Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1545 Natural cool mushroom (eight)

In the plot, Mo Ruyu also came to attend the wedding.

It's still half a month, Mo Ruyu, who is out of town, can he come back?

"Miss, you are back! You promised to try on the clothes in the afternoon. If you don't come back, the slaves will cry!"

The voice of Qiao Xuefei's maid, Yu'er, pulled Ling Wuyi out of her daze.

She got up and walked towards Qiao Xuefei: "Feifei, did you bring me something delicious?"

Qiao Xuefei nodded with a smile, and took out a cardboard package.

Before opening it, Ling Wu could smell the aroma of fried chestnuts.

He took the paper package from Qiao Xuefei's hand, brought it to the table with a smile, peeled it and ate it by himself.

Qiao Xuefei looked at Ling Wuwen with the kind of pampering that a mother can only have for her own children in her eyes.

"Anyway, Lingling and I won't be present at the wedding banquet, as long as the clothes are not ugly, that's fine."

Because it was too awkward to call her sister, Qiao Xuefei agreed with Ling Wuwen to call her 'Lingling' instead of sister.

Of course, Ling Wu can call Qiao Xuefei whatever she wants, she doesn't care.

Qiao Xuefei and Ling Wuyi won't attend the wedding banquet.

Because they felt that their attendance would have a bad impact, even though the old lady said that they should be treated as prostitutes, she still told them not to attend the wedding banquet.

She didn't care about attending that wedding banquet! She doesn't understand those etiquette, and she will only make a fool of herself if she goes there.

If you want her to say that a big family is troublesome, after her...

"I'll go back to my room to rest for a while, call me again when the clothes are delivered to Yu'er." Qiao Xuefei ordered, and asked Yu'er to fill her with a pot of hot water into the room.

Ling Wu glanced at her from the corner of her eye, her clothes were bulging, as if they were filled with something.

From Qiao Xuefei's tone of voice, she could tell that she was in a good mood. It seemed that she had found the medicine she had been looking for all this time.

Instead of paying attention to Qiao Xuefei, Ling Wuyi focused on the fried chestnuts.

The fried chestnuts that Qiao Xuefei bought are delicious, really delicious!

The advantage of being natural is that she can show her foodie nature to the fullest!

Qiao Xuefei fiddled in the room by herself for a long time, and she didn't know what she was fiddled with.

Ling Wuwen finished eating all the chestnuts before Qiao Xuefei came out.

As soon as I came out, the clothes were delivered.

Tried it on and it fits great.

There are new clothes, and the next thing is to wait for half a month——

It's only half a month, and it's still easy to arrive soon.

For the past half month, Qiao Xuefei has been taking medicine every day, secretly taking a pill while sleeping.

Ling Wuwen didn't ask, but she could tell from the smell of the medicine that Qiao Xuefei used it to detoxify her body.

After taking the medicine for half a month, the abscesses on Qiao Xuefei's face did not disappear.

But if you look closely, you can see that the pus on her face has no longer grown, and the purplish-black pustules have turned red. It's like the acne that ordinary people have, but it's bigger than acne.

Ling Wuwen knew that the toxins in Qiao Xuefei's body had been removed.

Now I just need to apply medicine to my face, and let the pimples on my face disappear, and then I will fully recover.

But looking at Qiao Xuefei's appearance, she didn't want to recover so soon, and she was quite happy to bear this face every day.

In fact, Qiao Xuefei's plan was to restore her face after breaking off the engagement with the prince. She was sure that her face was not bad.

That's what Qiao Xuefei was worried about. She didn't want to marry that kind of bullshit prince who judges people by their appearance!

This day is the day of Jinnanhou's big wedding, and Jinnanhou's mansion is very lively.

Ling Wuwen and Qiao Xuefei both put on new clothes. Although they didn't leave the yard, they could still hear the commotion outside.

Qiao Xuefei wanted to sneak out while no one would notice her today, and Ling Wuyi wanted to find a chance to meet Mo Ruyu.


Qiao Xuefei sneaked out, and Ling Wuwen stayed in Lingfei Pavilion obediently, waiting for Xia Lun to report Mo Ruyu's movements.

"Little 55, what should Mo Ruyu do if he wants to leave first?"

"Let's go?!" Ling Wuyi stood up from the stool, startling the maid beside her.

I wanted to ask what happened to Ling Wuwen, but I remembered that Ling Wuwen's actions were nonsensical, so I didn't bother to ask.

"Yeah, I'm leaving, I'm on my horse now..."

Before Xia Lun finished speaking, Ling Wuwen ran out of Lingfei Pavilion.

"Fifth Miss, where are you going?!" The servant girl was afraid that Ling Wuyi would run into the front yard and run into those guests, so she quickly chased after her.

The place where Ling Wuwen ran was not the front yard, but the back door.

She ran so fast that the servant girl couldn't catch up at all, so she could only watch helplessly as Ling Wuyue ran out the back door...

Of course Ling Wuyi went out to chase after Mo Ruyu, and waited for a few months for a chance to meet, she couldn't just pass Mo Ruyu by like this!

Fortunately, Mo Ruyu was walking in the direction of the back door, and Ling Wuyi could stop Mo Ruyu as long as she ran to the road.

Sure enough, as soon as she ran to the road, Mo Ruyu rode over.

Someone suddenly appeared on the road, Mo Ruyu almost stopped the horse.

Just when the horse was about to collide with Lingwu catkin by one meter, Mo Ruyu forcibly stopped the horse.


Ling Wuwen stared at Mo Ruyu who was wearing a black robe on the back of the black horse with wide eyes, as if she had been frightened stupid by the horse.

But in fact, Ling Wuwen was looking at Mo Ruyu.

This Mo Ruyu is not the same as the one mentioned in the plot.

The same thing is that he is really tall and strong, like a giant at first, but even more like a giant when riding on his big horse.

The difference is that Mo Ruyu doesn't have a beard, and her skin is bronze and not dark.

His looks were tough, not delicate, but definitely not ugly either.

Mo Ruyu's eyes are very sharp, just looking at you, even those who are less timid will tremble in their hearts and calves.

Mo Ruyu frowned thickly, looking at the girl in front of her who was almost knocked flying by his horse.

Wearing a lotus root pink dress, she is a petite girl with delicate face and fair skin.

For some reason, Mo Ruyu's heart skipped a beat when he saw her.

The Adam's apple rolled up and down, and Mo Ruyu said, "Girl, are you alright?"

Mo Ruyu's voice was the same as his appearance, very thick and rough, but not unpleasant.

Ling Wuxi had several expressions in mind, but in the end she chose the most visually stimulating one.

She pursed her lips, and tears instantly filled her big eyes.

Mo Ruyu was stunned for a moment, and before she could speak, Ling Wuyue burst into tears and sat down on the ground.

She was really crying like a child, which shocked Mo Ruyu.

Mo Ruyu hurriedly got off the horse and walked over to Ling Wuyue.

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