Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1561 Natural cool mushroom (twenty-four)

After finishing speaking in an angry tone, Mo Ruyu didn't give Xuangui a chance to speak anymore.

Driving out of the city gate in a chariot——

Mo Ruyu didn't go very far in the carriage, and stopped in a town outside the capital.

Because it is the only way to go to the capital, this small town is very prosperous, and it can already be called a small town.

I found a restaurant and asked for a private room.

Ling Wuxi ordered the signature dish here, and then, as usual, she asked people what their specialties were when they went to a place.

She looked at Qiao Xuefei, hesitating whether to speak or not.

Mo Ruyu saw Ling Wu's embarrassment, pursed her lips, and spoke first: "Feifei, next..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiao Xuefei smiled: "Next, Lingling, where do you want to go?"

"Forget about the capital of Aoxiong Kingdom, I don't really want to go, other places are fine."

Ling Wuwen blinked, and just after saying "yes", Qiao Xuefei said again: "It's just this time to give myself a vacation, and when I've had enough fun, I'll go back and continue to open the medical clinic!"

Mo Ruyu didn't speak, neither did Ling Wu.

Qiao Xuefei is a very assertive person, from what she said, one can tell that she has completely given up on Nangong Qinghan.

Although it was a pity, Ling Wuyi really didn't know how to help Qiao Xuefei.

Comparing her heart with her heart, if she met Xi Ziqiu marrying someone else, she would definitely not accept it.

Of course, that happened a long, long time ago.

Now or in the future, if she sees Xi Ziqiu or Xi Ziqiu marrying someone else, she will be unhappy.

Then... grab the kiss directly!

In fact, when seeing Nangong Qinghan marrying someone else, Ling Wuyi had the urge to take Qiao Xuefei to snatch the marriage.

But she held back, she knew Qiao Xuefei didn't want to.

So don't do that.

Qiao Xuefei really didn't want to, it was only a few months, she knew that Nangong Qinghan must still have her in her heart.

She just suddenly saw him marrying someone else, and felt a little unacceptable.

What is unacceptable is seeing him in a wedding dress with his own eyes, followed by a sedan chair, and the bride sitting inside is not her.

But this was something she had expected a long time ago, and it was also the reason why she kept rejecting Nangong Qinghan.

Because she knew... marrying someone else, today's princess will not be the only one in Nangong Qinghan.

Would she like to be a part of it?

Qiao Xuefei's answer was still: no!


That night, the three of them still lived in this small town.

They planned the route and decided to go to a place where the seasons are like spring tomorrow morning and eat the specialties there.

Because there are only two rooms, there are many such situations along the way.

This kind of allocation with only two rooms means that Ling Wuyi and Qiao Xuefei share a room, and Mo Ruyu has a room by herself.

Of course, if there was only one room, Mo Ruyu would be wronged to sleep in the carriage.

When Ling Wuyi and Qiao Xuefei were about to fall asleep, they heard a knock on the door.

The knock on the door was very familiar, it was from Mo Ruyu.

Ling Wuwen put on her coat, went to the door and opened it.

At this time, besides Mo Ruyu, there was also Nangong Qinghan who was dressed in black and hurried over.

Seeing Nangong Qinghan, Ling Wuyi frowned instantly, and her displeasure was clearly written on her face.

"Who asked you to bring him here?!" Ling Wuqin glared at Mo Ruyu.

Mo Ruyu's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly explained: "I didn't bring him here! Really!"

Ling Wuyi snorted and said, "Let him go!"

After speaking, she wanted to close the door.

Nangong Qinghan quickly reached out to the door of the house, and said to Ling Wuyue, "Sister-in-law, I want to talk to Feifei."

"You have nothing to talk about!"

As soon as Ling Wuyi finished speaking, Qiao Xuefei came over and said, "Lingling, I should talk to him."

Qiao Xuefei took the initiative to say it, and of course Ling Wu could not stop her.

And in her heart, she still hoped that Qiao Xuefei and Nangong Qinghan would be together.

After all, this world is not broken, except that Nangong Qinghan married someone else today... This is really unacceptable!

Qiao Xuefei left the room, followed Nangong Qinghan to chat somewhere.

Mo Ruyu was accompanying Ling Wuwen in the room, wanting to talk to relieve her boredom, but he was too stupid.

In the end, it was Ling Wuyi who spoke first and asked him: "Do you men think it's normal to have three wives and four concubines?"

Mo Ruyu was startled, stood up from the stool, and waved her hands again and again: "No, no, no! I will never marry anyone else except you!"

Feeling that it was not enough after speaking, Mo Ruyu hurriedly continued: "Don't talk about marrying someone else, even if I touch, I won't touch! Lingling, trust me!"

Ling Wuwen looked up at Mo Ruyu, wondering if it was because of driving the carriage these past few months, he seemed to have sunburned a lot.

It was not white at first, but now it is really black charcoal.

Fortunately, the temperament is there. Although the facial features are rough, they are also tough and resolute, so they are not ugly.

It just looks scary.

"Sit down! My neck is about to break!" Ling Wuyue said angrily.

Mo Ruyu immediately squatted on the ground, but she was still taller than Ling Wu, so she simply sat down on the ground.

In this way, as long as Ling Wuyi raised his eyes slightly, he could look at him at the same level.

Seeing Ling Wuwen tilting her head to look at him, Mo Ruyu smiled flatteringly at Ling Wuwen.

Seeing that although Ling Wuwen was trying to pretend to be very angry, she actually wanted to laugh a long time ago, Mo Ruyu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and decided to continue to make Ling Wuwen happy.

"Lingling, do you believe me?"

Ling Wuwen shook her head: "I don't believe it."

Mo Ruyu frowned, and pretended to be anxious: "Ah? Then... how can you trust me?"

"It depends on the situation, you're making a good promise now, maybe one day you see a girl who is prettier and more likable than me, and you turn around and forget what you said!"

"I won't! Absolutely not!"

"That's not certain."

Having said that, in fact, Ling Wuwen forgot to add an angry look in her tone.

Mo Ruyu took her hand and began to tell her where there is something delicious.

Then he said that it would take a few days for them to arrive if they rushed over.

The topic of 'eating' successfully diverted Ling Wuyi's attention.


"Feifei, I didn't know you would come to the capital today, I..."

"There are too many people during the day, congratulations again now! But I still don't have a congratulatory gift, so I can only owe it first."

His own words were interrupted again, Nangong Qinghan's brows were almost knit together.

"Don't say such things! You know why I married Chenxi."

Both he and Qiao Xuefei are smart people, he can understand why Qiao Xuefei came to Aoxiong Kingdom, and Qiao Xuefei can also understand why he married Princess Chenxi.

Qiao Xuefei nodded: "Yes, I know."

"Then you can forgive me, right?" Nangong Qinghan stretched out his hand, wanting to pull Qiao Xuefei.

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