Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1546 Natural cool mushroom (nine)

Mo Ruyu wanted to help Ling Wuqian, but felt that it was not clear what to give and what to accept.

Seeing Ling Wuwen crying so heartbreakingly, he was at a loss for what to do.

"Wow wow wow~ I want to find Feifei~ I want to tell Feifei that this Malaysian is bullying me~ wow wow~"

"Wow wow~ Lingling is scared to death~ Lingling is scared to death~"

From Ling Wuwen's childish cries, Mo Ruyu realized that something was wrong.

A follower seemed to recognize Ling Wuwen's voice, and said to Mo Ruyu, "My lord, this seems to be Qiao Xueling, the fifth young lady of Jinnan Houfu, who is a fool..."

The entourage didn't finish his sentence, because he was not sure, because Qiao Xueling's face, which he had seen before, was full of colorful faces.

The one in front of her, even though she looks ugly when she is crying, can still see her beauty.

Mo Ruyu's frown became tighter, and he leaned over, trying to make his voice softer.

But his rough voice, even if it is softer and softer, is quite scary.

"Girl, is your name Qiao Xueling?"

It seems that because Mo Ruyu said her name, Ling Wuxi stopped crying and looked at Mo Ruyu with teary eyes.

She was sobbing, and looked at Mo Ruyu with some doubts: "How do you know my name is Qiao Xueling? Are you a bad guy? A bad guy who wants to trick me into selling me for delicious food?"

Qiao Xuefei was worried that Ling Wuyue would sneak out by herself, so she said that there were many bad guys out there, who would trick her into selling them for delicious food, and would not give her the delicious food.

Being asked by Ling Wu, Mo Ruyu felt a little ashamed.

Well, he does look a bit like a bad guy, but...

Shaking his head dumbfoundingly, he said to Ling Wuwen: "This king is not a bad person, this king is the king of the dynasty, I know your father."

"Eh? Why do you know my dad? I don't even know my dad~"

Indeed, Qiao Xueling had never met Marquis Jinnan before Ling Wuyi came.

After Ling Wuyi came, she hadn't seen Marquis Jinnan either.

"Eh... this..." Mo Ruyu really didn't know what to say.

Seeing more and more people watching on the road, Mo Ruyu said to Ling Wuyi again: "Miss Qiao Wu, can you get up from the ground first? May the king take you home?"

With tears still hanging on her eyelashes, Ling Wuxi shook her head vigorously: "I won't go back!"

"Then... Where are you going, Miss Qiao Wu?"

"I'm going to buy fried chestnuts!"

Mo Ruyu was stunned for a moment, and said, "Then you should get up first."

"Do you want to take me to buy it? I don't know where to buy it." Ling Wuyi raised her head and looked at Mo Ruyu who was much, much taller than her even when she was squatting.

She was sure, even if Mo Ruyu wasn't two meters tall, she would still be over 1.9 meters tall!

Seeing Ling Wuwen's appearance, Mo Ruyu suddenly found it very interesting.

For Ling Wu's request, he also nodded on a whim, even though he agreed to drink tea with someone.

"Okay, Ben Wang will take you to buy fried chestnuts, can you get up now?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head and said, "Impossible."

Mo Ruyu: "..."

"I...my legs have no strength, and I was scared by your big horse!" Ling Wuqian pouted, looking at Mo Ruyu sadly, as if saying, 'It's all your fault! '

After Mo Ruyu was stunned for a moment, she suddenly laughed.

As soon as he laughed, his rough facial features didn't look so scary, and his eyes were no longer sharp.

"Then Miss Qiao Wu, what do you want?" Mo Ruyu asked Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuwen frowned, and looked at Mo Ruyu blankly: "Miss Qiao Wu? Who are you calling?"

"I'm calling you, aren't you Miss Qiao Wu?"

"I'm not! I'm Qiao Xueling!"

Mo Ruyu: "..."

He believed it, believed that the delicate and lovely girl in front of him was... a natural fool.

"Okay, then I'll call you Lingling, okay?" If I remember correctly, when Lingwu was crying just now, she called herself 'Lingling'.

Ling Wuwen 'considered' for a while, then nodded: "Well...then what should I call you? Strong or tall? You are so strong and tall!"


After Ling Wuwen finished speaking, Mo Ruyu's followers almost couldn't hold back.

Even Mo Ruyu herself was almost amused by the title Ling Wu, Zhuang Zhuang? tall?

Well, he also knows that he is strong and tall, but what can he do? He was born that way.

"My name is Mo Ruyu, you can call me Ayu." Mo Ruyu said to Ling Wuwen.

He didn't dare to call himself the king anymore, he was afraid that Ling Wuyue would think his name was the king.

"Ayu? So you're not Zhuangzhuang and Gaogao..." Ling Wuwen 'suddenly realized'.

Mo Ruyu nodded with a smile, she didn't look angry at all: "Yes, then, I'll send someone to your house to find a maid to help you back, okay?"

As soon as the question was finished, Ling Wu's face fell, and she snorted angrily: "Liar! You agreed to take me to buy fried chestnuts!"

Mo Ruyu suppressed a smile, coughed lightly, and said, "But you're not afraid that I'm a bad guy who tricked you into selling money for delicious food?"

Ling Wuxi blinked her eyes, her brows were tightly furrowed, as if she was a little confused.

She didn't speak, and Mo Ruyu squatted patiently on the ground waiting for her to speak.

After a while, Ling Wuwen looked at Mo Ruyu and asked him: "Then you changed something delicious, can you give it to me?"

Mo Ruyu: "..."

Looking at Lingwu who was already licking his lips with the tears still on his face, he was inexplicably worried.

Worried that one day I would meet a bad guy and use 'delicious food' to trick Ling Wuwen away?

Well, he has nothing to do with Ling Wuwen, so there is no need to worry about it.

But looking at Ling Wuwen's face, he still couldn't help but worry.

He wanted to tell Ling Wuyi not to trust others, but he didn't know how to say it.

After thinking about it, Mo Ruyu stretched out her hand towards Ling Wuwen: "Get up, I'll take you to buy fried chestnuts now."

Ling Wuwen raised her hand and put her own in the palm of Mo Ruyu's.

Originally, when Mo Ruyu first met her, he added ten points of favorability to her, and later added ten points of favorability.

Now that the two hands are held in this way, the favorability has increased by another twenty points.

In just a short while... the favorability increased to forty points.

She remembered that Xia Lun had seen Mo Ruyu several times and knew that he hadn't had a headache for several months.

That is to say, in Mo Ruyu's body, Xi Ziqiu has more brain waves.

This also makes sense why Mo Ruyu's favorability is easier to increase, right?

Ling Wuwen stood up from the ground, and Mo Ruyu also stood up.

Very well, two people standing together really have a sense of sight of a beauty and a beast.

But this beast is very manly.

"Shall we go buy fried chestnuts now?" Ling Wuwen asked Mo Ruyu with her head raised.

Mo Ruyu nodded, and led Ling Wuwen to his big black horse.

Holding Ling Wu's waist with both hands, she lifted it lightly...

Ling Wuyi only felt that she was like an object, and was easily put on the horse's back by Mo Ruyu.

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