Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1543 Natural cool mushrooms (6)

When Qiao Xuefei fell asleep, Ling Wuwen opened her eyes.

There was only one candle in the room, so as not to lose sight of them when they got up at night.

With the faint candlelight, Ling Wu could clearly see the red and swollen pustules on Qiao Xuefei's face because she squeezed the pus.

To be honest, fortunately, she was an embalmer in the last world, and she saw a lot of bad faces.

So for Qiao Xuefei's face, Ling Wuyue was quite acceptable.

Turned over, facing away from Qiao Xuefei.

She is the one who needs to take a good look at how to increase the favorability of Xi Ziqiu's body!

Mo Ruyu, just by hearing the name, he knew that the other party's appearance must be a gentle and jade-like son.

But no!

Not every time Xi Ziqiu's body is a good-looking person, not this time!

Qiao Xueling's memory is actually very confusing, because she was originally a dementia person, and she sees things differently from normal people.

So in Qiao Xueling's memory, there is no such person as Mo Ruyu.

As mentioned in the plot, Mo Ruyu is a very rough-looking person.

He has dark skin, a beard, and is two meters tall.

This face, this height...

Just by imagining it, I can imagine the scene of her petite figure standing on the two-meter-tall Mo Ruyu.

Inexplicably, there is a sense of sight of Beauty and the Beast!

Tsk tsk tsk~ Suddenly I am looking forward to seeing Mo Ruyu——

The next morning, Lingwu Nie was woken up.

Opening his eyes in a daze, what he saw was Qiao Xuefei's face.

"Sister, get up soon, we are going to say hello to grandma."

Originally, Qiao Xuefei didn't even know that she had to pay respects to the old lady, but it was the poetic feeling that reminded her.

If you want to hug the old lady's thigh temporarily, etiquette must be indispensable.

"What is Please An? Can it be eaten?" Ling Wuyi also always remembered her natural status.

Qiao Xuefei was almost stunned by Ling Wu's question, can I eat it? ! Eat a ghost!

"Please Ann can't eat, please Ann is..." Nima, she doesn't even know how to explain it! ! !

After thinking for a while, Qiao Xuefei had no choice but to say to Ling Wuwen: "Get up quickly, we will have something to eat after we go to grandma's place to say hello."

Hearing that there was something to eat, Ling Wu's eyes lit up, and her dazed eyes were also full of joy.

There was no need for Qiao Xuefei to pull it, so she got up from the bed by herself.

Poetic and picturesque waited on Qiao Xuefei and Ling Wuwen to wash and dress up. They had no clothes, so the old lady sent someone to get the clothes made for other ladies in the house a few days ago for them to wear.

Although it doesn't fit well, it looks better than the previous clothes.

With her hair neatly combed and wearing pearl flowers, she finally looked like a lady.

"Fifth Miss, it's done." Shi Qing said to Ling Wuyue with a smile.

Ling Wuwen looked at herself in the mirror, she was really beautiful, not inferior to Qiao Xuewei.

Well, she is satisfied.


Ling Wuyi frowned, and rummaged around on the dressing table, still muttering: "Where am I the one who painted the face? Where am I the one who painted the face?"

Shiqing looked at Ling Wuwen blankly, and asked her: "Miss Fifth, what are you looking for? This servant will help you find it!"

"I painted faces, red, yellow, green..."

Shiqing still didn't understand what Ling Wuwen was talking about, but Qiao Xuefei, who was next to her, knew what Ling Wuwen was talking about, and came over to coax Ling Wuwen: "Sister, be good, we don't draw those things."

"Why don't you paint it? It's beautiful, like a flower!" She didn't want to put on those colorful rouges either! What if one day you meet Mo Ruyu and your first impression drops your favorability?

But it doesn't matter if you don't show it, Qiao Xueling loves those things too much.

"My sister looks good without painting, and she looks like a flower without painting!" Qiao Xuefei said with a smile.

The poetic and picturesque feeling next to it also matched: "Yes, yes, Fifth Miss is more beautiful than flowers!"

They also didn't expect that Miss Fifth, who has always been the laughing stock of the Marquis of Jinnan's mansion, would look so good after washing off those colorful rouges!

In terms of appearance alone, even Miss Six, known as the most talented woman in the capital, would lose to Miss Fifth.

"Really?" Ling Wuxi pouted, doubting what the three people in front of her said.

Qiao Xuefei nodded quickly: "Of course it's true, I won't lie to you!"

Ling Wuwen blinked, nodded, and said childishly, "Yes! Feifei won't lie to me!"

Seeing that Ling Wuwen was coaxed, Qiao Xuefei heaved a sigh of relief.

She really didn't want Ling Wuyi to make this good face uglier than a clown.

They are going to see the old lady, if the old lady is not happy because of Ling Wu's dress, then it will be no fun!

She is not capable yet, and must rely on the old lady——

After washing and dressing up, Qiao Xuefei took Ling Wuwen and followed Shiqinghuayi to the old lady's Cisong Garden.

They went neither early nor late, and when they arrived, almost all the young ladies and aunts from the Marquis of Jinnan had arrived, and they all stayed by the old lady's side to chat.

Cen Shi and Qiao Xuewei sat aside, talking to the old lady with a smile on their faces.

The old lady smiled at everyone, but she was indifferent to Cen and Qiao Xuewei, which made Qiao Xuewei very upset.

If her mother hadn't forced her to come here, she wouldn't have come to curry favor with this dead old woman!

Cen's heart is not happy, she has long known that the old lady has a crush on a girl from a certain family, and she wants to marry Jin Nanhou.

Yesterday, the two daughters of Mrs. Li were allowed to live in Lingfei Pavilion!

It's really... this dead old woman, it looks like she's going to lose her strength if she doesn't fight against her for a day!

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't find a chance to do it, and Jin Nanhou was very filial, Cen really wanted to kill her.

When will the dead old woman die, and her position as Mrs. Marquis of Jinnan will be completely secured.

Only her son can become the son of the world!

"Old Madam, Miss Fifth and Miss Seven are here." Nanny Cai's voice made the people in the room shut up instantly.

They heard last night that Qiao Xuefei went to the kitchen to steal food, but the old lady 'bumped' her.

Then Qiao Xuefei said how badly she and Qiao Xueling had been living these years. As the daughters of Jinnan Houfu, they lived a life that was worse than that of servants. It was the Jinnanhoufu who made people laugh.

It was precisely this sentence that the old lady ordered Qiao Xuefei and the others to live in Lingfei Pavilion, and all expenses for food and clothing must be paid by the prostitute.

The women in the back house are boring, and many things are actually clear.

They can't beat Cen Shi, so it's up to the old lady to fight Cen Shi.

"Well, let them come in." The old lady said to Nanny Cai.

Nanny Cai nodded, said "yes", and went out to let Qiao Xuefei and Ling Wujin go in to say hello.

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