Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1670 The Schoolgirl's Girlfriend (6)

The next morning, Ling Wuxi wore a white skirt with a light blue down jacket.

After having breakfast with Han Yu, I went to the place where I had agreed to meet Yun Shaoyang.

The agreed place was a coffee shop, which was relatively quiet.

Perhaps Yun Shaoyang also wanted to meet the daughter who had only met once, so he came earlier.

When Ling Wuyi and Han Yu arrived, Yun Shaoyang was already waiting there.

When seeing Han Yu, Yun Shaoyang still felt a little like a lifetime away.

I haven't seen him for seventeen years. Han Yu is just like him. Although his appearance hasn't changed much, he has lost his youthful innocence.

When Yun Shaoyang saw Ling Wuwen next to Han Yu, he felt bad.

He stood up from the chair and stared blankly at Ling Wu.

So much alike... so much alike...

No matter in appearance or expression, they are too similar to Bei Xiaojia!

In a daze, Yun Shaoyang felt that the one walking towards him was none other than Bei Xiaojia!

"Xiaojia..." Yun Shaoyang couldn't help but blurted out when Han Yu approached with Ling Wuxiao, and called Bei Xiaojia's name.

Han Yu's eyes darkened for a moment. He didn't want to be too irritable in front of his daughter, so he quickly raised his smile again: "Long time no see, Shaoyang. Let me introduce. This is my daughter, Han Chuxiao."

"Xiao Chu, Uncle Yun." Han Yu said to Ling Wuyue.

This was what Ling Wuyi had agreed with Han Yu, she just came to meet Yun Shaoyang and ask him a few questions.

So in terms of title, Yun Shaoyang is only worthy of being called 'uncle'.

It was also Ling Wu's words that made Han Yu, who was worried that his daughter would be taken away, heaved a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Yun." Ling Wuwen called Yun Shaoyang.

Yun Shaoyang finally knew what it was like to be called 'Uncle' by his biological daughter.

Is it Han Chuxiao?

It turned out that Han Yu really adopted this child!

Yun Shaoyang came back to his senses, and gave Ling Wuying a smile: "Chu Xiao...sit down."

Yun Shaoyang wanted to move the chair for Ling Wuwen, but before him, Han Yu had already sat down on these matters.

Ling Wuwen sat down beside Han Yu, and the three of them looked at each other.

Ling Wuwen looked at Yun Shaoyang, and Yun Shaoyang also looked at Ling Wuwen.

Yun Shaoyang is also thirty-five years old. Although he is the same age as Han Yu, he looks obviously older than Han Yu.

But at the age of thirty-five, he looked relatively young.

Yun Shaoyang is very handsome. It can be seen that when he was young, he was indeed as Han Yu said... a public lover.

After being silent for a while, it was Ling Wujin who spoke first: "Uncle Yun, can I ask you a few questions?"

The word 'Uncle Yun' pierced his heart like a needle.

After a pause, Yun Shaoyang nodded: "Okay, you can ask."

"Did you know when my mother was pregnant?"

Ling Wuwen's question was straightforward, not only Yun Shaoyang was stunned, but even Han Yu was a little surprised.

After the surprise, it was understanding again.

If it was him, he would have asked the same question, right?

"Please answer my question."

The question Ling Wuyi wanted to ask Yun Shaoyang was what Han Chuxiao wanted to ask.

It's just that in memory, Han Chuxiao never met Yun Shaoyang, because she didn't ask to see him.

Although she wanted to see her in her heart, Han Chuxiao still didn't express her thoughts.

"I... didn't know at first." Yun Shaoyang replied.

When Bei Xiaojia was pregnant, he broke up with her because of conflicts.

Although I was in the same school, I deliberately avoided people I hadn't met for a long time.

Ling Wuwen: "Then when did you know?"

Yun Shaoyang: "When you are about to be born."

At that time, Bei Xiaojia came to him and said that she was pregnant.

He just noticed that even though she was wearing a loose school uniform, she could still see that her belly was slightly bulging, not fat and big.

He panicked, he couldn't believe that he tasted the forbidden fruit just once and made a big mistake!

Ling Wuwen: "The day I was born, why didn't you answer my mother's call?"

Yun Shaoyang: "At that time, I was very scared. I never thought that... there would be a you."

Ling Wuwen: "So you didn't even see my mother for the last time? So you refused to admit me? So all these years, you never thought that there is still me?"

Ling Wu's question became more and more serious, and Yun Shaoyang's face became more and more ugly.

Not angry, or ashamed to be questioned by my daughter.

But... Guilt, self-blame, sadness.

The feelings that had been buried in his heart for seventeen years were dug out by Ling Wu's words.

Yun Shaoyang clenched his fists with his hands under the table, his eyes were slightly red.

He said with some difficulty: "...Yes, I didn't even see your mother for the last time....At that time, I was too afraid to admit you."

When answering the last question, Yun Shaoyang looked into Ling Wuwen's eyes and said, "But I have thought of you for so many years!"

Ling Wuyi curled her lips and sneered, did you remember?

"Thank you for answering my question."

Ling Wuyi turned her head to look at Han Yu, and said, "Father, shall we go home?"

Han Yu didn't expect that Ling Wuwen was really just asking a few questions, and he was overjoyed. He nodded repeatedly: "Okay! Let's go home!"

With that said, Han Yu stood up from the chair.

Ling Wuwen also stood up, but Yun Shaoyang grabbed her wrist.

"Hatsushino, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Shaoyang's words got stuck in his throat because of Ling Wu's faint eyes.

"Uncle Yun, is there anything else?" Ling Wuwen asked Yun Shaoyang.

Before seeing his daughter, Yun Shaoyang tried not to think about it as much as he could.

But the moment he saw his daughter, Yun Shaoyang felt that it was really good to have a daughter!

This daughter...is his and Bei Xiaojia's daughter!

"Chu Xiao, come back to Dad, okay? Let Dad make up for what he owed you and your mother all these years!" Yun Shaoyang finally summoned up his courage and said this.

Ling Wuyi was not surprised by Yun Shaoyang's words.

Because, that's what she wanted.

She... wants to leave Han Yu temporarily, she is going to Han Chuxiao's biological father.

Only in this way, she will no longer be Han Yu's daughter.

Only in this way can she increase Han Yu's favorability.

So all of this is in her calculations.

Although I know that Han Yu will be sad and reluctant, but she will return to him soon! But it is a process.

After Yun Shaoyang said these words, Ling Wuwen didn't speak.

At that time, Han Yu will be boiling: "Yun Shaoyang! What did you say?!"

He has raised his daughter for seventeen years, loved his daughter for seventeen years, and Yun Shaoyang, a bastard, wants to have it now? !

Yun Shaoyang held on to Ling Wu's wrist. He looked at Han Yu with firm eyes: "Thank you, Han Yu, for nurturing Chu Xiao over the years. I will return you how much Chu Xiao spent these years."

"Who cares about money?! Let go of your hand! Don't try to take my daughter away!" Han Yu pulled Yun Shaoyang's hand away, pulling Ling Wu away quickly.

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