Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1578 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (10)

Nan Qiyang over there hummed: "I will lead them to work overtime to find out."

In fact, Nan Qiyang also believes that the murderer is not the first time to commit a crime. Since it is not the first time, it will definitely not be the last time!

The only thing they can do now is to catch the murderer as soon as possible——

After hanging up Nan Qiyang's call, Ling Wuyi stood on the balcony for a long time.

She should have gone to bed, after all, it was getting late.

But she didn't feel sleepy at all, her mind was still full of Luo Qing.

I didn't even look at how late it was, so I changed my clothes, took my phone and keys and went out.

She didn't want to go too far, but she stood outside the bushes where Luo Qing's body was dumped.

I have no other ideas, just want to see.

Tomorrow, she and Nan Qiyang will pretend to understand the situation and ask the two security guards.

When the time comes, she will use mind reading skills to read their hearts.

The mouth can lie, but the heart cannot panic.

Whether it is the murderer or not, of course we will know.

While the catkins were in a trance, there was a sound of "Xixisuosuo" in the bushes, and the bushes were also moving.

Ling Wuxi was startled, and cautiously approached the bushes.

Just when Ling Wuwen was about to walk into the bushes, a wild cat came out of it.

Seeing Ling Wu, it stopped and raised its head to look at her: "Meow~"

Seeing Ling Wuwen sighed a little disappointed, the wild cat tilted its head, as if it didn't understand.

He meowed again, and ran away.

Seeing the direction in which the cat left, Ling Wuyi sighed again.

Just now she thought... it was the murderer!

She is so stupid, how could the murderer still appear in this bush?

"Da... da da... da da da..."

The sound of footsteps coming from behind made Ling Wu's body freeze instantly.

This trail is really remote, and no one usually walks this way.

Moreover, there are no street lights in this area, especially on the side of the bushes, there are no lights at all.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, Ling Wuqian steadied himself, turned around abruptly——

The sound of footsteps approaching Ling Wuxi's side stopped instantly...

"Ouch!" The owner of the footsteps sat down on the ground in fright because of Ling Wu's sudden turn.

The mobile phone in Ling Wu's hand turned on the flashlight mode, and she directly took pictures of the opponent's eyes.

The other party was so blinded by Ling Wu's catkin that he couldn't open his eyes, so he could only block it with his hands: "Fuck! Who are you?! You still haven't turned off the light! Laozi is going to go blind!"

Ling Wuyi ignored the other party's words and just looked him up and down.

Short hair, red sweater, ripped jeans, sneakers.

A girl in her mid-twenties, about 1.7 meters tall, with a neutral voice and a neutral dress.

"It's so late, what are you doing here?" Ling Wuwen asked the girl.

The girl got up from the ground, her hand still facing the stinging light: "I'm going home! You have something special, don't you?! At night, the light shines on people's eyes, and you still don't turn it off!"

Being illuminated by a lamp made her very angry!

Ling Wuxi turned off the flashlight, suddenly thought of something, and asked the girl: "Do you usually come back so late? Do you always go this way?"

At this point in time, it is already past two o'clock in the morning.

According to forensic identification, Luo Qing's body was dumped in the bushes, and it should be around two o'clock in the morning.

"What time does labor and management come back, and whether you leave or not is up to you?! What kind of onion are you?" The girl's attitude was not good at all.

Ling Wuwen didn't mind either, and continued, "A murder case happened in this place a few days ago, and the place where the corpse was thrown was in this bush. I think you must know it since you live in Tianyong Community. I am The prosecutor in charge of this case!"

When Ling Wuwen said that she was a prosecutor, the girl's expression suddenly changed.

Scratching your head in embarrassment: "Oh, you prosecutors, you still have to investigate the case at such a late hour? You are really dedicated! Okay, okay, do you have any questions for me? I live in the building in front, how about Go to my house and ask?"

Just now his face was full of anger, but now he is so enthusiastic, Ling Wuyue still can't get used to it.

But this girl seems to be a relatively straightforward person, the kind of person who has all the emotions on her face.

"It's so late, will it bother you?"

"It's okay, my mother and I are the only ones at home. If you don't have many questions, you can ask them here, so as not to disturb my mother's rest when you go back."

After finishing speaking, the girl said again: "Oh, you just asked me if I come back so late, right? Yes, I usually come back so late, and the company often has to work overtime. I usually go this way , because it’s relatively close, sometimes I’m too lazy to take a detour and choose to go this way.”

Hearing what the girl said, Ling Wutian unconsciously raised a smile on his face.

This may be an eyewitness!

"Hi, my name is Lu Yutong. I'm a prosecutor. What's your name?"

"My name is Feng Lei, hello, Prosecutor Lu!" Feng Lei's face was full of smiles, which was quite different from the dirty-mouthed person just now.

Ling Wuwen stretched out her hand and shook Feng Lei's hand.

"From one to two in the morning on Saturday, did you come back this way as usual?" Ling Wuwen asked Feng Lei.

"Saturday morning? I didn't come back so late on Saturday morning, because it's the weekend, and it's a rare holiday. I'm staying at home."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Originally thought that Feng Lei might be an eyewitness, but he didn't expect that he didn't go out at all!

After a pause, Ling Wuwen still didn't want to give up and asked Feng Lei: "Then, have you seen the strangeness of the bushes here from your balcony?"

Feng Lei thought about it carefully, then shook her head: "I didn't pay attention, because I rarely had a rest that day, I slept all day, and at night I played online games while drinking, people were all in a daze, so I didn't pay attention to the bushes."

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

Sighing, Ling Wuwen still thanked Feng Lei: "Thank you for answering my question, it's getting late, go back and rest."

Feng Lei said apologetically to Ling Wuwen: "I'm sorry, Prosecutor Lu~ I didn't help you too much!"

"It's okay." Ling Wuwen smiled at Feng Lei.

"If there's nothing else to do, I'll go back first." Feng Lei said.

Ling Wuxi nodded, turned on the flashlight mode, and shone at Feng Lei's feet, making it easier for her to leave.

After Feng Lei left, Ling Wuyi turned off the flashlight mode.

He sighed, unable to hide his disappointment.

Rubbing his swollen head, he looked at the time displayed on the phone.

Forget it, it's better to go back to sleep first.

When I got home, I changed into my pajamas and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Maybe it was really too late, but now Ling Wuyi fell asleep very quickly.

After this sleep, I slept until the doorbell rang in the morning.

I looked at the time, it was already seven o'clock, and I went to bed half an hour later than usual!

However, this time is considered early.

The doorbell was still ringing, and Ling Wu was inexplicably agitated.

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