Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1587 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (19)

Nan Qiyang couldn't bear to wake up Ling Wu, feeling that she was really tired these days.

Looking at Ling Wuwen who frowned even when she was sleeping, Nan Qiyang suddenly felt distressed.

It's weird, it hurts.

Taking a deep breath, Nan Qiyang also felt very tired.

Not physically tired, but mentally tired.

Working in the serious crime team, all the investigations are homicides.

So many fresh lives...

He didn't feel tired just now, he felt tired a long time ago.

What can be done? His dream is to bring all criminals to justice!

Let everyone live under a safe sky.

His own strength is small, and he can only do what he can.

Leaning his head on the back of the seat, he gently closed his eyes, unable to hide the tiredness all over his body.

The car was parked downstairs at Ling Wu's house, Ling Wu was leaning against the co-pilot, and Nan Qiyang was leaning against the driver's seat.

The two fell asleep in the cold night...

When Ling Wuxi woke up, it was already half past six in the morning.

Thanks to the biological clock for waking her up, otherwise she wouldn't even know that she fell asleep in Nan Qiyang's car!

He moved his neck, and his whole face wrinkled in an instant.

Hold the grass! Her neck is about to break!

Ling Wuwen raised her hand to pinch her neck, her face wrinkled tighter and tighter.

After pinching for a while, it didn't feel so uncomfortable.

Twisting his neck, he happened to see Nan Qiyang who was asleep leaning against the driver's seat.

Nan Qiyang only wore a black shirt, because his coat was draped over Ling Wu's body.

He just leaned on the back of the chair, even when he was asleep, his face was expressionless and his demeanor was cold.

Ling Wupi's movements suddenly became lighter, worried that he would wake him up, and also worried that he would wake up with the same neck pain as hers after sleeping like this.

After thinking about it, Ling Wuyi unbuckled her seat belt, and wanted to take off Nan Qiyang's coat and put it on for him.

As a result, as soon as the seat belt was unbuckled, Nan Qiyang woke up.

"Did I disturb you?" Ling Wu asked.

Nan Qiyang rubbed his aching neck and said, "No."

Ling Wu was still holding Nan Qiyang's coat in his hand, thought for a while, and said, "It's past six o'clock, why don't you go to my house and I'll make breakfast for you?"

"Small steamed buns?" Nan Qiyang asked Ling Wu, didn't his eyes say 'I want to eat steamed buns'!

Ling Wuxi raised her lips and nodded: "Yes, Xiaolongbao."

Since it is Xiaolongbao, there is absolutely no reason for Nan Qiyang to refuse it.

Get off the car with Ling Wuyi, and then take the elevator upstairs.

As soon as he entered the house, Ling Wuwen turned his head and asked Nan Qiyang: "I have men's clothes, clean towels and toothbrushes at home, do you want to take a shower?"

Nan Qiyang was stunned for a moment, obviously noticing the word 'man'.

Why... does Ling Wupi have men's clothing at home?

Father? Impossible, he knew that Lu Yutong's adoptive father had never been here.

younger brother? Impossible, Lu Yutong's younger brother will not come to live here.

So, boyfriend?

But, why didn't the information he checked out show up?

Seeing Nan Qiyang guessing and guessing there, Ling Wuwen, who went to the room to get clean men's clothes and toothbrush towels, came out and explained: "My ex-boyfriend's, but they are all new, never used."

After breaking up for several years, Lu Yutong has never forgotten Fang Haotian, so she is reluctant to throw away his things.

It turned out to be an ex-boyfriend...

While Nan Qiyang breathed a sigh of relief, an inexplicable unhappiness filled his heart.

It's all broken up, why not throw these things away?

There is only one answer, and I haven't gotten out of the previous relationship.

Nan Qiyang didn't ask anything, because he was not qualified to ask.

After taking the clothes and toothbrush and towel, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows, and went back to the bathroom in her room to take a shower.

When she came out of the shower, Nan Qiyang had already finished the shower and was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Said to Nan Qiyang: "You sit down first, I will make steamed buns."

Nan Qiyang nodded and said nothing.

Ling Wuwen turned around and went into the kitchen.

Looking at Ling Wu's busy figure, Nan Qiyang raised his foot and walked over.

He stood beside Ling Wumi, watching her seriously busy.

"The making of this steamed bun is actually very simple. Let me tell you first, and you watch me make it. When the murderer of this case is found, I will teach you carefully." Ling Wuwen said to Nan Qiyang.

Nan Qiyang nodded slightly, and hummed: "Okay."


After eating breakfast at Ling Wuxi's house, Nan Qiyang originally wanted her to rest for a while, and he went back to the police station by himself.

But Ling Wuxi was unwilling, and said, "You let me sleep, but I can't sleep either. I just thought of something."

"What's the matter?" Nan Qiyang asked.

While changing his shoes, Ling Wuyi said, "Last night, the death contract said that he had something to do, so he has to go offline. Is it possible that he didn't actually intend to leave the Internet cafe after he went offline, but simply went offline?"

Nan Qiyang nodded, and added: "Or, there is a back door in the Internet cafe!"

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Go to the Internet cafe first!"


Ling Wuwen went to the Internet cafe with Nan Qiyang, and asked the network administrator if the Internet cafe had a back door or something.

The network administrator shook his head and said, "We don't have a back door here."

There was no back door, but in the monitoring, the only one who left the Internet cafe within 20 minutes after the death contract went offline was Peng Yiliang.

So does it mean that after the death contract went offline, he really did not leave the Internet cafe?

Ling Wuxi patted her head, and blamed her for not being thoughtful enough!

Leaving the Internet cafe with Nan Qiyang, ready to go to the police station.

As soon as I got to the car, I saw Feng Lei.

Feng Lei was still dressed in that neutral outfit, as if she hadn't woken up.

"Good morning." Out of politeness, Ling Wuyi greeted Feng Lei.

Feng Lei was still angry about getting up, but when she saw Ling Wuyi, she raised a smiley face: "Good morning, Prosecutor Lu!"

After greeting Ling Wuwen, Feng Lei's eyes fell on Nan Qiyang.

Nan Qiyang is very handsome, and he always turns heads when he goes out. It is normal for Feng Lei to become a nympho when he sees it.

"Is this Prosecutor Lu's boyfriend? So handsome!" Feng Lei made no secret of her nympho image.

Ling Wuxi shook her head with a smile: "No, this is Mr. Police, who is investigating the case with me."

"Oh! It turned out to be a righteous and dignified policeman! Tsk tsk tsk~ Are all policemen so handsome?"

Nan Qiyang's originally expressionless face was even more tense, and he said to Ling Wuyue, "I'll go back to the car first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ling Wuyi to respond, he got into the car by himself.

Feng Lei scratched her head, and asked Ling Wupin in a low voice, "Do all the policemen have the same attitude?"

Ling Wuyi shook her head at Feng Lei: "No, it's just that I'm in a bad mood."

Feng Lei said twice, suddenly thought of something, and said to Ling Wuyi: "Prosecutor Lu, I think there is something wrong with the family opposite our house."

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