Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1536 Seeing the 'Ghost' Embalmer (End)

Lu Yunxiao can really sleep, obviously there is no problem with his body, yet he sleeps for half a year!

In the past six months, Ling Wuwen not only had to take care of Lu Yunxiao and Lu's mother, but also helped manage the company.

Fortunately, she had also managed the company before, and it was justifiable that she was authorized by Lu's mother to manage it.

When Ling Wuyi first started working in the company, those company employees were also dissatisfied with Ling Wuyi.

Although they didn't know what Ling Wuyi's original job was, they still felt that she would not make any achievements if she airborne without any achievements.

But what they didn't expect was that Ling Wuwen not only acted swiftly and resolutely, but was also very efficient.

She gave people the impression that she is a very courageous, aura, and a strong woman with foresight!

In just half a year, the company has been brought to a higher level!

Up to now, the company has basically been in a state of steady growth.

As long as there is no big storm, the company will only get better and better, and it will definitely not go downhill.

Mother Lu doesn't understand these things, but she trusts Ling Wuwen very much, as long as it is said by Ling Wuwen, she will believe it.

Fortunately, it was Ling Wuwen, if it was replaced by someone with ulterior motives, he wouldn't take all the company's money out and run away!

For half a year, if she didn't know that Lu Yunxiao's health was fine, she would have wanted to buy medicine for him in the platform mall.

Ling Wuyi silently decided in her heart, wait another month, if Lu Yunxiao still doesn't wake up...she will buy medicine for him in the platform mall!

But he didn't expect Lu Yunxiao to wake up just a few days after his decision——

That day, Ling Wuwen went to the hospital with Lu's mother to visit Lu Yunxiao before going to the company in the morning as usual.

Because there are too many things in the company that need her to deal with, she won't guard Lu Yunxiao in the hospital at night.

After staying in the hospital for about an hour, talking to Lu Yunxiao as if he was talking to himself, after that Ling Wuyi went to the company——

In the afternoon, just after Ling Wu's meeting came out, she suddenly sensed that her favorability had been fully charged!

It's just so unpredictable...

At this moment, the secretary told her that Lu's mother had called to say that Lu Yunxiao had woken up.

To say that Lu Yunxiao woke up, it would be better to say that Xi Ziqiu woke up.

Xi Ziqiu also recovered his memory while his favorability was full.

When I heard the news, Ling Wuti didn't even remember to take the car keys and ran outside the company. The secretary saw her car keys and hurriedly gave them to her, otherwise Ling Wuti would have made another trip.

When they arrived at the hospital, Xi Ziqiu was talking to Lu's mother who was crying with joy and smiling.

As if she had sensed it, as soon as Ling Wuwen stood at the door of the ward, Xi Ziqiu turned to look at her.

Ling Wuwen stepped forward and walked quickly to Xi Ziqiu's hospital bed: "You finally woke up!"

Xi Ziqiu still had a smile on his face, his face was ruddy, and he seemed in good spirits, not at all like someone who had been in a coma for half a year.

Xi Ziqiu spread out his palms, and Ling Wuwen habitually put her hand in his palm.

"Thank you for your hard work." He said to Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuxi shook her head lightly, and said with a smile, "I'm not working hard, just wake up!"

Lu's mother on the side was overjoyed: "In the past six months, Ruoruo has really worked hard! If it weren't for Ruoruo, not only the company would have collapsed, but your mother and I would have collapsed too!"

Originally, Ling Wuwen was asked to manage the company because she didn't understand. At that time, Mother Lu thought that someone could take care of it.

She never thought that Ling Wuwen would manage the company better and better!

When Xi Ziqiu didn't wake up, Ling Wuwen was her pillar, making her feel that the sky in front of her couldn't rest.

Mother Lu felt that it was a great blessing to have such a daughter-in-law-to-be!

Xi Ziqiu nodded lightly with a smile, looked at Ling Wuwen affectionately, and said meaningfully: "Yes, so I will make it up to you!"

Ling Wuwen also laughed, pretending not to understand and said: "Then I have to think about how to torment you better!"

"Mom thinks with you! Give this brat a hard time!"

As early as half a year ago, Ling Wuwen had already started to call Mother Lu "Mom".

At that time, Lu's mother said that no one around her called her 'Mom', so she felt empty in her heart.

Ling Wuyue also followed suit, so she said, "Then shall I call your mother?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Mother Lu nodded happily in agreement.

From then on, Ling Wuwen began to call Lu's mother "Mom".

"Okay, let's think about it together!" Ling Wuwen grinned.


Xi Ziqiu was able to wake up, and the heart that Lu's mother had been carrying for half a year finally fell to the ground.

On the second day after waking up, Xi Ziqiu could be discharged from the hospital and go home.

After sleeping for half a year, it seemed to replenish his energy. He didn't look weak at all, and he returned to work in the company on the third day.

Originally, Ling Wuwen also wanted to return to work in the original funeral company, but Lu's mother and Xi Ziqiu disagreed.

Because...they are getting married!

Xi Ziqiu's plan is that after they get married, they will have children.

After giving birth, I am very busy, busy taking care of the child, busy taking care of Mother Lu, and busy with him!

In fact, the main reason was that Xi Ziqiu felt that the working hours of the embalmers were too unstable. Resting so late at night, he felt distressed just looking at it!

After the wedding date was set, Ling Wuwen called back to Yang Wenhao. Yang Wenhao said that he had hired a few new employees and they were all ready to go.

An Yuan has also returned to work, so she can be busy if she doesn't go back.

If so, then she will not go back.

Before hanging up the phone, Yang Wenhao took the initiative to make a joke for the first time: "When you get married, don't stop sending wedding invitations just because you dislike us!"

Ling Wuxi laughed, and quickly said: "Of course I don't dislike it! Boss, have you forgotten my identity? How can anyone dislike themselves! What's more...the wedding invitation has been written a long time ago, and I will personally send it to the company tomorrow go!"

"It seems that I have to prepare a big red envelope!" Yang Wenhao said with a smile.

Ling Wuwen also laughed: "Then I'll just wait for your big red envelope, Boss!"


After talking on the phone with Yang Wenhao, Ling Wuyi sent another message to An Yuan.

Who knew that she was not busy, so she called Ling Wuxi after receiving the message.

"Are you going to get married?" An Yuan's tone was still somewhat surprised.

Half a year ago, Ling Wu's current boyfriend became a vegetable and had to leave the job in order to take care of her current boyfriend.

At that time, An Yuan still sympathized with Ling Wuwen, and felt that her life was really miserable.

Although they haven't seen each other for half a year, they keep in touch from time to time.

Recently, An Yuan also knew about Xi Ziqiu's waking up, and was very happy for her.

How long has it been... getting married!

"Well, the wedding date is set on the first day of September, tomorrow I will come to the company to send you wedding invitations~"

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