Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1656 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (26)

Xi Ziqiu is also a person with a particularly good memory, so when he recalled it like this, he felt something was wrong.

Hearing Xi Ziqiu's words, Ling Wuyi was stunned for a moment, her eyes rolled quickly, trying to find a reason to answer Xi Ziqiu's question.

But after thinking about it for a while, she didn't expect that, instead, Xi Ziqiu could see the unreasonable appearance.

"Um... I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Huh? Don't you know?" Xi Ziqiu put his forehead against Ling Wu's and grinned.

In fact, without Ling Wuyi's answer, Xi Ziqiu could figure out what was going on.

"You drugged me." That's not a question.

Ling Wuwen covered her face, not looking directly into Xi Ziqiu's eyes: "Hey, I've used up all my stock~ You don't even feel sorry for him~"

Xi Ziqiu was a little bit dumbfounded, he had to coax his wife after being used so many magic drugs.

But there is no way, the wife of the world is the biggest, Xi Ziqiu still hurriedly coaxed: "Okay, okay~ Just use it if you use it, it's okay, it's okay~"

Hearing that Xi Ziqiu coaxed her, Ling Wuwen put down her hand, raised her chin and said, "Not only that, but because it's inconvenient for you to take it, I also bought a drug converter to turn the phantom drug into body fragrance. Got a lot of points!"

"Isn't there still three worlds left? It's a waste to keep those points if you don't need them. We can't go back to the Plane Association. You have to continue to be a restorer?"

Although there is a shortage of restorers in the restoration department, Xi Ziqiu is reluctant to let Ling Wuyi enter the world of novels again.

After all, she is the wife of the president of the Plane Association!

Don't say that Xi Ziqiu is reluctant to let Ling Wuwen enter the world of novels again, even Ling Wumei herself is unwilling to enter the world of novels again!

If it wasn't for Xi Ziqiu's scattered brain waves, she wouldn't have entered the novel world so many times.

The two of them chattered for a while, and Xi Ziqiu suddenly thought of another question.

"After I used the phantom drug, what did I do it with?"

He had seen Ling Wuwen give other people magic drugs, so he knew he needed something.

The smile on Ling Wuxi's face suddenly became very wicked, and his eyes almost disappeared from the smile.

Xi Ziqiu raised his eyebrows, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Then, he saw Ling Wuwen pointed to the pillow he was resting on now, and said, "This one~ this is me when you took the phantom medicine hahahaha..."

Before the words were finished, Ling Wuyue was already holding her belly and laughing wildly.

Looking at Ling Wuwen who was almost out of breath from laughing, Xi Ziqiu's face was nothing but pampering besides helplessness.

He was screwed, and he had to pat the back of Ling Wu, who was smiling so heartily.

I glanced at the pillow I was resting on now, and thought that after I had used the phantom drug...

Xi Ziqiu couldn't even imagine that scene!

Ling Wuqian laughed for a long time before finally stopping.

At this time, Xi Ziqiu leaned over and whispered in Ling Wu's ear: "Since the previous few times are not counted, let's make it up tonight..."

Ling Wu's eyes widened and her mouth opened wide, her expression perfectly interpreted her mood at this moment.

As a result of Xi Ziqiu's words, Ling Wuyi didn't get out of bed for two days——


Although Xi Ziqiu had recovered his memory, Ling Wuwen and him did not leave immediately.

The bug has not been fixed yet, how can you just leave like this!

But how to fix the bug?

Tang Zhehan didn't have the aura of the protagonist, so killing him like this should be no problem.

If Tang Zhehan is killed, the loophole should be successfully repaired.

Xi Ziqiu didn't intend to use such a convenient and quick method.

How boring it is to kill like this!

Anyway, there is still a lot of time, and he is not in a hurry to leave, so take your time!

Xi Ziqiu still wanted to do what he wanted to do before recovering his memory.

After two days of 'resting' with Ling Wuwen at home, Xi Ziqiu got into shape again and returned to the company.

However, Ling Wuyi did not return to the company with Xi Ziqiu.

She was so tired that she had barely slept in the past two days.

She never thought that Xi Ziqiu would be so energetic!

Thinking of how he said goodbye to her energetically after feeding her breakfast this morning, while he was lying on the bed in the shape of a dead body, the comparison... Ling Wujin felt that it was really unfair!

why? ! Why is it that she, a person with explosive force value, is actually far behind Xi Ziqiu in physical strength? !

Ling Wuxi's protest was not over yet, her eyelids had already started fighting.

Then, I closed my eyes and fell asleep for a second——

After eating and drinking enough, Xi Ziqiu was in a good mood.

Two meetings were held in the morning and the documents were processed.

Seeing that it was almost time, Xi Ziqiu left the company.

I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables first, and then drove back to cook.

When he went back, Ling Wuyue was still sound asleep on the bed!

Xi Ziqiu first went upstairs to take a look at Ling Wuyue, seeing her peaceful sleeping face, he couldn't bear to wake her up right away.

He leaned over, kissed her lovingly on the forehead, tucked her in the quilt again, and then went downstairs to cook.

Ling Wuwen was completely awakened by the smell of the food, and her breath was filled with the smell of spicy crayfish.

Swallowing, Ling Wuyi sat up from the bed before she even opened her eyes.

With his mouth open, he moved closer to the direction where the crayfish smelled, but the result always seemed to be a distance away from the crayfish.

Still unable to eat crayfish, Ling Wuxi opened her eyes impatiently.

Then I saw Xi Ziqiu with a smile on his face, and the crayfish meat that had been shelled in his hand.

Without concealing her desire for crayfish, Ling Wuji acted coquettishly to Xi Ziqiu: "Hey, my husband is the best~ Hurry up and give me the crayfish~"

"You want to eat it so much?" Xi Ziqiu asked Ling Wuyue with a smile, and raised the hand holding the crayfish high.

Ling Wuyi put her palms together in front of her chest, her eyes had followed the crayfish.

Swallowing, she nodded again and again: "I really want to eat it!"

"Then exchange~ How about eating a crayfish and changing it once?"

Ling Wuxi nodded her head again and again, she was full of crayfish in her eyes now, how could she know that Xi Ziqiu would be so dirty, and she didn't have the spare brain to think about what it was to eat a crayfish in exchange for once.

Seeing Ling Wuwen's appearance, Xi Ziqiu knew that his foodie wife had been fooled by him.

Putting the shelled crayfish into Ling Wu's mouth, Xi Ziqiu said with a smile, "I got one!"


At noon that day, Ling Wuwen finished eating all the crayfish that Xi Ziqiu made.

Xi Ziqiu said that there were thirty crayfish.

Thirty, that is, thirty times.

After eating the crayfish, Ling Wu's brain finally started to spin.

Then, she finally knew what Xi Ziqiu meant by 'eat one for one'!

Boom~ Her husband is so fierce, what should she do?

Now what Ling Wuji was thinking was, should she get Xi Ziqiu some medicine for intermittent impotence?

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