"It's not easy to find a partner in my profession, and I'm not in a hurry. I can't escape what I should meet." Ling Wuwen came back with a relaxed expression and said to Lu's mother.

Mother Lu felt that what she said was very clear, logically speaking, Ling Wuyi should also understand the meaning of her words...

But looking at Ling Wuwen's appearance, it seemed that she didn't understand.

After thinking about it, Mother Lu changed her method again.

She asked Ling Wuwen: "Ruoruo, what is your criteria for choosing a mate?"

"My criteria for choosing a mate are simple, love me, cherish me, and treat me well. Of course, the most important thing is that I have to like it!"

As soon as Ling Wuyi finished speaking, Mother Lu asked her: "Then do you mind if the other party is younger than you?"

"Eh..." Ling Wuxi paused.

She understood the meaning of Lu's mother's words from the very beginning. She has been eating lunch at Lu's house for more than half a year. Lu's mother often hopes that she can be with Lu Yunxiao inside and outside the words.

But this is the first time I heard Lu's mother ask so bluntly, if she pretends not to understand, she won't be able to explain it.

Ling Wuwen was wondering if she should pretend to be shy, or directly show that she actually likes Lu Yunxiao?

Mother Lu is still waiting for Ling Wupin's answer... The phone rang in the living room outside. Mother Lu wiped her hands with a towel and went out to answer the phone.

"Xiaoxiao~ what's the matter?"

"Going on a business trip? Now?"

"In such a hurry? Okay, okay, okay, mom knows."

Hearing the voice of Lu's mother talking on the phone with Lu Yunxiao, Ling Wuyi walked out and looked at Lu's mother who had finished talking on the phone.

Lu's mother also turned her head, looked at Ling Wuwen, and said, "Yunxiao temporarily decided to go on a business trip, and he is already on his way home now, Ruoruo, can you do me a favor?"

Ling Wuwen nodded: "Okay, Auntie, tell me."

"Yun Xiao is going on a business trip for half a month, can you help him pack the clothes and supplies that he needs to change in this half month?"


With Ling Wuyi's consent, Lu's mother smiled and said: "Then I will trouble you, and I will continue to cook."

Mother Lu went to the kitchen to continue cooking, while Ling Wuwen went upstairs to Lu Yunxiao's room.

I found a black suitcase in the room and came out. Since it was work, it must be a suit.

If you live outside for half a month, you must bring pajamas.

The towels and toothbrushes outside are not that good, so I have to bring them with me, as well as the men's skin care products that Lu Yunxiao usually uses...

When Lu Yunxiao returned to the room, he saw Ling Wuwen packing his luggage like a good wife and mother.

At that moment, he really felt that he fell in love with Ling Wu!

Sensing that her favorability had risen to ninety-two points, Ling Wuwen stopped her movements, and just as she turned around, Lu Yunxiao was already ten centimeters away from her.

The distance between the two of them was a little close, so close that Lu Yunxiao put his arms around her waist.

Lu Yunxiao said: "I always thought that we were more than friends but not lovers, but I didn't know that I actually fell in love with you..."

Ling Wuyi raised her eyes, staring at Lu Yunxiao in a daze.

She thought about many scenes where Lu Yunxiao would confess his love to her, but she never thought that it would be like this, nor would it be today.

Lu Yunxiao added: "When I come back, can you be my girlfriend?"

Ling Wuwen blinked her eyes, and before she could say anything, Lu Yunxiao laughed lightly, and said very firmly: "I know you will agree."

"I..." Ling Wuwen blushed, shyly pushed Lu Yunxiao away, turned around and continued to pack her luggage.

Lu Yunxiao stood by the side with a smile on his face and watched Ling Wuwen tidy up. While watching, he said to Ling Wuwen: "This business trip is a bit sudden. I originally wanted to send the backbone of the company, but it is too important. I You can only go in person."

Ling Wuyin responded with a hum, indicating that she knew.

Lu Yunxiao tilted his head to look at her, his cheeks were still pink.

I couldn't help raising my hand to poke Ling Wu's cheek, and couldn't help but admire: "Mmm~ It's so pink!"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Checked the suitcase, first aid kit, various clothes, shoes, daily necessities...

I brought everything I needed, and I didn't miss anything.

Ling Wuyi closed the suitcase, looked sideways at Lu Yunxiao: "I'll take you to the airport."

"No need, the assistant will drive me there. If you go, I will be reluctant." Lu Yunxiao still had a smile on his face, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

He wanted to take Ling Wuwen on a business trip with him, but Ling Wuwen still had a job, so he couldn't do that.

"Okay then...be careful on the road."

Not being able to see each other for half a month, of course Ling Wuyi was also reluctant.

But what can be done? An Yuan is on maternity leave, she is embarrassed to take a long leave.

Lu Yunxiao pulled the suitcase and put his arms around Ling Wuxi's waist.

Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'll call you when we arrive." Lu Yunxiao said.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Be careful on the road."


Ling Wuwen sent Lu Yunxiao to the door, but Lu Yunxiao took Ling Wuwen's hand and was a little reluctant to let go.

Lu's mother was shocked by the way the two of you talked about each other, remembering that yesterday she asked Lu Yunxiao what she meant for Li Lingwu, what Lu Yunxiao said: "Ruoruo and I are more than friends, but not lovers. I always feel that to be a lover, what else is needed.”

At that time, Mother Lu asked Lu Yunxiao what else he needed? Lu Yunxiao himself couldn't tell.

She was still talking about Ling Wutiao just now, why did she... hold her little hand?

Sure enough, all her worries were for nothing!

It was really time that couldn't be delayed any longer, so Lu Yunxiao looked at Mother Lu. Said: "Mom, then I'm leaving."

Lu's mother nodded and said something to remind him.

"Okay, I got it. Ruoruo, I'll trouble you to take care of my mother during the half month I've been away." In the second half of the sentence, Lu Yunxiao looked at Ling Wuwen and said.

"Well, don't worry, I will take good care of my aunt."

Lu Yunxiao hugged Ling Wuwen, then hugged Lu's mother, and then left with the suitcase...

After Lu Yunxiao left, Mother Lu tilted her head to look at Ling Wuying, and asked her: "Ruoruo... When did you and Xiaoxiao start?"

Ling Wuxi blushed, and said embarrassedly: "It hasn't started yet... Yun Xiao said that when he comes back from a business trip..."

Ling Wuwen was too shy to say what she said next, and Mother Lu understood what she said, and the corners of her mouth were grinning to the bottom of her ears!

That's great!

When it comes to choosing a daughter-in-law, Mother Lu thinks that Ling Wuyue is the most suitable daughter-in-law for her family! Except for Ling Wu, no one else can make her so satisfied!

Although it is said that Ling Wuyi is three years older than Lu Yunxiao, they say that the female junior holds a golden brick! What a age difference—

Lu Yunxiao went on a business trip, so only Ling Wuyi and Mother Lu were left at home... Oh, and Niu Niu.

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