Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1579 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (11)

Who rings the doorbell so early? !

Get up from the bed, put on your coat, go to the door and look through the cat's eyes.

Seeing the person standing at the door, Ling Wuyi sneered.

Put your hand on the handle, open the door, and look at the person standing in the doorway.

"Mom, did you come to see me so early?"

Yes, it was Mother Lu who came to ring Lingwu's doorbell early in the morning.

Ling Wuyi's attitude is not bad, mainly imitating Lu Yutong's attitude when facing Lu's mother.

That's it, not cold at all.

Mother Lu had a cold face, and before she could speak, she raised her hand and slapped Ling Wuyi in the face.

Although Ling Wuwen hadn't woken up yet, it didn't mean she was unresponsive.

When Mother Lu's hand came over, she gently avoided it. The slap didn't hit her, but hit the door instead.

Mother Lu had been holding back her anger, but this slap exhausted all her strength.

As a result, she slapped the door, and Mother Lu's face changed instantly.

"Ah! It hurts me to death! Lu Yutong, you white-eyed wolf, how dare you hide!" Mother Lu hugged her hand, screaming in pain and at the same time not forgetting to curse.

Ling Wuxi had no expression on her face, she just looked at Mother Lu: "Mom, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't touch me. I'm a normal person, if you want to hit me, should I still stand and let you hit me?"

It's really funny, she's not Lu Yutongnian's 30-year-old person who can be beaten by Lu's mother if she doesn't like it.

Lu's mother gave Ling Wuwen a slap in the face, without changing her shoes, and went straight into Ling Wuwen's living room.

Sitting on the sofa, she instructed Ling Wuyi like an old queen: "I'm hungry, prepare me breakfast."

Ling Wuyi sneered, walked to the sofa and sat down, leaning lazily on the sofa: "I went to bed late yesterday, and I don't want to make breakfast now."

Mother Lu gave Ling Wuyi a sharp look again, and then yelled at her: "Did your wings grow hard?! Do you know who I belong to you?! Do you know that without me, you would have died long ago?!"

Ling Wuxi didn't speak, and Lu's mother snapped at her: "Yesterday your sister asked you for some money, but you didn't pay it, why? Your sister can't use your money? What's wrong with using your money? "

"You still hang up the phone! You still turn off the phone! Do you want to dump our family now? I didn't adopt you back then, do you have the status you have now?!"

At this point, Mother Lu paused and said, "Let me ask you! Why did your law firm give it to someone else?!"

After Ling Wuyi hung up on Lu Minjun's phone yesterday, Lu Minjun called Lu's mother to complain as expected.

Then, of course, Lu's mother immediately called Ling Wuyi angrily.

As a result, Ling Wuyi's personal and work phones were turned off, so she could only call the law firm.

The person who answered the phone was Lu Yutong's assistant.

The assistant told Lu's mother that Ling Wuyi had already handed over the law firm and closed it.

Hearing Mother Lu ask her this, Ling Wuyi was not surprised: "I don't want to be a lawyer anymore."

Her answer made Lu's mother stand up from the sofa and stare wide-eyed: "I don't want to be a lawyer anymore?! Did you find a job with a higher salary than a lawyer?! That shitty prosecutor?!"

The job of a prosecutor is notoriously low paid in the world.

It is lower than the police company, and it manages more things.

Facing Lu's mother's anger, Ling Wuyi didn't even move her eyebrows: "Prosecutor is a very sacred job, please be respectful in your attitude, Mom."

"Sacred?! How much is sacred worth?! Why, do too many wicked things, want to accumulate virtue?"

As soon as Lu's mother finished speaking, Ling Wu 4 grinned: "Mom, you really understand me. I just feel that I have done too many immoral things, so I changed to be a prosecutor to accumulate virtue for myself."

Mother Lu choked on Ling Wuyi's words, she was just talking nonsense, she didn't expect Ling Wuwen to answer it.

Taking a deep breath, Mother Lu said to Ling Wuwen, "Now that you are a prosecutor, how much money can you earn a month? Is there any money?"

"Three thousand and eight a month, no oil and water."

Three thousand and eight, sometimes Lu Yutong makes more money in a day than the prosecutor in a month.

Mother Lu became even more excited when she heard this number: "Three thousand and eight?! Lu Yutong, are you crazy?! You are not a gold medal lawyer with a high salary, you want to be a prosecutor whose salary is not enough to fit your teeth I spent so much money to support you just to let you be this shitty prosecutor?!"

Hearing Mother Lu's last words, Ling Wuyi really wanted to laugh.

When it comes to spending money, the money Lu Yutong gives to the Lu family a month is not as much as the money she gave to the Lu family from childhood to adulthood.

One way scholarship in elementary school, living expenses in middle school were pitifully small, let alone pocket money.

When he was in college, he never used the Lu family's money at all.

But Lu's mother always said how much money she spent on Lu Yutong, as if it was true!

Ling Wuyi shrugged, with a smile on her face: "I think I might be crazy."

Ling Wu's attitude made Mother Lu feel like she was hitting cotton with her fist.

Unable to vent her anger, Lu's mother had no choice but to enter into the theme of today's visit to Ling Wuyi: "The family has no money, so you give me two hundred thousand."

Ling Wuwen raised her eyebrows, two hundred thousand?

The daughter wanted 100,000 yesterday, and the mother wanted 200,000 today? Sure enough, this is real!

Ling Wuxi nodded, stood up, turned and entered the room.

Lu's mother thought that Ling Wuyi was going to get her money, and she was very satisfied.

As a result, Ling Wuyi took out a bunch of jewelry, put it in front of Lu's mother, and said, "I bought these for 250,000 yuan. Mom, you know me, and I will buy things as soon as I have money, so All the money was used to buy these."

Lu's mother's face turned dark. These jewelry are all expensive when you buy them, but they are worthless when you sell them.

Two hundred and fifty thousand yuan, if she resells it, she will not get one hundred thousand yuan.

Seeing Lu's mother's dissatisfaction and disgust, Ling Wuwen went on to say: "The money I can use now is only 10,000 yuan, so when Minjun asked me for it yesterday, I said I would give her 10,000 yuan, but she didn't like it. few."

"Ten thousand yuan?!" Mother Lu's eyebrows were about to fly into the sky.

Getting used to the good life, Lu's mother has already forgotten that if it was the past, the 10,000 yuan Lu's father's salary for several months would have been added up.

But now, she thinks too little.

"Lu Yutong! Who are you kidding? Even if you don't become a lawyer now, you won't have only 10,000 yuan left, right?!" Mother Lu obviously didn't believe Ling Wuyi's words that there was only 10,000 yuan left.

Ling Wuyi tilted her head, and said helplessly: "I really only have 10,000 yuan. Mom, you don't even plan to keep 10,000 yuan for me, do you? I just started working in the procuratorate and I want to get it. The salary has to be next month!"

Mother Lu snorted: "Take out your bank card! I'm going to the bank to check the balance!"

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