Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1559 Natural cool mushroom (twenty-two)

Qiao Xuefei's performance in the past few months has been too obvious. Anyone with eyes can tell that Qiao Xuefei is absent-minded because of something.

Of course Mo Ruyu noticed it when he often accompanied Ling Wuwen to the clinic, and he even wrote to Nangong Qinghan to mention it.

It's just that Nangong Qinghan seems to be very busy, and hasn't had much contact with him after returning home.

"Okay! Then you ride Zhuangzhuang!"

Zhuang Zhuang was the name Ling Wuyue gave Mo Ruyu's big black horse when he was still "unrecovered".

Originally, they had a pretty good name - Lightning.

Because the big black horse is very fast, it is the best breed of horse among the thousand li horses.

But Ling Wuyi always felt that when Lightning looked at her, there was a feeling in his eyes that the strong despise the weak.

She herself has been a non-human being, so of course she knows that most animals have spirits and thoughts.

So, out of his mischievous psychology, Ling Wujin changed Lightning's name to Zhuang Zhuang.

At the moment when Mo Ruyu agreed to Ling Wuwen's name change, Ling Wuwen saw the word 'collapse' in the eyes of the former Lightning and now Zhuang Zhuang.

"Well, you wait for me at the gate of the house, and I will ride Zhuangzhuang." Mo Ruyu said.

Ling Wuxi nodded, and walked towards the gate of the mansion.

Since Ling Wuwen 'recovered', Mo Ruyu is most fortunate that Ling Wuwen will still ride a horse with him when he goes out.

Mo Ruyu was very fast, and Mo Ruyu was already waiting when Ling Wuwen arrived at the gate of the mansion.

Ling Wuwen walked up to Zhuang Zhuang, blowing air from Zhuang Zhuang's nose.

Mo Ruyu stretched out his hand towards Ling Wuwen, and Ling Wuwen put his hand in his palm.

With just a slight mention, Ling Wuwen was already on the horse's back.

Habitually nestled into Mo Ruyu's arms, and then heard Mo Ruyu ask her: "Have you sat down yet?"


Receiving the response from Ling Wuwen, Mo Ruyu gently pulled the reins, and Zhuang Zhuang walked towards the medical hall with his long elegant legs——

Ling Wuwen and Mo Ruyu came to the clinic almost every day, and the people in the clinic were already familiar with them.

After saying hello, Ling Wuwen took Mo Ruyu's hand and came to the backyard of the hospital with ease.

In the backyard, Qiao Xuefei was wearing ordinary clothes and no accessories on her head, concentrating on handling her herbs.

"Feifei!" Ling Wuwen let go of Mo Ruyu's hand, and ran towards Qiao Xuefei.

Hearing Ling Wu's voice, Qiao Xuefei smiled before turning her head around.

"Where are you going to eat delicious food again today?" Qiao Xuefei asked knowingly, looking at the excited Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuwen hugged Qiao Xuefei's arm, and said with a smile: "Ayu said that he would take me to Aoxiong Country to eat the specialties there, Feifei, do you want to go with me?"

Hearing the word Ao Xiongguo, Qiao Xuefei's mind immediately showed Nangong Qinghan's appearance.

It seemed...he was standing at the gate of the capital city of Aoxiong Kingdom, looking at her with her familiar smile.

At that moment, the heart skipped a beat.

For the past three months, she has been giving herself psychological counseling.

It's not that she has never been in love, and she and Nangong Qinghan have never been in love, so it's not even a lovelorn.

So, as long as he cheers up, he can definitely let go of his feelings towards Nangong Qinghan.

Man! If you want to find it, you can definitely find it!

But no, for three whole months, whenever she was lost in thought, she would think of Nangong Qinghan.

My mind is full of Nangong Qinghan!

"You guys, are you going to Ao Xiong Kingdom?" Qiao Xuefei stared blankly at Ling Wu.

Ling Wuqin nodded repeatedly, and said, "Yes, yes! Ayu said that the specialties there are very delicious!"

Qiao Xuefei didn't speak, but frowned slightly.

Without waiting for an answer, Ling Wuwen asked Qiao Xuefei again: "Ayu said that we can leave tomorrow, and we can eat a lot of delicious food along the way! Feifei, do you want to go with us?"

Qiao Xuefei still didn't speak, as if she didn't hear Ling Wuwen at all.

Mo Ruyu on the side stepped forward and said to Qiao Xuefei: "Actually, if you can't control your mind, why not accept it? If you know that you are going to Aoxiong Country, I think Qinghan will be very happy."

Mo Ruyu's rough ore is a bit rough, but her heart is very careful.

He could understand many things, such as Nangong Qinghan's feelings for Qiao Xuefei, and Qiao Xuefei's feelings for Nangong Qinghan.

Including... and his own feelings for Ling Wu.

He knew that he had a crush on Lingwu, that's why he wanted to get closer to her, and even closer...

Mo Ruyu's words seemed to wake Qiao Xuefei up instantly.

"You're right! It should be accepted!" Qiao Xuefei suddenly realized.

"Then Feifei, are you going to Aoxiong Kingdom with us?" Ling Wuwen asked happily.

Qiao Xuefei blushed and nodded: "Well, I'll go with you!"

"But it might not work tomorrow. I need to explain to the medical center." Qiao Xuefei said.

Mo Ruyu nodded and said, "Yes, it shouldn't matter if you wait a few more days. Isn't it Lingling?"

"Of course it doesn't matter! Just these few days we can design a route, write down all the towns along the way, and the most important thing is to remember the food there!" Ling Wuxi swallowed with greed when she said that.

Five out of the ten sentences of Lingwu Nie cannot be separated from food, and they said they are used to it.

After agreeing with Qiao Xuefei, Ling Wuwen and Mo Ruyu left.

Of course they didn't go back to Prince Ru's mansion right away, but went to eat buns.

"If we go to Aoxiong country, how long will it take?" Ling Wuwen asked Mo Ruyu while eating buns.

Mo Ruyu wiped the soup dripping from the corners of Ling Wu's mouth with a handkerchief, and replied: "If you hurry up, it will take half a month, and if you don't rush, it will take one and a half months."

"If we want to stop and go, it will take more than two to three months." According to Ling Wuni's plan, we can eat while walking.

After hearing Mo Ruyu's answer, Ling Wuting thought about it and said, "Feifei definitely wants to see Nangong sooner."

"Yes." Mo Ruyu nodded with a smile.

When they left, Qiao Xuefei was still a little excited, as if she would see Nangong Qinghan soon.

"Then, let's go in a leisurely manner. It is expected to arrive in the capital of Aoxiong Kingdom within a month, how about it?" Ling Wuwen looked at Mo Ruyu.

Mo Ruyu nodded, and wiped Ling Wu's mouth again: "I'm fine, I'll listen to you."

His movements are very natural, these things are already used to him. He didn't find it annoying or disgusting, but felt that Ling Wuyi's appearance had his 'useful place'.

Ling Wuyi grinned and gave Mo Ruyu a bright smile.

Seeing Ling Wuwen's smile, Mo Ruyu felt that today's weather is very, very good!

Even if the weather today is: cloudy.


After deciding to go to Ao Xiong Country, Ling Wu and Mo Ruyu didn't need to prepare anything, when the time came, they could put Zhuang Zhuang in a carriage and set off directly.

Oh, you still have to bring enough money.

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