Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1553 Natural cool mushrooms (sixteen)

It was Qiao Xuefei's wish to be able to go out. Although those rules were not difficult, they always felt very restrictive, and she didn't like that.

And she's not an idiot, the old lady put so much emphasis on training her, she just wanted to 'sell' her for a good price!

The feeling of being treated as an item is really super super uncomfortable!

But she was very helpless, the identity of the daughter of the Marquis Mansion bound her——


As soon as Qiao Xuefei arrived downstairs in the Pinxiang Building, she heard Li Lingwu's voice.

Looking up, she saw Ling Wuyi lying on the window and waving at her.

Seeing Ling Wuyi's bright smile, Qiao Xuefei was also in a good mood, smiled and waved at her, then walked into the Pinxiang Building.

He came to the private room on the third floor with ease. In addition to Ling Wu and Mo Ruyu, Nangong Qinghan was in the private room.

When Qiao Xuefei came in, Ling Wuwen jumped over and hugged her: "Feifei~ I miss you so much~"

"I miss you too! How's it going? Did you cry last night?" Qiao Xuefei was most worried that Ling Wuyi would cry.

She tried several times before to let Ling Wuwen sleep alone, but every time she failed because Ling Wuwen was crying loudly.

In Qiao Xuefei's impression, whether it's the original owner's memory or the past few months, Qiao Xueling is a person who loves to cry and can cry very much.

Ling Wuxi shook her head, smiling all over her face: "I didn't cry! I'm very good! Is it Ah Yu?"

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen turned to look at Mo Ruyu.

"Yeah, Lingling has always been very good." Mo Ruyu nodded, and the smile on his face has never stopped since he woke up in the morning.

Because there is Lingwu catkin by my side, it's like having a pistachio.

Ling Wuwen didn't cry, Qiao Xuefei was relieved, but at the same time felt lost.

This feeling is really complicated.

"Come here, Feifei, this sweet-scented osmanthus cake is delicious~ I left two for you!" Ling Wuyi pulled Qiao Xuefei and sat down at the table.

Qiao Xuefei adjusted her mood, and reached for the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that Ling Wunie had left for her.

She has been talking to Ling Wuwen, asking her if she is used to being in Ruwang's mansion, if she has accepted a bed or something.

In the end, Ling Wuyi said whatever she wanted was fine, which made her even more disappointed.

But Ling Wuyi's next words made Qiao Xuefei feel better again.

"Everything is good at Ayu's place, but there is no Feifei! Feifei, can you live with me at Ayu's place?"

Although her answer was no, the smile on her face deepened a lot.

He raised his hand to help Ling Wuxi straighten the broken hair beside his ear, and said, "I can't go to Ruwang's Mansion, and I don't think I will be able to come out to see you often in the future."

"Why?!" Ling Wuyi frowned, pouted, and looked at Qiao Xuefei in puzzlement.

Qiao Xuefei explained: "Because grandma, grandma wants me to learn a lot, and I'm very busy, so I can't see you often."

Although she also wanted to come out often, she thought a lot on the way out.

In ancient times, men were superior to women, all she could do was to strengthen herself first, so as not to be manipulated like an object.

She had to learn this ancient rule so that no one would find her fault.

Temporary obedience does not mean obedience for a lifetime. The old lady wants to train her and find her a husband according to the old lady's own wishes.

But she absolutely, absolutely will not let the old lady do as she arranges!

Thinking of this, Qiao Xuefei involuntarily turned her head to look at Nangong Qinghan, and Nangong Qinghan also looked at her, with a feeling in her eyes that she didn't know.

Qiao Xuefei is not some innocent little girl, she knows how she feels about Nangong Qinghan.

She thinks that liking Nangong Qinghan means that she is an old cow eating young grass, so she has been working hard to control her mentality, and treats Nangong Qinghan as a good friend and a good confidant.

Qiao Xuefei thought, if she really wanted to get married.

She definitely wants to marry the man she loves, not just find someone to marry.

Looking for Nangong Qinghan? She doesn't think so.

Not only her mental age made her feel like an old cow eating young grass, but also her identity as Nangong Qinghan.

He is a prince, different from the idle prince Mo Ruyu, he will be an emperor in the future, it is impossible for him to marry only one wife.

Qiao Xuefei asked herself, can she accept that her husband has other women besides her? Her answer is - no!

She will never share her love with other people!

She believes that many things can be shared, and sharing is also a very good thing.

But except lovers!

"Grandma is so annoying! I don't like grandma!" Ling Wuxi said angrily.

Mo Ruyu on the side smiled and said: "It's okay, Lingling, Feifei can't come out to see you often, I can take you to the Marquis of Jinnan to meet Feifei!"

"Yes! Yu, you are so smart~"

Mo Ruyu is inexplicably proud of being praised for being smart like this.

Pass the peeled melon seeds to Ling Wu, let her eat.

Ling Wuwen was not too polite, and ate there with a small plate of melon seeds.

Although it was said that Ling Wuwen wanted to see Qiao Xuefei, but Qiao Xuefei and Nangong Qinghan couldn't finish talking after they met, and automatically treated Ling Wuwen and Mo Ruyu as transparent people.

Ling Wuyi's gaze would wander back and forth between Qiao Xuefei and Nangong Qinghan curiously, and Mo Ruyu could also sense the ambiguity between them.

"I know that there is a newly opened steamed stuffed bun shop that tastes very good. Lingling wants to eat it?"

Although from morning to now, Ling Wu's mouth hasn't stopped.

Although it seemed inappropriate to eat Xiaolongbao at this time, Ling Wuyi was really drooling.

...It's really strange, in this world, pretending to be stupid, pretending to be stupid, and pretending to be a foodie that has been hidden for a long time has all been exposed.

Tsk tsk tsk... Fortunately, this body's system is such that no matter how much you eat, you won't get fat, otherwise it would be... She would definitely cry!

"Okay, okay! I want to eat!" Ling Wuyi put the empty plate on the table directly, and reached out to pull Mo Ruyu.

Qiao Xuefei also stood up: "I'll go too..."

"No, you and Qinghan are chatting here, I'll take Lingling there." After speaking, Mo Ruyu played tricks on Nangong Qinghan.

Nangong Qinghan: "???"

Mo Ruyu: "..."

"Hurry up!" Ling Wuwen pulled Mo Ruyu out of the private room.

Mo Ruyu was so big, how could Ling Wuyue be able to move him.

It was Mo Ruyu who raised his foot and followed Ling Wu, and the two left the private room.

Mo Ruyu and Ling Wuwen left, and only Nangong Qinghan and Qiao Xuefei were left in the private room.

At the beginning, Nangong Qinghan didn't understand the meaning of Mo Ruyu's eyes, but when her eyes met Qiao Xuefei's, she understood instantly.

Then... Nangong Qinghan became a little nervous for no reason.

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