Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1537 Seeing the 'Ghost' Embalmer (Extra)

"The first day of September..." An Yuan calculated the time: "It's only two months away!"

"Yes, but it is said that the first day of September this year is the best day. If you wait any longer, you will have to wait until June next year."

In fact, Ling Wuyue doesn't care about life or anything, she has been married so many times, and she can get married at any time.

Mother Lu chose this day.

Regarding the wedding, she and Xi Ziqiu fully respect Mother Lu's opinion.

She wants a Chinese-style wedding, so a Chinese-style wedding is fine——

On the first day of September, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu got married again.

For a red classical wedding, all those who come to the wedding must wear matching clothes.

Ling Wuwen invited almost all the colleagues in the funeral company, after all, she had no relatives or anything.

Mother Lu didn't have many relatives, so the people who came to the wedding were either colleagues or business partners of the company.

Ling Wuwen had managed the company for half a year before, so those partners all knew her.

The wedding was held so well that all the people who came here praised it. Their praise was to recognize Lu's mother, because this wedding was completely designed by Lu's mother.

Every detail is the painstaking effort of Lu's mother.

At the end of the wedding, Ling Wuwen gave a speech to Xi Ziqiu.

What they said was not making promises to each other, but making promises like Lu's mother.

Promise that in this life, I will never leave her!

It was just these four words that made Lu's mother so moved that her eyes turned red at the wedding.

She stood there, rubbing the wedding ring on her right ring finger with her left hand, thinking in her heart: Husband, our son is married, have you seen it?

Husband, our daughter-in-law is fine! The one you know is the girl who dressed you up well when you left!

My daughter-in-law is really nice. If it wasn't for her, I might have gone to see you first after my son has been in a coma for half a year!

The daughter-in-law is very capable and manages the company well! According to my son, the company has improved to a higher level under the management of his daughter-in-law.

I'm happy, are you happy?

Husband, don't worry, I will live a good life! I will take good care of our son, daughter-in-law, and... little grandson!

Husband, you are below, just wait for me for a few more decades, remember to wait for me!


Two months after the marriage, Ling Wuwen became pregnant.

Mother Lu has been very nervous since she found out that she was pregnant, and prepared delicious food for her every day, for fear of malnutrition.

She also went to learn how to serve confinement, what precautions should be taken during confinement, and what to eat during confinement.

Originally, Mother Lu couldn't be free, and now she doesn't have much free time.

But fortunately, Mother Lu was a bit busy, but because Ling Wuwen couldn't finish the food she made for Ling Wuwen every time, she ate the rest.

So after Ling Wuwen got pregnant, Mother Lu's spirit and complexion got better and better!

Although Xi Ziqiu has been a father many times, every time he is a father, he is also very nervous.

Especially when he was sleeping at night, he would hold Lingwu very carefully, for fear that he would accidentally crush her.

When Ling Wuxi was seven months pregnant, because she was pregnant with twins, her belly was much larger than that of ordinary pregnant women.

She was originally thin, and when she walked around with a big belly, Lu's mother and Xi Ziqiu both felt terrified.

So when he was free, Xi Ziqiu was used to hugging her or supporting her——

Nine months pregnant, maybe she chatted with Ling Wuwen for a while before going to bed, the content of the chat was before he entered Lu Yunxiao's body.

That night, Xi Ziqiu had a dream.

In the dream, he was still in virtual form.

The scene in the dream seemed to be the day when the police arrested Lin Yufei.

That day, Lin Yufei escaped by driving under the siege of the police, and he followed him all the way.

Originally, what Xi Ziqiu thought was that he would follow Lin Yufei first, see where he was hiding, and then go back and tell Ling Wuwen, who asked Ling Wumei to tell the police.

But on the road, Lin Yufei bumped into a white convertible jeep.

The jeep was on the edge of a cliff at that time, because it habitually turned the steering wheel to avoid colliding vehicles instead of hitting Lin Yufei's car, causing the jeep to roll directly from the road to the bottom of the cliff.

Xi Ziqiu didn't think much about it at the time, and rushed down with the jeep, just wanting to see how the people inside were hurt.

If the other party was too serious to call an ambulance by himself, he would definitely have to go back and let Ling Wuxi call an ambulance.

When Xi Ziqiu reached the bottom of the cliff, he saw that there was only one person sitting in the driver's seat in the car.

The man's injuries looked serious, the most serious being the head.

Xi Ziqiu could see that the opponent's skull was a little cracked, so he observed carefully, and if he didn't give him the chance to go back to Ling Wuyi to call an ambulance, the opponent had no signs of life.

"Dead." At that time, Xi Ziqiu silently read these two words in his heart.

Shaking his head with some regret, he seems to be a very young guy, because Lin Yufei went on a rampage in order to escape, and lost his original life...

Another innocent life, Xi Ziqiu is going to continue chasing Lin Yufei, he must be brought to justice!

It hadn't floated very far... Unexpectedly, at this moment, the dead young man in the car seemed to have a strong suction force, sucking him into his body.

Xi Ziqiu didn't know what was going on at the time, so of course he struggled hard.

But how can he have a chance to struggle in a virtual form?

In two seconds, he was sucked into the young man's body.

Then, he lost consciousness.

And then……

Then, before Xi Ziqiu continued to dream, he was kicked awake by Ling Wuyue.

Xi Ziqiu quickly opened his eyes, and the first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to ask Ling Wuwen: "What's wrong with my wife? Are you thirsty or hungry?"

Ling Wu pouted her lips, and said in a coquettish tone, "My calf hurts from swelling!"

Without saying a word, Xi Ziqiu sat up quickly, hugged Ling Wuyi's calf and rubbed it for her.

This is not the first time I have done such a thing, Xi Ziqiu is very proficient!

He knew what kind of strength Ling Wuxi needed, so he didn't need to ask.

Xi Ziqiu pressed it for a long time, until Ling Wuwen was breathing steadily and fell asleep.

After exhaling, Xi Ziqiu carefully lay down next to Ling Wuyue, and gently put his arms around her to fall asleep.

Not long after falling asleep, Xi Ziqiu heard a muffled groan in his ear.

Xi Ziqiu was startled and opened his eyes abruptly.

Ling Wuxi frowned tightly, her expression a little painful.

"What's the matter? Is it about to give birth?" Xi Ziqiu asked Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuxi nodded slightly, and before she could speak, Xi Ziqiu picked her up and walked outside.

Xi Ziqiu made a lot of noise and woke up Lu's mother.

Seeing Xi Ziqiu walking downstairs with Ling Wuwen in his arms, Mother Lu was startled.

"What's the matter? Is Ruoruo feeling uncomfortable?"

Xi Ziqiu replied, "It's about to give birth!"

Lu's mother was stunned, and hurried to get the things she had prepared before, and went out to the hospital with Xi Ziqiu.

The production process went smoothly, and Ling Wuyi gave birth to a pair of beautiful twin sisters——

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