Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1619 The heroine’s half-demon daughter (16)

Having said this, Ling Wuyi paused for two seconds and said, "To be precise, it should be... I saw my mother."

Her tone was very low and confused.

"Ah?!" Xie Hengyi was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized what he was saying.

It seems that when he told Ling Wuyi just now that Xiyue was Lang Yuexi, Ling Wuyi was not surprised, but angry and sad.

In other words, Ling Wuyi already knew that Xiyue was Lang Yuexi before he said it!

No wonder...no wonder I'm crying!

Thinking that Ling Wuyi had cried just now, Xie Heng was not happy at all.

But... he finally got Ling Wu Ti to forgive him, and now he really doesn't know how to coax Ling Wu Ti.

The only way he could think of was to stay with Ling Wuyi and guard her.

Ling Wuyi tilted his head and looked at Xie Hengyi: "Tell me, why doesn't my mother recognize me? Did she obviously recognize me... Why did she..."

Xie Heng stretched out his hand, hugged Ling Wuyi into his arms, and patted her back gently as a comfort.

"She left me with my aunt for more than two hundred years. Has she no longer wanted me as her daughter?"

When Ling Wuyi asked this question, Xie Hengyi really didn't know how to answer.

After thinking for a while, he said: "It doesn't matter, I want you!"

Ling Wuyi was stunned, not because of Xie Hengyi's words.

But... the favorability level increased to ninety-seven points.

This is just one step away from ninety-eight.

It’s only three points away from filling up the favorability level!


The sadness that was brewing was wiped away by the increased favorability.

Ling Wuyi withdrew from Xie Hengyi's arms, and his mood seemed much better.

She said to Xie Hengyi: "Okay, go back to your room."

Xie Heng paused and said, "I'd better stay here with you. If it's okay, you can sleep. Just pretend that I don't exist!"

He was afraid that if he didn't guard Ling Wu Ti, Ling Wu Ti would run away again without saying a word.

Xie Hengyi's thoughts were written all over his face, it would be strange if Ling Wuyi couldn't see it!

She suppressed her laughter and nodded: "Then just stay on guard."

After saying that, she got into bed and lay down, with her back to Xie Hengyi, and really fell asleep.

As soon as Xie Heng walked to the bed, he squatted on the ground and just guarded Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi knew it, but pretended not to know.

Soon, Ling Wuyi fell asleep.

When he slept until midnight, Ling Wuyi felt his quilt move in a daze.

It seemed that someone had pulled it.

The next moment, I felt like there was someone lying next to me.

Ling Wuyi woke up a little, but did not open his eyes.

She knew that the person lying next to her must be Xie Hengyi.

Ling Wuyi was thinking, should he kick Xie Heng to the ground like he did before?

One hand carefully wrapped around her waist.

Ling Wu did not move and decided to pretend not to know.

Xie Heng was originally afraid that he would wake up Ling Wudi, but he was already mentally prepared to be kicked out of bed.

Unexpectedly, Ling Wuyi didn’t ‘wake up’!

Feeling secretly happy in his heart, Xie Heng closed his eyes and fell asleep——

The next day, Ling Wuyi was going to kick Xie Heng out of bed after sneaking into her bed last night.

But what she didn't expect was...she was the only one on the bed!

Turning over, he saw Xie Hengyi staying by the bed.

Seeing that Ling Wuyi woke up, he said with a smile: "Good morning, Su Zi~"

Ling Wuyi: "..."

How clever, in order to avoid being kicked out of bed, he got out of bed before she woke up!

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he could only pretend not to know.

He got up from the bed, changed his clothes, and then took Xie Heng out.

Xie Heng asked Ling Wuyi: "Su Zi, where are we going?"

Ling Wuyi stopped and turned to look at Xie Hengyi.

In order to match Ling Wuyi's ordinary appearance, Xie Hengyi also made his appearance very ordinary.

So now when the two of them are walking on the street, no one will turn around and look at them twice.

"Where to go? I don't know where to go. The human world is really boring..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Hengyi quickly spoke: "Yes, yes! The human world is really boring, why don't we go back to the demon world? Our marriage..."

Ling Wuyi interrupted Xie Hengyi, tugged on his sleeve and said, "Hey! Do you hear any noise over there?"

In fact, Ling Wuyi did it on purpose. She knew what Xie Hengyi wanted to say.

Isn’t it just about their wedding? She just didn't do what he wanted~

Xie Heng paused and listened carefully to Ling Wuyi's voice.

Shaking his head: "I don't know what the sound is. I'll know if I go over and take a look."

With that said, Xie Hengyi took Ling Wuyi's hand and went with her to the place where the sound came from.

It was a street next door, and the street was full of people watching.

The streets were a festive red with the beating of gongs and drums.

In fact, Ling Wuyi knew that someone was getting married after hearing the sound, but he just pretended not to know.

This is a pretty grand wedding, with eight large sedans and ten miles of red makeup.

But what makes people feel strange is... there is no groom to accept the bride!

What is also strange is that for such a grand wedding, none of the common people are envious at all, but are full of sympathy.

"Hey~ I don't know how long this girl can live."

"The last one was last month, right? Wasn't he beaten to death just three days after he passed the door?"

"Tsk, tsk~ That's so cruel!"

"Yeah, how could you push your daughter into a pit of fire just because of money!"

"Hey, ladies, is this the family you're talking about getting married to? I'm so envious when I look at this Shili Hongzhuang!" Ling Wuyi asked curiously.

Hearing Ling Wu's question, the two women who were still talking stopped.

They turned their heads to look at Ling Wuyi, and one of the women said, "The little girl must be from out of town."

That's not a question, but a certainty.

Ling Wuyi nodded and said, "Yes, I just came to the capital a few days ago!"

Another woman said: "No wonder you didn't know that the family I'm marrying to belongs to the fourth son of Prime Minister Yang's family."

"Prime Minister?! That is a great blessing!"

"What a great blessing! Girl, you don't know something. That Young Master Yang is a born idiot!"

Ling Wuyi frowned, what's wrong with being so stupid?

Should people look down upon being stupid? She wasn't happy about this!

The woman said again: "Forget it about being stupid, he is the Prime Minister's direct son after all."

Ling Wuyi nodded, yes, this status alone would make those girls want to get married.


Another woman answered and said, "What a pity. Not only are these four young men stupid, they also beat people!"

"The servants in the house basically don't dare to approach him. If they don't like it, they will be beaten. And ah~ they will beat him to death!"

Five years ago, when the Fourth Young Master got married, Prime Minister Yang proposed marriage to him.

In the beginning, the situation of Young Master Yang's beating was concealed by the Prime Minister's Mansion. According to Prime Minister Yang's status as the emperor's celebrity, he still married a lady of the family.

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