Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1547 Natural cool mushroom (10)

Mo Ruyu jumped into the air and got on the horse herself.

"Are you sitting still? I'm leaving?" Mo Ruyu asked Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuxi nodded, her eyes were wide open, her lips were tightly pressed together, as if she was a little scared.

Mo Ruyu's horse is very big, at least half the size of an ordinary horse!

Just like its owner, just standing there can shock people's hearts.

In fact, seeing Mo Ruyu, Ling Wuyi thought of Xi Ziqiu's body in a certain world.

In that world, she searched for Xi Ziqiu's body for a long time, but she couldn't find it.

In the end... Xi Ziqiu's body died in her hands.

The body of Xi Ziqiu in that world is somewhat similar in appearance to the body of Xi Ziqiu in this world, they are both so tall and strong.

Hmm~ Seems to be a prince too? She doesn't remember much.

After receiving Ling Wu's nod, Mo Ruyu pulled the reins, and the big black horse started to move forward.

At this time, when the servant girl who hesitated for a long time at the back door of Jinnanhou's Mansion finally got up the courage to chase after her, Ling Wuyue had already left with Mo Ruyu——

Mo Ruyu first took Ling Wuwen to buy fried chestnuts, and then took her to a teahouse.

He felt that Ling Wumi was too petite, like a child who had just learned to walk, so he held her hand unconsciously.

Ling Wuxi held the paper package containing fried chestnuts in one hand, and let Mo Ruyu hold the other hand.

Her attention seemed to be on the fried chestnuts, but it was actually on Mo Ruyu.

Mo Ruyu originally said that he would send her back to the Marquis of Jinnan, but she refused, saying that she wanted to eat something delicious.

So Mo Ruyu said: "I happen to be going to meet someone, there is delicious food there, can I take you there?"

Xia Lun said that the person Mo Ruyu is going to meet should be the hero, and beside the hero is the heroine Qiao Xuefei.

Tsk tsk tsk~ No matter who Mo Ruyu wants to meet, Ling Wuyi, who finally got to see him once, doesn't want to part with him so soon.

Mo Ruyu took Ling Wuwen to the door of a private room on the third floor of the tea house, knocked on the door, and then opened the door to enter.

There are two people in the private room, one is wearing a pure white robe, with a delicate face and a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

This handsome man who looks gentle but hides turbulence in his eyes is the hero Nangong Qinghan, that's right!

Nangong Qinghan, the prince of Ao Xiong Kingdom, is also the proton sent by Ao Xiong Kingdom to Qianming Kingdom.

It has been fifteen years since Nangong Qinghan was sent to Qianming Kingdom as a hostage at the age of five.

As mentioned in the plot, Mo Ruyu and Nangong Qinghan have a very good relationship, very good kind.

However, Mo Ruyu didn't like the heroine, so she could barely be regarded as the male supporting role because of the large number of scenes.

Nangong Qinghan looks very gentle on the outside, but in fact he is ambitious.

He knew that although he was named the crown prince, he had already been abandoned by his own country since the day he was sent to Qianming Kingdom as a proton.

But he is not willing to give up on himself, not to give up what should belong to him!

So for so many years, he continued to make himself stronger.

He pretends to be weak and weak, but only Mo Ruyu knows what he looks like in private.

Mo Ruyu seems to be a rough and fierce person, but in fact he is the one who is really indifferent to fame and fortune.

Mo Ruyu is the youngest son of the first emperor, and also the most beloved son of the first emperor.

In order to protect himself wisely, he never valued fame, wealth and status.

So in Qianming Kingdom, he is just an idle prince.

When you have nothing to do, go travel around the world, or make some friends, or taste fine wine.

He knew that Nangong Qinghan had ambitions, and he knew that what he wanted was not just his Ao Xiong Kingdom.

But he doesn't mind, after all, the world must be divided for a long time, and it must be united for a long time, as long as Nangong Qinghan is a wise king.

Of course, in this unbroken world, the hero Nangong Qinghan is indeed a wise king.

So this world may be the world that tests Ling Wu's acting skills the most, but it is definitely the world that makes her worry the most.

In the private room, apart from Nangong Qinghan, there was another person in blue men's clothing, and a gray mask on his face, which basically covered his face.

This masked person is of course the heroine Qiao Xuefei.

When Ling Wuyi was looking at Qiao Xuefei, Qiao Xuefei also turned to look at her.

When Qiao Xuefei saw that the woman being led by Mo Ruyu turned out to be Ling Wuwen, she stood up suddenly, her body was faster than her brain, and ran over to snatch Ling Wuwen from Mo Ruyu's hand to protect her. behind.

Mo Ruyu frowned, he didn't know Qiao Xuefei, and Qiao Xuefei was wearing men's clothes, although she was short, she must be a man.

Just about to attack Qiao Xuefei, Ling Wuyi, who was being protected by Qiao Xuefei, said, "Feifei, why are you here?"

Only then did Qiao Xuefei realize that she was now disguised as a man.

She thought that Mo Ruyu was the bad guy who 'abducted' Ling Wuwen, so she reflexively went to protect Ling Wuwen.

The moment Ling Wuyi called out her name, Qiao Xuefei knew that her identity would be exposed.

"Hey~ Feifei, you sneak out to eat delicious food! You won't give it to me!" Ling Wuyi began to cry, crying very aggrieved.

Qiao Xuefei didn't care about her identity being exposed, so she quickly coaxed Ling Wuyi: "Lingling, don't cry, I... I'm here to buy you delicious food."

Ling Wu's crying stopped abruptly, and she looked at Qiao Xuefei with teary eyes: "Really?"

Qiao Xuefei nodded again and again: "Really!"

"Then why do you cover your face? This gray thing is so ugly~" Ling Wuyi tilted her head, pointing at Qiao Xuefei's mask and said.

Qiao Xuefei suddenly remembered that she was still wearing a mask, then: "How did you recognize me?"

"Your taste!"

In fact, even if Xia Lun didn't tell her, Ling Wu could still recognize Qiao Xuefei.

It was indeed because of her taste, Qiao Xuefei's unique taste.

Qiao Xuefei: "..."

She didn't expect that it would be Dexiang who cheated her!

At the side, Mo Ruyu and Nangong Qinghan still didn't understand the communication between Qiao Xuefei and Ling Wuwen at first.

But in fact, if you listen carefully, you can tell that Qiao Xuefei's voice is a woman's voice.

Mo Ruyu turned her head to look at Nangong Qinghan, and said, "It turns out that the new friend you want to introduce to me is a woman."

Nangong Qinghan laughed, and said helplessly, "I only found out now."

Qiao Xuefei looked at Nangong Qinghan apologetically: "Sorry, I didn't intend to hide it, it's just..."

"It's okay, I can understand." After half a month of acquaintance, he also had doubts, but he just endured and didn't let anyone investigate.

If he had known, he should have asked someone to investigate.

Hearing what Nangong Qinghan said, Qiao Xuefei breathed a sigh of relief.

She then went to see Ling Wuwen and asked her, "How did you come out?"

Ling Wuwen showed the fried chestnuts to Qiao Xuefei with a smile: "I'm out to buy fried chestnuts! Ah Yu said to take me to eat something delicious!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen broke away from Qiao Xuefei's hand, and walked to Mo Ruyu's side to hold his hand: "Ayu, you said take me to eat delicious food, what about delicious food?"

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