, I can see you every day from now on! "

"I'm also very happy to see you, Aunt Lu!" Ling Wuyi kept smiling appropriately, and looked at Mother Lu when she spoke.

"Oh, by the way, I heard from Yunxiao that if you live alone, Ruoruo, are your parents in this city?"

The smile on Ling Wuyi's face froze, and then she didn't nod or shake her head, and said, "My parents died in a car accident a few years ago, and I'm the only one left in my family."

Lu's mother was stunned, and Lu Yunxiao who was beside her hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry Ruoruo, we shouldn't have asked this question."

"It's okay, this is a very common question." Ling Wuxi expressed her understanding.

It is a very common question, many people will ask such a question.

After all, people don't know what's going on with the people in your family, as long as they don't ask maliciously, it's fine.

Looking at Ling Wuwen, Lu's mother said with some distress: "Then Ruoruo, you can come here to eat every day! Auntie cooks for you!"

Originally Ling Wuyi wanted to refuse, but Lu Yunxiao who was beside him kept giving her winks.

After a pause, I felt a little funny in my heart, but on the face, I asked Mother Lu with some surprise: "Is it possible? Will it be too much trouble?"

"Of course! Yun Xiao has to work, so he can't eat at home every day at noon. I heard Yun Xiao say that your job is to have a little free time during the day. From now on, you will come to eat at home at twelve noon every day!"

Now that Lu's mother said so, of course Ling Wuyi nodded in agreement.

——From this day on, Ling Wuwen started going to Lu Yunxiao's house for dinner every day at noon, very consciously.

Lu Yunxiao has just taken over the company, so he has to adapt and adjust in many places.

In the first two days, Ling Wuxi saw him more often, and after that, except for weekends, she basically didn't see him.

She spends a lot of time with Lu's mother, and Ling Wuyi will be with Lu's mother in her free time.

Occasionally, we go shopping with her, go for a walk, watch TV and go shopping together.

In order to relieve Mama Lu's boredom, Ling Wuwen even discussed with Lu Yunxiao and bought a small Samoyed for Mama Lu.

In fact, Mother Lu has always liked small animals, but because Father Lu is allergic to animal hair, Mother Lu has never raised them.

Having a little Samoyed at home is like having a happy life.

Mother Lu was very happy, and gave the little Samoyed a vulgar name, Niu Niu.

Niuniu is very naughty and likes to cling to Lu's mother.

With Niu Niu to pass the time, Mother Lu has even less time to be sad.

Lu's mother is also very busy. There is no nanny at home, and she does all the grocery shopping, cooking and housework by herself.

You have to take care of Niuniu and take care of the plants in the greenhouse.

Gradually, Mother Lu also came out of the death of Father Lu, knowing that the fact is that Father Lu has left, and the living must live well——

In the blink of an eye, it has been a year since Lu's father passed away.

This year, Ling Wuyi increased Lu Yunxiao's favorability to ninety points.

Sure enough, it was easy to add at the beginning, but it became more difficult to add later.

Moreover, Lu Yunxiao is also very talented in business, and Lu's father's company is getting bigger and bigger under his hands.

It was originally a well-known company in N City, but now it has become a listed company in just one year.

It was named the company with the most potential by a financial magazine, and Lu Yunxiao also appeared on the cover of the magazine, and became the hottest diamond king in N city for a while.

Of course, such a Lu Yunxiao was even busier.

But at least he has a favorability point of ninety points, no matter how busy he is, Lu Yunxiao will send a text message to Ling Wuxi every night.

Occasionally he was late working overtime, and it happened that Ling Wuyi had just left work, and he would go to Ling Wuyi's house for a midnight snack or something.

So the relationship between the two is fairly stable.

Stable, good friendships.

Ling Wuyi originally thought about whether to confess her love, but seeing that Lu Yunxiao seemed to like the current state very much, she just waited and watched.

Anyway, the world is really not in a hurry.

No matter when the favorability is full, they agreed to stay.

In fact, Ling Wuyi thought that if she didn't come to the world agreed with Xi Ziqiu, she would choose to stay.

Because leaving mother Lu here alone is a bit too cruel——

This day was Lu's father's death day, Lu's mother and Lu Yunxiao were both a little depressed.

Ling Wuwen took a special day off to stay with Lu's mother and go shopping and cook with her.

Lu Yunxiao also wanted to participate, but the company was too busy, he could only go to the company after paying respects to Lu's father.

At noon, Ling Wuwen and Lu's mother were preparing lunch in the kitchen. The two of them had a lot to talk about, and the topic kept going.


While chatting, Mother Lu suddenly sighed.

Ling Wuyi turned her head to look at her, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with Auntie?"

It was fine just now, why did you sigh?

Mother Lu said: "I just thought, Yun Xiao is so busy with work now, when will I have a daughter-in-law?"

While speaking, Lu's mother observed Ling Wuwen's facial expression "unobtrusively".

Of course Ling Wuyi knew that Lu's mother was observing her expression, and cooperated with her to stiffen the smile on her face, and then said with a smile: "Yun Xiao is so young, Auntie, are you in a hurry?"

"Twenty-four years old, almost."

Just as Ling Wuyi was about to say, 'I'm already twenty-seven years old, I'm not in a hurry', Mother Lu said, "You're already twenty-seven years old, and you're almost there!"

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