Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1618 The heroine’s half-demon daughter (15)

Then, he hugged the girl into his arms and said, "I finally found you!"

The people next to them were a little surprised. They were... brother and sister, but they didn't look alike.

Let's say they are a couple...

It is impossible for that young man to marry a girl who looks like this!

Ling Wuyi pushed Xie Hengyi away and said expressionlessly: "Young Master admitted the wrong person."

Xie Heng pursed his lips and quickly followed the first rule Tian Mi said: admit your mistake!

"Su Zi, I was wrong~ I really know I was wrong! I shouldn't have lied to you, I shouldn't have scared you! I won't lie to you or scare you in the future! Can you forgive me?"

Xie Heng originally wanted to say: I lie to you once, and you lie to me once, then we are even.

But he didn't dare to say that. He was afraid that if he said so, he would not be able to calm down Ling Wu Ti.

Ling Wuyi remained expressionless and shook off Xie Hengyi's hand.

"Young Master has admitted the wrong person." She only said this and walked past him.

Xie Hengyi decided to use the second trick Tian Mi told him: follow him wherever he goes!

So, he stopped talking and just followed Ling Wuyi.

Wherever Ling Wuyi went, he would follow.

When Xie Heng stopped talking, Ling Wuyi looked at him in surprise.

After receiving Ling Wuyi's eyes, Xie Heng immediately showed a flattering smile on his face.

After Ling Wuyi looked away expressionlessly, he flattened his mouth in grievance.

Ling Wuyi felt funny in her heart. She could see that Xie Hengyi actually wanted to talk.

However, he probably listened to what Tian Mi taught him, so he used this method to 'calm down' her.

Hmm... As expected of the Raider she has led before!

Ling Wuyi has already made up her mind. She will not 'forgive' Xie Hengyi until her favorability reaches ninety-eight points.

But depending on the situation, it may not take long for Ling Wuyi to increase his favorability to ninety-eight points.

After all, there are more brain waves, so it is easy to increase your favorability.

There are still four parts of brain waves left, which should be easier and easier to add, as long as they are not affected in any way——

For the whole afternoon, Ling Wuyi wandered around the capital, eating snacks and walking around.

In the evening, Lingwu returned to the inn.

Xie Heng wanted to follow Ling Wuyi back to his room, but was kicked out of the room.

After rubbing his kicked butt, Xie Heng went downstairs and asked the shopkeeper for the room next to Ling Wu Ti.

Late at night, Xie Hengyi quietly entered Ling Wudi's room and squatted beside her bed.

He didn't dare to go to bed because he was afraid of making Ling Wudi unhappy again.

Ling Wuli opened her eyes and looked at Xie Hengyi indifferently: "What are you doing? Do you want to climb into bed again? Are you trying to trick me later on that I can't control the demonic power in my body?"

Xie Hengyi quickly shook his head and explained: "No! I...I just want to tell you...I know where your mother is..."

Tian Mi told him everything before leaving.

So he thought, tell Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi sat up from the bed and looked down at Xie Hengyi: "Do you know where my mother is?"

Xie Heng nodded and said, "Yes, when we came out before, we met that civet cat demon named Xiyue!"

"It turns out her name is not Xiyue, her name is Langyue..."

Before Xie Hengyi finished speaking, Ling Wuyi reached out to pull his collar and asked him: "How do you know? Who told you?"

Ling Wuyi's tone was a bit cold. Xie Heng blinked. How could it be so different from the... surprise tone he imagined?

No matter how you listen to this tone, it doesn’t sound like a surprise!

However, Ling Wuyi's question still needs to be answered.

"My mother... told me this before I came out to find you."

After he finished speaking, Ling Wuyi let go of his hand.

Ling Wuyi sneered and said nothing.

Xie Heng swallowed, wondering if he had said the wrong thing and made Ling Wuyi angry again.

After a long time, Ling Wuyi opened her mouth and said with a tearful tone: "You all know it as expected... you know that my mother disowns me... you all lied to me..."

Seeing that Ling Wuyi was about to cry, Xie Hengyi was heartbroken.

He quickly stood up and reached out to hug Ling Wudi: "No! I didn't lie to you, I just found out about it! Really... Su Zi, you believe me!"

"I will never lie to you again! Even if all the people, monsters, and demons in the world lie to you, I will never lie to you!"

Xie Hengyi said these words very seriously, more like a promise.

Ling Wuyi pushed Xie Hengyi away and wiped his tears: "You have already lied to me, I will not believe you!"

Xie Heng was a little at a loss at first, but suddenly, he bit his finger.

Purple blood gushed from his wounds.

Xie Heng drew blood and drew a symbol in the air.

Ling Wuyi was surprised. She knew that symbol was one of the most powerful blood contracts in the demon world.

The promise made under the blood contract will be wiped out if it is not fulfilled.

Therefore, generally no one would make this kind of blood contract.

"Heng Yi! What are you doing?!"

Ling Wuyi walked over and wanted to stop him, but the blood contract had already been formed...

Xie Heng looked at Ling Wuyi and said, "I swear under the blood contract that if I lie to you or scare you again in the future, I will be wiped out!"

After saying that, the blood contract returned to Xie Hengyi's eyebrows.

This blood contract is considered completed.

Xie Heng grinned at Ling Wuyi like a big boy: "Su Zi, do you believe me now?"

Ling Wuyi: "..."

Originally, she wanted to wait until her favorability reached ninety-eight points, but now that Xie Heng has signed a blood contract, what reason does she have for not forgiving him?

Sighing, Ling Wuyi said: "Go back to your room quickly!"

Just by listening to the tone of Ling Wuyi's words, Xie Heng knew that he was doing the right thing with this blood contract!

It was still thanks to Tian Mi. It was Tian Mi who told Xie Hengyi that if the previous two methods didn't work, then make a blood contract.

However, the price of the blood contract was too high, so Tian Mi told Xie Heng not to use it unless absolutely necessary.

How could Tian Mi know that Xie Heng had made a blood contract not long after he found Ling Wu Ti...

Xie Heng shook his head and walked to Ling Wuyi to hold her hand.

"I don't want to go back to the room... Suzi, you don't know how worried I am about you these days! I'm just afraid that you will be in danger in the human world!"

Ling Wuyi did not break away from Xie Hengyi's hand, but said: "What danger can I be in? Are those people my opponents?"

"Speaking of danger, I even killed two Taoist priests today!"

"Really?! Su Zi, you are so awesome!" Xie Hengyi praised Ling Wudi generously.

Ling Wuyi raised his chin proudly at first, and then became unhappy again.

She said: "But I'm not happy..."

"What's wrong? Did those two Taoist priests bully you? I'm going to kill them now!"

With that said, Xie Hengyi was about to leave.

Ling Wuyi caught him in time and said, "It wasn't the two Taoist priests, but I saw Xiyue... it was Lang Yuexi."

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