Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1661 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (31)

Although Cao Xuehong and Cheng Kefei didn't want to do the job of cleaners, but they had no choice. They wanted to find a chance to get close to Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu, so they could only endure it.

Cleaner... Doesn't the chairman's office of Jingsheng Group also need to be cleaned?

Cheng Kefei thought that at that time, she would clean Xi Ziqiu's office every day, so that she would always have a chance to get along with each other after coming and going.

After figuring it out, Cheng Kefei was not so resistant to the job of cleaner.

The next day, before Cao Xuehong and Cheng Kefei went to work in Jingsheng Group, they even dressed up.

When they arrived at the company, the employees of the company saw Cheng Kefei and Cao Xuehong's outfits, and if they didn't know, they thought it was some daughter and your wife who came to visit!

However, the job of cleaner that Ling Wuyi arranged for her biological mother and half-sister has spread in the company. Of course they know that Cheng Kefei is not here to visit the company, but to work as a cleaner!

But looking at the arrogant look of the mother and daughter, the employees in the company didn't like them very much.

The manager of the personnel department found an auntie cleaner to bring Cao Xuehong and Cheng Kefei and ask them to replace the name tags.

Cheng Kefei and Cao Xuehong's faces were full of disgust when they saw the dirty cleaner's overalls that didn't show their figure.

Cheng Kefei was even more blunt, asking the cleaner's aunt: "Is your cleaner's overalls so ugly?"

The auntie cleaner who had been told earlier grinned: "This kind of dress is convenient for work, and I've already done the job of cleaner. Do you care whether it's ugly or good-looking?"

Not much nonsense, the cleaner auntie directly threw the clothes to Cao Xuehong and Cheng Kefei: "Hurry up and change them. After changing them, I will tell you where your work area is."

Cheng Kefei stomped her feet angrily, snorted, and took the clothes to the locker room to change.

Not only did she change her clothes, but Cheng Kefei's high heels were also replaced with ugly and uncomfortable non-slip rubber shoes.

The hairstyle that was done in the morning was also ruined, and I was asked to put it all up.

Looking at herself in the mirror like a village girl, Cheng Kefei almost broke out.

God! ! ! With her current ugly appearance, how could she seduce Xi Ziqiu? !

To seduce Xi Ziqiu? Only Cheng Kefei has this chance!

The cleaning work area that Cheng Kefei and Cao Xuehong were assigned to... was to clean the four men's and women's bathrooms on the fourth floor together!

"What?! You want me and my mother to clean the bathroom?! Who gave you such courage?!"

This sentence, Cheng Kefei uttered it completely, and the originally whiny voice became sharp and unpleasant, so that the passing company employees couldn't help but turn their heads and look at her with strange eyes.

Cao Xuehong next to her didn't speak, but it seemed that she was also very angry.

It was enough to wrong them to be the cleaner, but now they have to clean the bathroom! Also men's and women's toilets together!

The auntie cleaner who was being yelled at picked out her ears and said nonchalantly, "I'm just a cleaner. How can I have the guts? I'll let you guys know what the arrangement is."

"Madam said that if you really mind this job, you can leave immediately."

lady? !

Cheng Kefei's chest heaved up and down greatly, and the anger in her eyes seemed to be about to burst out.

"Damn Gu..."

Before Cheng Kefei could say anything, Cao Xuehong, who knew what she was going to say, quickly stopped her: "Feifei!"

"Mom! That Gu..."

Cao Xuehong interrupted Cheng Kefei again: "Since this is a job arranged by your sister, then let's do it."

While speaking, Cao Xuehong was still winking at Cheng Kefei.

Cheng Ke paused, but held back.

"Since everything that needs to be explained is explained now, then you all go to work, and I will go to work too." After speaking, the auntie cleaner left with a smile.

After the auntie cleaner left, Cao Xuehong dragged Cheng Kefei into the women's bathroom, but there was no one in it.

"Mom! That Gu Qingna is trying to trick us on purpose! It's too much!"

"Keep your voice down!" Cao Xuehong lowered her voice to remind Cheng Kefei.

Cheng Kefei held his breath, snorted, and lowered his voice: "I must double what I have endured today and return it to that dead woman Gu Qingna!"

When she succeeds in taking the position, let Gu Qingna have a taste of the job of a cleaner!

Hearing what her daughter said about her eldest daughter, Cao Xuehong actually nodded and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her: "Now let's be patient and think in a better direction. At least we have successfully entered the Jingsheng Group, and we always have the opportunity to contact To Tang Yijing."

Cheng Kefei nodded, that was the only way to go.

Now that they are at Jingsheng Group, she will definitely find a chance to meet Xi Ziqiu!

The mother and daughter started to work, after all, the appearance still needs to be done.

Although I really feel aggrieved, the two of them will act very hard when someone comes to the bathroom——

Cheng Kefei has been looking for an opportunity to go to Xi Ziqiu's office, but the chairman's office is on the top floor of the company, and the company's employees are generally not allowed to go up without permission.

The janitor who cleans the bathroom? Don't even think about going up!

Since you can't go to Xi Ziqiu's office when you're working, let's meet by chance in the cafeteria during lunch.

But it's a pity that Jingsheng Group's canteens are divided into layers.

Different classes eat in different places.

Moreover, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu didn't go to the company's cafeteria to eat every day.

As a result, after a whole day's work, Cao Xuehong and Cheng Kefei were exhausted, but they didn't even see Xi Ziqiu and Ling Wuyi!

Cheng Kefei was so angry that he threw a pillow on the pillow when he returned to the staff dormitory to vent.

"What a crappy job! What a crappy dormitory! Is Gu Qingna sending out beggars?!" In order to convince Ling Wuyi more, they moved into the staff dormitory today.

The broken dormitory that Cheng Kefei said was actually not broken.

Compared with the place she and Cao Xuehong rented by themselves before, it is actually much better.

It's just that in Cheng Kefei's view, Ling Wuwen is sending beggars away. I live in a villa by myself, but let my mother and sister live in a single room.

"Okay, walls have ears, what if they spread what they heard?" In fact, Cao Xuehong had the same thoughts as Cheng Kefei.

As expected of a mother and daughter, they are both wolf-hearted things.

Cheng Kefei sat down on the bed, panting with anger.

Cao Xuehong sat down beside Cheng Kefei and comforted her.

The mother and daughter talked for a long time in the staff dormitory, but finally chose to bear it first.

Definitely, have to find a chance!


After cleaning the bathroom in Jingsheng Group for a week, Ling Wuyi finally asked Cheng Kefei to clean the office, and even the chairman's office!

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