Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1560 Natural cool mushroom (twenty-three)

They didn't have anything to prepare, but Qiao Xuefei's medical clinic had to explain it carefully.

The clinic has only been open for a year, and there is no proud student who can replace Qiao Xuefei to leave temporarily.

Qiao Xuefei didn't know when she would come back, or...whether she would come back or not?

So after thinking about it, he simply closed the clinic.

Three days later, Qiao Xuefei, Ling Wuwen, Mo Ruyu, and the three of them traveled lightly in a carriage——

Qiao Xuefei was thinking about Nangong Qinghan, although Ling Wuyue was greedy, but mainly wanted to help the hero and heroine meet as soon as possible.

So he stopped and stopped all the way, and it took a month to arrive at the capital of Ao Xiong Kingdom.

Qiao Xuefei kept Mo Ruyu's secret about their visit and didn't tell Nangong Qinghan, of course, to give him a surprise.

It was only when they first entered the city that Nangong Qinghan gave them a 'surprise' but no 'joy'!

Along the way, Mo Ruyu was taking care of Ling Wuwen, and there was no entourage by her side, and she didn't ask about Nangong Qinghan's situation.

The day I arrived at the capital of Aoxiong Kingdom happened to be the day when Nangong Qinghan married the Princess Regent!

Their carriage stopped in front of the welcoming team.

Seeing Nangong Qinghan in a wedding dress and riding on a white horse, Mo Ruyu who was the first to see him was stunned.

Similarly, when seeing Mo Ruyu, Nangong Qinghan was also stunned.

The sound of beating gongs and drums outside could not have attracted the attention of Ling Wuwen and Qiao Xuefei. Qiao Xuefei opened the curtains of the carriage and saw the common people standing by the roadside.

The common people were talking a lot, and the words were very noisy, but Qiao Xuefei and Ling Wuyi still heard a sentence inside: "Who is in this carriage? How dare you block the way for the prince to get married with Princess Chenxi!"

Prince? marriage?

Qiao Xuefei felt bad all of a sudden, Ling Wuyi didn't stop her, she had already opened the curtain of the carriage and went out.

Ling Wuwen also hurried out and stood beside Qiao Xuefei, holding her arm.

Qiao Xuefei felt that she was a joke when she saw the man she had been thinking about for several months wearing a wedding dress and riding on horseback with a red sedan chair behind her.

Big joke!

Qiao Xuefei's body softened. If Ling Wuwen hadn't supported her, she might have fallen directly under the carriage.

Nangong Qinghan was already surprised when she saw Mo Ruyu, but when she saw Qiao Xuefei again, she couldn't even control her facial expression.

Riding his horse two steps forward, he couldn't help calling out, "Fei..."

Without giving Nangong Qinghan a chance to call her by her name, Qiao Xuefei said with a smile on her face: "I don't know that Prince Nangong is so happy today, and I hope the prince will forgive me for not preparing a congratulatory gift!"

Her smile, only Ling Wuwen knew that she laughed out of her weakness, and she tried her best to smile naturally.

Ling Wuwen was also a little angry, because there was no such thing as Nangong Qinghan marrying Princess Chenxi in the plot.

Although the Princess Chenxi liked Nangong Qinghan, Nangong Qinghan had always rejected him because of Qiao Xuefei, even at that time Qiao Xuefei hadn't accepted him yet.

But this time, Nangong Qinghan did not reject Princess Chenxi!

It was still... when Xia Lun was working on the system!

If Xia Lun was not working on the system, she would ask Xia Lun to take a look.

If she had known in advance that Nangong Qinghan was going to marry Princess Chenxi, she would definitely not have brought Qiao Xuefei here.

After Qiao Xuefei said that, she turned her head to look at Mo Ruyu, and pretended to be relaxed and said, "Brother-in-law, let's make way, don't let the crown prince and princess miss the auspicious time!"

Mo Ruyu nodded with a cold face, he was always a protector.

Although he has been friends with Nangong Qinghan for many years, to him, Qiao Xuefei is Ling Wuyi's younger sister.

Since she is Ling Wuxi's younger sister, then she is his younger sister.

His sister was hurt, no wonder he was happy!

Patting Zhuang Zhuang's butt, he drove the carriage to the entrance of an alley, allowing Nangong Qinghan's wedding party to have enough space to pass.

Nangong Qinghan didn't pass it, but stared blankly at Qiao Xuefei, who didn't even want to look at him, turned around and got into the carriage.

The moment the carriage curtain fell, Nangong Qinghan wanted to get off the horse directly.

The entourage next to him reminded him: "Prince, the auspicious time is coming soon."

Nangong Qinghan's body stiffened instantly, and she did not get off the horse.

However, he didn't ride his horse forward, and kept looking at Mo Ruyu's carriage, as if he wanted to see Qiao Xuefei inside through the curtain of the carriage.

"Feifei..." Ling Wuwen looked at Qiao Xuefei worriedly.

Qiao Xuefei also twitched the corners of her mouth at Ling Wuwen, showing a smile that was uglier than crying.

She said: "I'm fine, really!" No wonder!

In my heart, I imagined the scene of meeting again countless times, imagined Nangong Qinghan's expression when he saw her countless times, and imagined the first words Nangong Qinghan said when he saw her countless times.

But in countless fantasies, there is no him wearing wedding clothes and riding a white horse to marry other women!

Ling Wuwen really wanted to help Qiao Xuefei, but she really didn't know how to help her.

Originally thought that the plot was not broken, Qiao Xuefei and Nangong Qinghan were the same as in the plot, the only obstacle was her rejection of Nangong Qinghan.

Once Qiao Xuefei saw her heart clearly and came to find Nangong Qinghan, the relationship between the two progressed smoothly.

Ling Wuwen thought that Qiao Xuefei would be able to be with Nangong Qinghan when she came to Aoxiong Kingdom this time.

But I didn't expect...

I didn't expect things to develop into what they are now!

If we try to stop Nangong Qinghan's wedding at this time, will Princess Chenxi, who is regarded as the female supporting role in the plot, be hurt?

She is also an innocent person, not malicious, she just simply likes Nangong Qinghan's female partner.

In the plot, after being rejected by Nangong Qinghan and seeing Qiao Xuefei again, she quit automatically.

Ling Wuwen was silent, and Qiao Xuefei was also silent.

The sound of gongs and drums outside did not stop. Under the repeated urging of his followers, Nangong Qinghan rode a white horse and left with his bride.

When passing by Mo Ruyu's carriage, Nangong Qinghan couldn't help turning her head to look at the carriage.

However, there is no stopping...

The sound of gongs and drums gradually faded away, and finally the smile on Qiao Xuefei's face that looked like she was crying couldn't be maintained anymore.

She closed her eyes, her eyelashes were trembling, and tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.

Ling Wuwen didn't know how to comfort Qiao Xuefei, so she could only hug her tightly——

It was still early, and Mo Ruyu decided not to stay in the capital.

But when he was about to leave the city gate, Nangong Qinghan's followers came over and stopped him.

"Ru Wang Ye! Ru Wang Ye!"

"Xuangui, did your master ask you to come?"

Mo Ruyu raised his sword eyebrows, which made Xuangui feel a little apprehensive.

Swallowing, Xuan Gui nodded: "Yes... my master arranged a place for Prince Ru, Princess Ru, and Miss Qiao. Please..."

"No need, we can find the accommodation ourselves, so we won't bother your master!"

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