Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1588 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (20)


Ling Wuwen didn't quite understand what Feng Lei said was wrong, what was wrong.

"I think the man who lives opposite our house is a pervert! I want to sue him, it's just..."

abnormal? !

Ling Wuwen was a little sensitive to the word abnormal.

"What kind of pervert? Did you see it?" Ling Wuyi was a little excited, and directly grabbed Feng Lei's wrist.

Feng Lei didn't understand why Ling Wuyue was so excited, but she answered the question honestly: "I didn't see it, but I heard it."

Then, Feng Lei began to say: "It's too perverted! Every night in the middle of the night, he watches pornographic movies. He watches them very late and plays them loudly!"

"My room is right next to his room. How can I, a single woman, sleep in the middle of the night? It's fine if you say I want a boyfriend, but I..."

"Prosecutor Lu, do you think that person is abnormal or not?"

It turned out that it was just watching pornographic movies, and she thought Feng Lei had really seen or heard something.

A little lost, but didn't show it.

She smiled at Feng Lei and said, "You call the property management and ask them to tell your neighbor to turn down the volume."

Feng Lei nodded and pouted: "I think so too!"

"Then I won't bother you, Prosecutor Lu, you're going to be late for work, wave!"

After speaking, Feng Lei hurried to the bus station.

Looking at Feng Lei's back, Ling Wuyue was a little puzzled. People living in Tianyong Community are in good conditions, and they should be able to work.

Why, Feng Lei still has to squeeze the bus?

She shrugged, as if it wasn't her business.

Turn around and get into Nan Qiyang's car.

Ling Wuwen fastened her seat belt, Nan Qiyang started the car——

Yesterday I made an appointment with Death Pact to play the game at 7:00 p.m., and Ling Wuyi logged into the game at 6:30, waiting for Death Pact to go online.

Of course, Ling Wuwen is also very worried that after the wrongful arrest last night, the death contract will be prepared

What if... what if the death contract is not online?

To Ling Wuyi's relief, at seven o'clock, the death contract went live on time.

The Ling family's catkin: Boom~ Master, you are so punctual~ I'm so worried that you won't come!

Death Pact: ...I always keep my word.

The Ling family's catkin: [Star Eyes] Then, Master, will you take me to upgrade now?

Death Pact: ...OK.

Just like last night, Ling Wuwen used another computer to hack Death Contract's computer while she was playing cute with Death Contract in the online game.

Then Ling Wuyi discovered that the death contract was still in Jingming Internet Cafe!

Could it be that the death contract didn't find out about the arrest last night? Or is he confident that the police won't catch him?

Ling Wu's mind was spinning rapidly, and she still had to type and chat with the death contract.

Neither she nor Nan Qiyang dared to let the police go to the Internet cafe to look for the death contract, for fear that it would be like last night.

Therefore, Ling Wuyi thought of a way: "I will continue to get closer to the death contract in the online game, let him regard me as the next target, and then..."

What Ling Wuyi wanted to say was that when she went to meet the death contract again, wouldn't he be brought to justice?

Nan Qiyang understood Ling Wu's meaning, so before she finished speaking, she spoke first: "You can let him regard you as the next target, but you can't go to see him!"

He would not admit that he was actually worried about Ling Wuwen's safety in his own heart, that's why he didn't want Ling Wuwen to see the death contract.

However, Nan Qiyang still has a very high-sounding reason: "You have been to the scene of the body throwing, and it is not ruled out that the murderer has remembered your appearance, so if we really want to meet at that time, I will send a young policewoman with a fresh face. "

Hmm...that makes a lot of sense.

Ling Wuyi didn't want to refute him, after all, she couldn't tell him that she could actually disguise herself.

"Okay, then I'll talk to the death contract first, and see if I can let the death contract meet me." Ling Wuxi said.

Nan Qiyang nodded, tidied his clothes, and said, "Then I'll do other investigations first, and let me know if there's any progress."

After finishing speaking, Nan Qiyang gave up the office to Ling Wuwen and went out by himself.

On this day, Ling Wuwen played online games with Death Contract until after two o'clock in the morning, and went home from the police station.

In the next few days, Ling Wuyi spent at least twelve hours a day talking about the death contract.

Because Death Covenant doesn't always play online games, Ling Wuyi pesters Jiata Penguin.

Ling Wu Nie has a lot of experience in strategy strategy, and knows how to make people like it.

This death contract is always ready to come, so of course it is a good strategy.

On Saturday, Ling Wuwen was showing people the house, and while watching the house, she was still chatting with the death contract on the Penguin.

Ling Wuyi wanted to sell the house, and Nan Qiyang also knew about it, because he was working as a driver for Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuxi wanted to use the Penguin to chat with the death contract, so of course she couldn't drive.

In fact, Nan Qiyang was quite happy to be Ling Wuyi's driver.

He just felt that he was very happy to have Ling Wuxi by his side.

At the end of the day, they went to see those houses.

There were two sets, and they were sold on the same day, and Ling Wuyi made six million. Huge profits!

That villa, Ling Wuwen, didn't plan to sell it, the environment there was good, if she wanted to stay with Xi Ziqiu, she would like to live there in the future.

In the evening, Ling Wuwen and Nan Qiyang had dinner outside.

Halfway through the meal, Ling Wuwen raised her head and smiled at Nan Qiyang.

With this smiling face, Nan Qiyang knew: "Did he propose to meet?"

Ling Wuyi nodded: "Yes, he proposed to meet tomorrow."

In the past few days, although Ling Wuwen's master called her a death contract, she never proposed to meet him. She only told him that she was from J City and a high school student.

Not only that, Ling Wuwen also sent the cute photo of the young policewoman arranged by Nan Qiyang to the death contract.

Originally it was about exchanging photos, but the photo sent by the death contract was not him.

It doesn't matter, Ling Wuwen still pretended to like the death contract, just pestering him to talk.

Just now, Ling Wuwen was still telling the death contract how bad her 'boyfriend' was, and she wanted to break up.

Then, Death Pact offered to meet her.

At that time Ling Wuwen was very surprised, and then refused.

Being rejected, the death contract wanted to see her even more.

After several requests, Ling Wuwen agreed to meet him "reluctantly", but only in crowded places.

"Has the time and place been set?" Nan Qiyang asked Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuyi nodded: "It's fixed, nine o'clock in the morning, in ×× Square."

Although the time and place are set here, Ling Wuxi knows that the death contract will never meet her in a crowded place.

From the chat records between Chen Xing and Death Contract, it is clear that the two people agreed to meet in a crowded place, but Death Contract found an excuse to change it to a secluded place.

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