Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1583 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (15)

There seems to be nothing suspicious about the old lady's words.

Ling Wuwen also felt that it should be impossible, after all, the victim had been violently sexually assaulted, and the murderer couldn't possibly be an old lady over half a century old.

The police were still taking the old lady's statement, so Ling Wuyi didn't ask any more questions.

Feeling that there was a strange gaze looking at her, Ling Wuyi followed the gaze.

But it's a pity that there are too many onlookers, and she couldn't find that strange line of sight just now...

"Found it." Nan Qiyang's voice came from behind.

Ling Wuyi turned her head and looked at him: "What?"

Nan Qiyang pursed his lips and said, "The deceased's name is Chen Xing. He is eighteen years old this year. He dropped out of school three years ago and stayed at home."

"The day before yesterday, Chen Xing told his elderly grandma that he was going out to meet a friend, but he never came back."

meet a friend? !

"That friend..."

"I have asked people to contact all of Chen Xing's friends to find out who the friends she was going to meet the day before yesterday are." Nan Qiyang said.

Ling Wuxi nodded, but said nothing.

At this time, the body of the victim, Chen Xing, had already been taken away, and the evidence collection was almost complete.

Nan Qiyang said to Ling Wuwen: "Let's go back to the police station too."



Sitting in the car, Ling Wuwen was silent for a long time.

Until they returned to the police station and got the information of the victim Chen Xing.

Nan Qiyang's subordinates contacted all of Chen Xing's friends, and they all said that they did not meet Chen Xing the day before yesterday.

Chen Xing's parents passed away since he was a child, and he only had a sick and weak grandmother who depended on each other for life.

The family conditions are not good, and Chen Xing's grandma is now relying on scavenging and subsistence allowances to make a living.

Sometimes, children who are not raised by poor families are sensible. In fact, there are two extremes, either very obedient and sensible, or very rebellious.

Chen Xing belongs to the latter.

Since he was a child, he was ridiculed as a child who picked up rags without parents, so Chen Xing's temper was a bit strange.

When he was a teenager, he was in the rebellious period of youth, and his puppy love played truant, and Chen Xing did everything.

Chen Xing's grandma has nothing to do with her, she can only talk about it every day.

Staying out at night is something Chen Xing often does.

So when the police found Grandma Chen Xing, Grandma Chen Xing didn't realize that something might have happened to her granddaughter.

Seeing Grandma Chen Xing like that, the police dared not tell Grandma Chen Xing the truth, fearing that her body would not be able to bear it.

Luo Qing and Chen Xing, a good girl and a rebellious girl.

There is no connection between the two.

The murderer... just killed people randomly?

"Has Chen Xing's social account been investigated?" Ling Wuwen asked Shang Hua, the police officer in charge of the investigation of the crime team.

Shang Hua raised his head to look at Ling Wuwen, and replied, "Investigating."

"Find out the text messages and call records in the phone." Ling Wuxi said.

Shang Hua nodded: "Okay."

Nan Qiyang, who was on the side, saw that Ling Wuwen had confessed everything, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.

It's weird...

He was obviously a lawyer before, so why is he more like a policeman now?

After explaining this, Ling Wuwen went to Nan Qiyang's office.

Seeing that Ling Wu and catkins had left, Nan Qiyang also followed.

As soon as Ling Wuwen went in, she took Chen Xing's information and read it.

If it's a girl like Chen Xing, her social life is messy, and she will be more understandable when she is in danger.

But, like Luo Qing, it really can't be justified.

So Ling Wuyi was a little puzzled, did the murderer kill people randomly?

If it was a random killing, why did Chen Xing say that he was going to meet a friend?

Or...that friend of Chen Xing killed Luo Qing randomly?

It's no wonder that Ling Wujin thought that Luo Qing was killed randomly by the murderer, because Luo Qing didn't have any social accounts.

The only social account is only for contacting family members, and the text messages and call records on the mobile phone are fine.

That's why Ling Wuyi thought that Luo Qing was randomly targeted by the murderer...

Nan Qiyang, who was also looking at Chen Xing's profile, saw Ling Wuyi standing up from the sofa from the corner of his eyes, and couldn't help but look up at her.

Ling Wuwen didn't look at Nan Qiyang, and walked out.

The glass of Nan Qiyang's office is transparent, so one can see what Ling Wuyue is doing out there.

I don't know why, Nan Qiyang finds it strange that Ling Wuwen can steal his attention with just a small move.

At this time, Ling Wu's mind is full of thoughts to catch the murderer quickly, so as to prevent innocent people from losing their lives!

"How is it? Have you found Chen Xing's social account?" Ling Wuwen asked Shang Hua who was investigating.

Shang Hua was taken aback by Ling Wu's sudden appearance and questioning, and turned to look at her: "I found it, but I still need to contact the social company to open the permission so that I can log in to Chen Xing's social account. "

"How long will it take?" Ling Wu asked.

Shang Hua thought for a while and said, "If it's all social accounts... it might take half an hour."

At this time, Ling Wuyi frowned.

He patted Shang Hua on the shoulder and said, "Get out of the way."

Shang Hua didn't know why, so he obediently got up from the office chair.

Ling Wuwen sat down in Shang Hua's seat, and began typing skillfully on the keyboard.

Shang Hua's eyes, who were standing beside him, widened and almost fell out.

For half an hour, the printer next to me kept coming out with documents.

Nan Qiyang, who was originally sitting in the office, had already walked to the printer and stood in front of the printer. Ling Wuyi printed out a copy, and he sorted it out and read it.

Shang Hua next to him can no longer use surprise to describe his mood at this time, it is simply worship!

After printing the chat records, call records and text messages of Chen Xing's social account, Ling Wuwen got up from Shang Hua's seat and looked at Shang Hua: "It's ok, you can continue to work on your work."

After finishing speaking, she followed Nan Qiyang who was holding a stack of documents into the office.

Shang Hua stared blankly at Ling Wuwen's back. If it wasn't for the time limit, he really... really wanted to worship Ling Wuwen as his teacher!

The information is in duplicate, which is more convenient for her and Nan Qiyang to read one copy.

Ling Wuwen sat on the sofa and read the materials, and Nan Qiyang sat on the office chair and read the materials.

Chen Xing has quite a lot of social accounts, but Ling Wujin took a look and found that she only used two of them, Penguin and Weibo.

Besides this, Ling Wujin found that Chen Xing also likes to play online games.

Tsk~ Thank you very much. The network setting in this world requires you to register with your own ID card.

So Ling Wuyi used Chen Xing's ID card to find out all of her social accounts, including online game accounts.

Luo Qing's Ling Wuwen also checked it with a computer at home, and Luo Qing didn't have an online game account or anything.

When looking at these account records of Chen Xing, Ling Wuyi discovered that Chen Xing is a person who likes to play online games very much.

After carefully looking at the records in her online game, I found that there is a male player called 'Death Contract' who has a very good relationship with her.

The two met during a monster-killing mission half a year ago. The other party is very capable, the equipment is also very handsome, and he is also the top ten master players in the server.

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