Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1657 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (27)

Of course, the so-called medicine for intermittent impotence...Ling Wu Nie is impossible to get.

Even if it came out, she wouldn't let Xi Ziqiu eat it.

What if I eat something bad?

Fortunately, her husband still loves his wife very much, so the situation of being unable to get out of bed... is relatively rare.

Although Xi Ziqiu was dealing with the Tang Corporation, he was more patient after recovering his memory than before.

To deal with a company, the most torturous thing is not to give him a fatal blow, but to let him see hope and then let him completely despair.

In one month, Tang Corporation seemed to see the hope of survival several times when it first started.

But soon, after hope, he fell into greater despair.

After going back and forth several times, the Tang Corporation will be tortured and completely finished!

Just three days ago, the Tang Corporation was acquired by the Jingsheng Group, and the word "Tang Corporation" completely disappeared from the business world——

After the Tang Corporation was completely wiped out, the Tang family would not be so poor that they couldn't afford to eat in an instant. After all, apart from the company, they also had several properties and shops.

It's just that I'm used to living a luxurious life, and now this is considered a good life in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of the Tang family, it's extremely shabby!

The Tang family went bankrupt, and the three brothers who were still living together started arguing to split up. After all, as a big family, if you sit and eat like this, sooner or later, the Tang family will eat up what is left of the Tang family.

If the family is separated, each has its own life, and there is no need to worry that others will eat their own.

The three brothers divided the rest of the Tang family's property according to the original account of Grandpa Tang's will.

As mentioned in the previous will, the grandchildren must get married and have children before they can get a share of the inheritance. If they are not married and have children, they can only get a little bit.

This point, in the eyes of the Tang family, is simply not enough to plug the gap between the teeth.

Although Tang Zhehan was married, he divorced Lin Yu despite his parents' opposition before the child was born.

Therefore, among the grandchildren of the Tang family, only Tang Zhehan had no children, so only his part of the inheritance received the least share.

There is no way, this has been notarized by a lawyer, so it can only be divided so little.

As for the main house, the three brothers discussed selling it so that they could exchange some money.

Of course, Tang Zhehan was aware of the bankruptcy of the Tang Corporation, but he didn't care much about it.

All he cares about is how to get revenge on Xi Ziqiu!

Since Xi Ziqiu has brought down their Tang Corporation, he will also bring down the Jingsheng Group!

But Tang Zhehan was really...too self-confident, confident that he could not save the Tang Corporation but could bring down Jing Sheng.

In the past month, Cheng Kefei didn't take any action. The name is that she has to pack herself, which makes it easier for Xi Ziqiu to fall under her pomegranate skirt.

So in order to get revenge on Xi Ziqiu, Tang Zhehan unknowingly took advantage of him and spent a lot of money on Cheng Kefei.

I don't know what he is pretending to be in his mind, but he still believes in Cheng Kefei, thinking that Cheng Kefei only has him in his heart.

He thought Cheng Kefei was devoted to him, so even if Cheng Kefei wanted to seduce Xi Ziqiu, he thought it was all for him, so he made such a big sacrifice.

But Tang Zhehan didn't know that Cheng Kefei had already removed Tang Zhehan from the spare tire list after seeing the complete collapse of the Tang Corporation.

Now, she just wants to use Tang Zhehan's money to seduce Xi Ziqiu——

After the original Tang Group became Jingsheng Group, Cao Xuehong and Cheng Kefei, who hadn't seen each other for a month, started to act.

They knew Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu's daily itinerary. Every morning, the two of them would go to the company together, eat out at the restaurant together at noon, and return to the company after eating.

In the afternoon, the two of them went shopping for vegetables and went home together.

Xi Ziqiu doesn't like socializing very much, so he usually doesn't go to socializing if he can.

If he had to go, he would take Ling Wuwen with him.

When Cheng Kefei wanted to find Xi Ziqiu to act alone, but he didn't!

So there is no way, Cheng Kefei can only find a way to drive Ling Wu away.

How to pay off? It is up to her mother Cao Xuehong to help.

This morning, Cao Xuehong and Cheng Kefei waited in the underground parking lot of Jingsheng Group. Seeing Xi Ziqiu driving over with Ling Wu, she hurried up.

When Ling Wuyi got out of the car, she was chatting and laughing with Xi Ziqiu, but when she saw Cao Xuehong, the smile on her face faded away.

Glancing at Xi Ziqiu, the two exchanged glances before turning to look at Cao Xuehong.

"Ms. Cao, what's the matter?" Ling Wuwen asked.

She never called Cao Xuehong 'Mom' because it was unnecessary.

Such a person is worthy of her being called 'Mom'?

When Xi Ziqiu hadn't recovered his memory before, Ling Wujin asked him to deal with Cao Xuehong and Cheng Kefei, but after finding out their movements and thinking about them, he knew their intentions.

The man who coveted her?

Very good, very interesting!

Originally, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu thought that the Tang Corporation was doomed, and the loophole should be considered fixed.

But after the downfall of the Downs, the loopholes still exist.

Does that mean that Tang Zhehan is going to make trouble?

What Tang Zhehan wanted to make trouble with, Ling Wuwen was not worried at all, anyway, Xi Ziqiu was there.

It's fine if the bug is fixed, it doesn't matter how many points or interstellar coins you can get, anyway, her husband is very rich——

Hearing that she was still called Ms. Cao, the smile on Cao Xuehong's face froze for a moment.

"Nana, can I have a chat with Mom alone? Mom has something to say..." Cao Xuehong was as gentle as if she was really a loving mother talking to her child.

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips and sneered, do you want to chat alone?

Unobtrusively casting her eyes at the person hiding in the corner, Ling Wuyi looked at Xi Ziqiu again.

The next moment, she said to Cao Xuehong: "Okay, I'll just listen to what you want to say."

"Husband, you go up first, I'll go buy a cake."

Xi Ziqiu nodded, and gave the car keys to Ling Wuwen: "Okay, don't go far."

"Well, I see." Ling Wuyi took the car keys and sat in the driver's seat.

When Cao Xuehong saw that Ling Wuyi was getting into the car, she also hurriedly got into the car.

Before getting into the car, she smiled at Xi Ziqiu.

Xi Ziqiu stood where he was, watching Ling Wuwen drive away from the parking lot.

After a pause, he took his briefcase and prepared to take the elevator.


A voice came from behind Xi Ziqiu, and Xi Ziqiu's footsteps stopped.

He turned around and looked at the source of the sound.

Cheng Kefei is the only one who can call him brother-in-law.

Cheng Kefei is a little different from the first time she met a month ago today. The difference is in her attire, not her temperament.

A white chiffon dress with just the right cut showed off her figure advantages.

The original straight black hair was dyed dark brown and turned into big waves.

A touch of nude makeup makes the facial features more refined.


【I'm busy with signing new books today, so I don't have much time to code. Update one chapter first, and I have to go out in the afternoon, there will be no less updates for four chapters! 】

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