Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1554 Natural cool mushroom (seventeen)

Mingming has known Qiao Xuefei for several months, and every time he gets along with her, he is very comfortable.

Right now, he felt like he could hear his own heartbeat.

Why are you so nervous? Nangong Qinghan asked herself.

Could it be...he fell in love with Qiao Xuefei?

Thinking of this, Nangong Qinghan became even more nervous!

Qiao Xuefei was not blind, and Nangong Qinghan's facial expression, which had been well controlled, was a little broken, and she could faintly see nervousness.

Realizing that something was wrong, Qiao Xuefei stood up abruptly and said, "I've been out for too long, it's time to go back, and when Lingling comes back, you can tell her!"

After finishing speaking hastily, Qiao Xuefei ran away without waiting for Nangong Qinghan to say anything...

Nangong Qinghan was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Qiao Xuefei ran so fast suddenly.

Obviously it was fine just now!

In fact, it was Qiao Xuefei who misunderstood herself. She mistakenly thought that Nangong Qinghan was so nervous because she wanted to confess to her.

In modern times, she has encountered this situation many times.

Because she didn't know whether she should refuse or answer if Nangong Qinghan confessed to her, so she chose to escape.

Qiao Xuefei thought that for a long time after that, she would have to hide from Nangong Qinghan.

Nangong Qinghan didn't expect that she could scare Qiao Xuefei away just by being nervous!

He just realized a problem just now.

He tilted his head and looked downstairs from the window.

Qiao Xuefei walked very fast, as if someone was chasing her.

Nangong Qinghan frowned, and couldn't help thinking... Could it be that Qiao Xuefei had already seen that he liked her?

That's why Qiao Xuefei ran so fast just now?

Thinking about it this way, it seems to make sense.

Nangong Qinghan didn't let go of her frown. The reason why Qiao Xuefei ran so fast was...don't like him?

If Qiao Xuefei didn't like him, why did she get along so well with him?

The most important thing is that the two have known each other for a short time, but they have a perfect understanding!

This point, Nangong Qinghan couldn't figure it out——

Ling Wuwen and Mo Ruyu bought Xiaolongbao, and went back to Pinxianglou while eating.

When I got back to the downstairs of Pinxiang Building, the xiao long bao had already been eaten by Ling Wu.

He looked at his empty hand, and then went to look at Mo Ruyu's hand.

Flat mouth: "I haven't eaten enough~"

Mo Ruyu raised her hand and rubbed Ling Wu's head, and said dotingly, "You like it so much? How about eating steamed buns for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Okay! Okay! I still want to drink their soy milk!" Ling Wuyi looked up at Mo Ruyu, waiting for his answer.

Mo Ruyu nodded: "Okay~ I'll send someone to buy it for you tomorrow morning!"

After speaking, Mo Ruyu took Ling Wu's hand and led her upstairs.

Back in the private room, seeing Nangong Qinghan alone in the private room, Mo Ruyu raised her eyebrows.

Before she could speak, Ling Wuwen spoke first: "Eh? Where's Feifei?"

"She went back and said she couldn't come out for too long." Nangong Qinghan replied to Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wu snorted, the main reason why she went out with Mo Ruyu was not just for the steamed buns.

I thought that when I came back, I would see Qiao Xuefei's shy face and Nangong Qinghan's happy face, but I didn't expect...

"What? You scared people away before you showed your intentions?" Mo Ruyu sat down next to Ling Wuwen, and while peeling her melon seeds, she teased Nangong Qinghan.

The gentle smile on Nangong Qinghan's face froze, and she glared at Mo Ruyu: "When did I have something to express?"

Mo Ruyu grinned, revealing his white teeth under his bronze complexion: "Don't you have any intentions to mark? It turns out that I was wrong..."

"Hmph~" Nangong Qinghan poured himself a cup of tea, but said nothing.

Mo Ruyu fed the peeled melon seeds into Ling Wu's mouth, and said casually: "I heard that the old lady of Jinnan Hou's Mansion wants to cultivate Miss Seven so that she can marry Yiheng."

The Yiheng that Mo Ruyu spoke of was the Prince of Qianming Kingdom, Mo Yiheng.

Nangong Qinghan raised her eyebrows: "Didn't you already retire? What's more, the prince is engaged to Miss Qiao Liu."

"It seems that you are not investigating people like you used to."

Mo Ruyu also imitated Nangong Qinghan's way of raising her eyebrows, but Nangong Qinghan's raising her eyebrows gave people the feeling of a gentle gentleman, and Mo Ruyu's raising her eyebrows was like a mighty and domineering general.

Nangong Qinghan pursed his lips. He really didn't investigate everything about Qiao Xuefei, because he wanted to make Qiao Xuefei a friend with all his heart.

"Have you gone to investigate?" Nangong Qinghan asked Mo Ruyu.

Although she has always been indifferent to fame and wealth, it does not mean that Mo Ruyu has no ability and influence.

It is for Mo Ruyu to have a huge power in order to live a chic life.

He was really not interested in that position, otherwise the position would have been his already.

And Nangong Qinghan knew Mo Ruyu's character, so he had a heart-to-heart relationship with him.

"Investigated." He investigated everything that could be investigated by the eighteen generations of the Jinnan Marquis's ancestors, as well as Qiao Xuefei and Qiao Xueling's maternal ancestors.

Unlike what Nangong Qinghan thought, what Mo Ruyu thought was about Ling Wuyue, just a relative like Qiao Xuefei... People like Marquis Jinnan certainly don't count.

Since he is Ling Wupi's only family member, he must have the responsibility to protect it.

Let's not talk about protection. After investigating everything that needs to be investigated, it will be easier for him to deal with anything in the future.

That's why Mo Ruyu knew that the purpose of the old lady's cultivation of Qiao Xuefei was to allow Qiao Xuefei to regain her 'position that originally belonged to her'.

There is no way, the old lady just doesn't like Cen Shi.

Nangong Qinghan's eyes darkened after hearing Mo Ruyu's words. Qiao Xuefei will be married next year, and they will make a marriage arrangement at that time.

Not the prince Mo Yiheng, but someone else.

And his proton is unlikely.

Nangong Qinghan didn't speak, neither did Mo Ruyu.

Although Ling Wuwen was obediently making a foodie, she still listened to the conversation between Mo Ruyu and Nangong Qinghan.

She knows that Qiao Xuefei can handle many things by herself, but it's okay to remind her——

After sitting in the Pinxiang Building for a while, Mo Ruyu took Ling Wuwen away.

Riding on the back of the big black horse, the whole person leaned against Mo Ruyu's arms, bouncing up and down.

Originally, Ling Wuwen was still talking to Mo Ruyu in a non-coherent manner, and Mo Ruyu would reply to her when he could understand, and laugh when he didn't understand.

When a fool speaks, of course many words are incomprehensible.

Just pretend to be stupid...it's actually a technical job.

"Can I still see Feifei tomorrow?" Ling Wuyi raised her head to look at Mo Ruyu.

Mo Ruyu lowered her head, looking at Ling Wu's pretty face, her heart softened.

"I'll take you back to the Marquis of Jinnan to see her in two days, okay?"

Ling Wuyue let out an oh, indicating that she knew.

When it was over, she asked Mo Ruyu again: "Ayu, what is marriage?"

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