Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1660 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (Thirty)

"What do you want them to do?" Xi Ziqiu asked Ling Wuyi.

"Well~ I've already thought about it! How about the cleaners? It seems that the cleaners in our company are full of food and housing. Husband, what do you think of this job?"

In fact, it's not just the cleaning workers who are provided with food and housing. Other employees can also apply for food and housing. The company has arrangements.

The job of cleaner was what Ling Wuyi thought of after hearing that Cao Xuehong asked her to arrange a job for her.

Don't you want to rely on her, a daughter who has never been raised except when she was born?

OK, let's do it!

Xi Ziqiu nodded: "Okay, whatever you say is what you say."

As long as the world of novels is not destroyed, whatever my wife wants to do is fine for him!

Of course, Xi Ziqiu knows that Ling Wuyi is very measured, and he will never let the world of novels collapse.

Ling Wuxi grinned, and the smile was full of happiness.

She likes this kind of feeling. Whatever she says, Xi Ziqiu can say yes!

She just likes this feeling of being pampered by Xi Ziqiu all the time!

"The soup tastes good, try it~" Ling Wuwen scooped up the soup with a spoon and brought it to Xi Ziqiu's mouth.

Xi Ziqiu opened his mouth to pick it up, and drank the soup: "Well, it's not bad. But it's not as good as the one made by my wife!"

Ling Wuwen raised his eyebrows and asked him, "Is today's dish delicious? I'll try~"

Xi Ziqiu used chopsticks to pick up some of each dish and fed it to Ling Wu's mouth. After Ling Wu's nod and said "delicious", he added: "But it's not as delicious as my wife's cooking!"

Ling Wuyi tilted her head and looked at him: "What's your plan to flatter me like this?"

"An attempt? Yes!" Xi Ziqiu approached Ling Wuyi's ear with a smile, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "The attempt is..."

I saw Ling Wu's face turned red again, and she raised her hand to cover Xi Ziqiu's eyes in embarrassment.

Boom~ The president of her family is getting more and more filthy, but what should I do?

Xi Ziqiu didn't speak, just smiled and let Ling Wuyi cover his eyes.

Although he couldn't see his eyes, he could feel the warmth from Ling Wu's palm more clearly.

That kind of warm, warm feeling, it feels like the whole heart is wrapped in this kind of warmth.


After dinner, the two returned to the company together.

As usual, leave together when it's off-duty time.

Go shopping first, then go home and cook.

Under normal circumstances, Xi Ziqiu does the cooking, and Ling Wu is in charge of eating, and there is no need to wash the dishes after eating.

If it wasn't for her occasional movement on a whim, Xi Ziqiu really wished he could even walk with her in his arms.

Ling Wuwen laughed several times and said, "I'm really going to be spoiled by you~"

And every time Xi Ziqiu would respond with a smile: "That's great~ I can help you with whatever I like!"

To be honest, the two have been bored for hundreds of years, and they really don't feel bored at all.

It is said that love will turn into family affection in the end, and Ling Wu's love will indeed produce family affection in the end.

But this love is still very strong!


Over here Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu continued to get angry, while over there Cheng Kefei was throwing things and losing his temper.

"Cleaner?! Damn Gu Qingna! You actually asked me to be a cleaner!! Damn Gu Qingna..."

This afternoon, because of Xi Ziqiu's explanation, the personnel department called Cao Xuehong.

Cao Xuehong was also very angry when she knew that Ling Wuyi had arranged for them to work as a cleaner.

Even when she was too poor to eat, she never wronged herself to do such a shameful job.

In her opinion, it is shameful to rely on one's own labor in exchange for money.

Only then did she know what Ling Wujin asked her, "Really any job is acceptable?"

It turned out that Ling Wuyue had already planned to find such a job for them!

Seeing Cheng Kefei with such a ferocious face, Tang Zhehan who was sitting on the sofa suddenly became suspicious.

Doubt that such a woman can really handle Tang Yijing?

Did he believe it was wrong from the beginning?

Was all the painstaking effort and money he spent in the past month wasted?

In the past month, he has been around Cheng Kefei almost every day.

Because Cheng Kefei has to spend money, and he is used to being generous, the inheritance he shared has already been spent, and now he still has to ask his parents for money.

Did Tang Zhehan's father get used to being the boss and let him start from scratch? Not to mention the lack of funds, even he himself couldn't humble himself to those small businessmen he looked down upon.

So after the collapse of the Tang Group, not to mention Tang Zhehan's father, even Tang Zhehan's other two uncles stayed at home to eat the inheritance!

As for Tang Zhehan's mother and those aunts... they are all expensive wives, and they don't touch the spring water with their ten fingers.

Apart from shopping for beauty, they have nothing to do well.

Cook? Do housework? Don't be funny!

If there is no nanny at home, it is absolutely impossible to live.

Hiring a babysitter is of course another expense.

I didn't feel it when Tang was there before, but now Tang is gone.

The money flowed out like running water, and the money in his pocket seemed to be getting less and less.

They were also anxious, but they never thought that they should save money.

Tang Zhehan doesn't want to go home now, because when he returns home, he will hear his father criticize him, blaming him for the collapse of Tang Corporation, saying that if he hadn't bought the company for Lin Yin, Tang Corporation would not have run out of money.

Tang Zhehan, on the other hand, blamed all of this on Ling Wuyi and Xi Ziqiu...

Thinking that he might have made a wrong investment, Tang Zhehan felt a little impatient.

"Okay, the cleaner is also the cleaner of Jingsheng Group! Anyway, there is still a chance to contact Tang Yijing, why are you losing your temper here?!"

Tang Zhehan's voice was not low, which directly made Cheng Kefei shut up.

She turned around and glared at Tang Zhehan: "Brother Han~ you are murdering me?! You are murdering me~"

Facing the opposite sex, Cheng Kefei is almost a conditioned reflex to start pretending.

Now she stood there pitifully with red eyes.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be really hard to believe that the woman whose face was distorted just now would instantly 'change her face'.

Tang Zhehan suppressed his doubts about Cheng Kefei. Now that he has nothing left, he can only put all his hopes on Cheng Kefei.

Therefore, he cannot question it.

Tang Zhehan stood up from the sofa, walked in front of Cheng Kefei, held her face and kissed her 'affectionately'.

"Feifei, I'm not mean to you, but I'm also anxious! Tang Yijing has made our Tang family like this, I wish Jingsheng Group would go bankrupt tomorrow!"

Cheng Kefei nodded: "Well~ I know Brother Han, you hate Tang Yijing, Brother Han, don't worry, I will definitely help you!"

Said, as if true.

Even Tang Zhehan believed it with the 'affectionate' look in Tang Zhehan's eyes.

The two of them looked at each other and became lingering, even ignoring Cao Xuehong next to her.

From the sofa, to the floor, to the bathroom...

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