Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1620 The heroine’s half-demon daughter (seventeen)

It's just that this young lady suddenly died suddenly within half a year of starting her career!

At that time, our lady was still pregnant!

Prime Minister Yang said that he died suddenly, so outsiders believed him.

Not long afterward, Prime Minister Yang proposed marriage to a lady from a wealthy family.

Less than three months after this transition, the young lady who entered the family died suddenly again.

This time, people outside began not to believe in sudden death.

Until the third girl came through...

The girl was quite smart. After being beaten, she ran back to her parents' house with the help of the maid while the people in the prime minister's house were not paying attention.

When the mother-in-law's family saw that their child was beaten and bruised, how could they give up?

Things got serious, and it was finally exposed that Fourth Young Master Yang was not only stupid, but also beat people to death.

It was exposed, and the powerful Prime Minister Yang no longer concealed it.

It will be impossible to marry a lady in the future, so buy it with money!

In five years, Fourth Young Master Yang married eleven people, and today's marriage is the twelfth.

Each term basically lasts less than a month.

The previous one was beaten to death just three days after he took office.

I heard that they used a knife to disembowel them directly...

Hearing this, Ling Wuyi couldn't help but feel angry.

He knew clearly that his son had violent tendencies, yet he kept marrying wives!

Are the Yang family just waiting for that son with violent tendencies to continue the family line? !

Ling Wuyi couldn't help but remember that in a world she went to before, the host was also married to a fool with violent tendencies.

She does not discriminate against fools, but fools with violent tendencies...

"Hey~ This mother-in-law of the Sun family is also in a miserable life. She has a gambling father who pushes her daughter into the fire pit just for money!"

Ling Wuyi frowned tightly and raised her eyes to look at the wedding team that was getting closer and closer to her.

She doesn't like nosy people, but... this kind of thing really makes people angry!

Ling Wuyi was hesitant, wondering whether he should help.

"Manru!!" In the middle of the road, a person suddenly rushed out and stopped the sedan chair.

The man was standing directly opposite Ling Wu Ti, and Ling Wu Ti could clearly see his side face.

This is a relatively handsome young man wearing navy blue cloth.

The cloth has been washed and turned a little white, which shows that the man's family background is not good.


The Man Ru mentioned by the man must be the girl who was sent into the fire pit in the sedan chair, right?

Sure enough, when the man's voice was heard, the curtain of the sedan chair was opened.

The girl in wedding clothes raised her hijab and looked at the man with tears in her eyes: "Brother Hongyu!"

Sun Manru, a very beautiful girl.

From the looks of it, he must be only sixteen or seventeen years old.

Xiniang next to her turned cold, pushed Sun Manru in, and then pulled down the curtain.

"Come here! Drag this brat out of the way!"

Xi Niang gave the order, and someone immediately came to hold Gao Hongyu.

It seems that Gao Hongyu has practiced a few times and can handle it in a short time.

Unfortunately, it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. After a while, Gao Hongyu was beaten to the ground with a stick.

As the sedan chair passed by Gao Hongyu, Sun Manru cried and begged, hoping those people would stop beating her.

But her words were drowned in the sound of gongs and drums.

Such festive vocals seem extremely desolate under such circumstances.

Gao Hongyu was still being beaten by five or six guards from the Prime Minister's Palace. He had already begun to vomit blood and had no strength to resist.

There were so many people on the street, but no one wanted to rescue him.

They just looked at it with unbearable expressions, or turned their heads away from looking.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, how dare they mess with the powerless people?

"Don't fight! Official! Please don't fight!" A blind middle-aged man ran out from the crowd.

He couldn't see, so he could only kneel on the ground and beg.

Gao Hongyu opened his swollen eyes and weakly called the blind man: "Dad..."

"Hongyu...Hongyu...don't fight! Official! Please don't fight..."

"You deserve to be beaten to death if you dare to stop the wedding team from the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

The guard who spoke raised his foot, as if he wanted to step down hard.

His target was Gao Hongyu's head.

Ling Wuyi was very sure that with that kick, Gao Hongyu, who had been beaten half to death, would definitely die!

Seeing this scene, Ling Wuyi finally couldn't help but want to take action.

However, before Ling Wuyi took action, Xie Hengyi was faster than her.

Everyone felt that there was a gust of wind. After the wind passed, the guards who were still beating Gao Hongyu were lying on the ground and wailing.

Standing next to Gao Hongyu was a young man with ordinary appearance and very ordinary clothes.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't react at all.

what happened?

"Who are you?! Do you know who we are?!" The leading guard, the one who wanted to step on Gao Hongyu's head, covered his heart and stared at Xie Hengyi.

Ling Wuyi walked out from the crowd and kicked the guard on the head, making the guard couldn't help but see stars in his eyes.

Ling Wuyi snorted coldly and said, "Who are you? Aren't you just the lackeys of the Prime Minister's Mansion? How can a dog still speak human words?"

"Give you a chance and disappear immediately, otherwise, I will help you disappear!" Xie Hengyi was also holding back his anger.

They all say that they are evil, but in his opinion, talents are the ones!

The momentum of Xie Hengyi and Ling Wuyi was so intimidating that the guards could not even speak and ran away supporting each other.

"Hongyu...my Hongyu..." The blind father Gao finally touched his son, but he felt warm blood in his hand.

Father Gao's hands were trembling, and tears flowed from his invisible eyes: "Silly boy! Dad has already said that there is no possibility for you and Manru! Why are you so stupid... You said that if you go , what should I do if I leave my father alone in this world?!"

Ling Wuyi squatted next to Gao Hongyu, felt his pulse, and then said to Gao's father: "Uncle, don't worry, I am a doctor, I can cure your son!"

"Yes...really? Miss, can you really cure my son?" Father Gao was extremely happy.

Ling Wuyi nodded, and then remembered that Father Gao could not see, so he quickly said: "Yes, now I will send you and your son back, and then I can heal your son!"

With that said, Ling Wuyi went to help Gao Fu.

And Xie Hengyi immediately picked up Gao Hongyu who was in a coma.

Father Gao couldn't see the road, but he was able to skillfully lead Ling Wuyi and Xie Hengyi through the streets and alleys back to where he and his son lived.

This is a relatively remote, simple but neat and clean small courtyard.

Xie Hengyi found Gao Hongyu's room and put him on the bed.

Without Ling Wuyi opening his mouth, Xie Hengyi had already started using magic to heal Gao Hongyu's injuries.

Xie Heng only cured Gao Hongyu's internal injuries, but not the external injuries.

It would be abnormal for a person who was so seriously injured to recover immediately.

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