Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1584 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (16)

Chen Xing basically logs in to the game every day, and of course he also contacts this 'death contract' every day.

The two chatted from topics on the game to private topics, including age, height, hobbies, and so on.

It can be seen from the words that Chen Xing has a good impression of this 'death contract'.

Seeing that the two people above communicated with each other on the Penguin, Li Lingwu went to look for the chat records between Chen Xing and the 'Death Contract' on the Penguin.

On the Penguin, the "death contract" was not called "death contract" but was remarked as "male god" by Chen Xing.

To be able to call a netizen a 'male god', Chen Xing really likes him.

Chen Xing's chat history with the 'male god', from the ambiguous at the beginning to the very explicit later.

When Ling Wuyi saw the contact time of the two people recently, her eyes lit up instantly.

"Found it!" Ling Wuyi couldn't help blurting out.

At this time, Nan Qiyang also said: "I found it too."

He got up with the materials, went to sit next to Ling Wuwen, and didn't realize how close the two of them were.

Look at the document Ling Wuxi is holding in his hand, then look at the document he is holding in his hand, it's the same.

In other words, the problems they found were all the same.

Chen Xing chatted with this 'Male God' in the online game on Penguin, and the last contact was the day before yesterday!

Their last line of dialogue was:

Chen Xing: I'm here, where are you?

Male God: I'm here too.


Yes, it was this 'male god' that Chen Xing went to meet!

Ling Wuyi and Nan Qiyang looked at each other, and saw the suspicion of this 'male god' in the other's eyes.

"If you look up this male god, just use my computer." Nan Qiyang said to Ling Wuwen.

The move of Ling Wu Nielu just now made Nan Qiyang fully aware of her abilities.

You can go to court, you can go to the kitchen, you can also investigate cases and hacking methods...

Nan Qiyang felt that if he spent more time with Ling Wuwen, he would know more about her abilities.

Ling Wuxi nodded, and walked to Nan Qiyang's desk.

What she has to do is very simple and rude, which is to investigate the true identity of the 'death contract'.

After the successful invasion, Ling Wuwen found out the real name of the 'death contract'.

Ning Xuan, male, 20 years old, from J City.

The address shown on the ID card is Tianyong Community!

Seeing the information that Ling Wujin found out, there was no need for Ling Wujin to say anything, Nan Qiyang walked out quickly, ready to lead someone to arrest the most suspected Ning Xuan!

"Wait!" Nan Qiyang stopped Nan Qiyang who was about to dispatch the entire serious crime team.

Nan Qiyang turned his head and looked at Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuwen said: "You should ask someone to look up the information of this Ning Xuan first, where he is now, where he usually logs in to the game, and where is this time. After you have checked it out, you can go there, so as not to scare the snake away. .”

Nan Qiyang nodded and stepped out.

He felt a little ashamed, usually he could analyze these problems by himself.

But I don't know why he became a little unresponsive when he was around Ling Wuwen?

After going out, Nan Qiyang sent someone to investigate Ning Xuan, and the results came soon.

Ning Xuan, the place where he often logs in is an Internet cafe outside Tianyong Community.

But it was very strange, when Ning Xuan logged into the game, others were attending classes at school.

Or, it is a part-time job.

This is strange, is it possible that a person still has the ability to clone himself?

Nan Qiyang asked someone to go to Ning Xuan's university to investigate and inquire. Before he came back, he called and told Nan Qiyang.

After listening to the phone call, Nan Qiyang said to Ling Wuwen: "Ning Xuan never played online games. A year ago, he lost his ID card once, and he got it reissued later."

So, the thread is broken?

"It's getting late, and you've been busy all day, so I'll take you back first." Nan Qiyang said to Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuxi looked at the time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Time flies so fast?

After being stunned for a while, she remembered that she even ate dinner, but it was already night!

Ling Wuyi tidied up the materials and got up from the sofa: "Well, after you send me off, go back and have a rest."

Sitting in Nan Qiyang's car, Ling Wu wearily closed her eyes.

Really, very tired!

While waiting for the red light, Nan Qiyang turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen, and asked her: "Do you regret being such a thankless prosecutor?"

Ling Wuxi didn't open her eyes, and replied softly, "I don't regret it."

How can you regret it? Not only can it punish rape and eliminate evil, but it can also increase favorability.

In just a few days, Nan Qiyang's favorability towards Ling Wuwen has already reached as much as sixty points!

From negative thirty o'clock to sixty o'clock, the span is very large.

After hearing Ling Wuwen say the word 'no regrets', her favorability increased by another five points!

Ling Wu's eyelashes trembled, she opened her eyes, and said, "The light is green."

Nan Qiyang paused, started the car and continued driving.

Sending Ling Wuwen outside the community, Nan Qiyang originally wanted to enter the community, but was rejected by Ling Wuwen: "I can go in by myself, you can go back and rest quickly."

Nan Qiyang nodded: "Call me when you get home."


Ling Wuyi got out of the car and watched Nan Qiyang's car leave before she turned around and prepared to enter the community.

"Eh? Prosecutor Lu?"

Ling Wuyi turned her head and looked at the girl in front of her with short hair, wearing a black sweater and ripped jeans.

"Feng Lei?"

Although the light was relatively dark that night, Ling Wuyi could still see Feng Lei's face clearly.

Feng Lei grinned and smiled at Ling Wu: "I didn't expect you to remember my name, Prosecutor Lu! Are you just off work, Prosecutor Lu?"

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Didn't you work overtime today?" She asked Feng Lei.

Feng Lei chuckled: "I'm working overtime, but the overtime time is relatively short."

It seemed that being able to get off work early put her in a good mood.

Ling Wuwen also smiled at Feng Lei, and walked into the community with her.

"What do you do?" Ling Wuwen asked Feng Lei in a normal tone.

"I... work hard and have no face to mention. It's not as good as you work in the government, Prosecutor Lu."

Ling Wuqian chuckled, and said, "Don't you know that the job of a prosecutor is said to be so low that you can't even support yourself?"

"Then why did you choose this job, Prosecutor Lu?" Feng Lei asked Ling Wuyi curiously.

Ling Wuyi used what she said again: "I have done too many immoral things, and I want to accumulate some virtue for myself."

Feng Lei was taken aback, and became curious, but felt that it was not good to ask people directly.

Ling Wuyi changed the subject and asked Feng Lei, "By the way, did you know that another corpse was found in the bushes today?"

Feng Lei paused, then nodded: "I know, my mother called me and told me, and even told me not to take that path, it's not safe."

"Well, it's really not safe." Ling Wuwen murmured.

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