Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1542 Natural cool mushroom (five)

Mrs. Cen hated the old lady very much.

If it wasn't for the fact that the old lady was too shrewd, Cen would probably have solved it long ago.

Originally, the old lady stopped a few years ago, but Cen did not expect that she would start to fight against her again.

Nanny Cai left, but Shiqing and Huayi stayed to serve Ling Wuwen and Qiao Xuefei.

Because it fell into the water today, it is essential to take a shower and wash your hair.

Poetic and picturesque, the maid brought several buckets of water in, and Ling Wuyi and Qiao Xuefei each had a bucket.

When Ling Wuyi saw her face in the bronze mirror while undressing, she almost couldn't hold back the blank expression she maintained.

Nima...is that still a face? Colorful, uglier than a clown!

The rouge that Qiao Xueling put on her face was all unwanted rouge when she went out for a walk, and she put all kinds of rouge on her face every day.

She thought it was very pretty, like colorful flowers.

Fortunately, the current rouge is all natural, otherwise, if Qiao Xueling put it on like this, her face would have been rotten!

After taking off the clothes, Ling Wuxi was still very satisfied with her fair skin.

Just that face and that hair...that's a shame.

"Okay, let Miss Fifth go into the bathtub." Shi Qing said to Ling Wuwen in a gentle tone, as if she didn't dislike Ling Wuwen for being a fool.

Ling Wuxi nodded, let out a dumbfounded oh, and obediently got into the tub.

She just leaned in the tub, washing her hair and face with poetry, with gentle and skillful movements.

Over there, Qiao Xuefei felt that it was very uncomfortable for Huayi to bathe her. It was really awkward for her to have her hands and feet bathed.

After thinking about it, Qiao Xuefei simply said: "Sister Huayi, I can do it myself. I'm used to washing it by myself. Can you wash it for my sister?"

Qiao Xueling has always needed someone to help her take a bath. In the past, it was Mrs. Li, and later it was Qiao Xuefei.

Fortunately, Ling Wuyi also had the experience of being waited on in the bath before, so she didn't find it too awkward to have someone waited on the bath.

Huayi smiled and said: "Miss Seven, you are the daughter of the Hou family, you still have to get used to being served by others."

Qiao Xuefei paused for a moment, but still nodded: "Then, thank you sister Huayi."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Xuefei resisted the discomfort and let Huayi wash her hair.

She knows that this is ancient times, this is an ancient time with distinct classes, and it is almost impossible for everyone to be equal.

I don't know if I can go back to modern times, so at least I have to survive in this place.

She knows that she can't change anything, so... do as the Romans do, and be at peace with the situation——

After taking a bath, Ling Wuwen felt that she had lost at least five catties from head to toe, which is an exaggeration!

Standing in front of the bronze mirror, it was only then that she could clearly see the face of Qiao Xueling.

A sixteen-year-old girl, in her best years, with a delicate and pretty appearance.

Except for the blank eyes, no matter in appearance or figure, they are definitely outstanding!

Thanks to the fact that Qiao Xueling had been foolishly covering her face with rouge before, if someone with evil intentions saw her face, it might be a bit dangerous...

Qiao Xuefei was also looking at her face with the bronze mirror. The abscesses on this face were so strange that they didn't look like ordinary abscesses at all.

If you look closely, you can see that the skin of those abscesses is purplish black.

Seeing the pus that came out, Qiao Xuefei couldn't help squeezing them all out, and then washed her face clean.

The pus was squeezed out, but now the whole face is swollen, and there are pimple-like pustules everywhere, which is very ugly.

Qiao Xuefei thought, in a few days, she would make some herbal medicine and apply it to her face to see if she could heal her face.

It doesn't matter if it's ugly or not, the main thing is that it still hurts to grow this thing!

After taking a shower and drying their hair, Ling Wuyi and Qiao Xuefei shared a room.

Ling Wuwen was really looking forward to it, but according to Qiao Xueling's character, she would never be separated from her sister.

So just as she was about to be taken away by Shiqing, she burst into tears: "I don't want to sleep by myself! I want to sleep with Feifei! Woowah~ I want to sleep with Feifei!"

Seeing Ling Wuwen crying, Qiao Xuefei hurried over to coax her: "Okay, okay~ Let's sleep together!"

Hearing what Qiao Xuefei said, Ling Wuwen stopped crying, and obediently followed Qiao Xuefei back to the room to sleep.

Poetry and Painting looked at each other without speaking.

Lying on the bed, Qiao Xuefei followed the example of the original owner and patted Ling Wuwen's back lightly to lull her to sleep.

Ling Wuxi closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Qiao Xuefei thought that Ling Wuwen had really fallen asleep, so the movements of her hands stopped.

She turned over, sighed, and lost all sleep.

The memory belonging to the original owner in her mind has not been fully digested, so she needs to take a good look at it.

Qiao Xuefei is making a plan, what she needs to do first after coming to this world.

In a short period of time, her and Ling Wu's food and clothing will not be a problem.

Although she has never lived in this world, and the original owner has never learned rules or anything, her best friend will always instill some contents of house fighting novels into her.

As for the fact that Cen's relationship with the old lady was very bad, Qiao Xuefei knew that as long as she held the old lady's thigh for a while, it would be fine.

That's all right, then her face should be next.

Looking at it today, she was very sure that there was something wrong with the abscess on her face, it should be because of toxins in her body.

According to the memory of the original owner, she had abscesses that started shortly after she was born.

In the beginning, doctors were invited to treat her, and even the imperial physicians came to treat her, but they were helpless against her abscess.

Even if the abscess has been bad for more than ten years, the symptoms will be relieved occasionally, right?

But in the memory of the original owner, these abscesses on her face have never been broken.

There's really nothing good about it except the lips and eyes.

She also took a closer look, the original owner's facial features are actually very good, and the skin on the body is fair enough.

It's just that there are too many abscesses and are too ugly, making people ignore her appearance directly.

Qiao Xuefei took her own pulse, it was normal, and there seemed to be no problem.

But she is very sure that there are toxins in her body that cannot be excreted. If they are excreted, the abscess will not grow again.

At that time, apply herbal medicine to the face, and the abscess on the face will slowly disappear, so there will be no problem.

But how to get the medicine now is a problem.

Forget it, let's take a step first.

If you think about the good, doesn't she just let her and Ling Wuyi have food and clothing now!

He turned over and looked at Ling Wu's 'sleeping' face.

"Elder sisters are so good-looking, younger sisters are not far behind, right?"

After talking to herself, Qiao Xuefei couldn't help but said: "It's a pity, such a good-looking person is... a natural fool."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Xuefei didn't speak again, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

After sleeping for so long in the afternoon, plus there is a heroine lying beside her... Ling Wuyue really couldn't sleep.

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