Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1671 The Schoolgirl's Girlfriend (7)

Yun Shaoyang chased after him and stopped Han Yu.

"I had an illness ten years ago, and I have been infertile since then. So I only have a daughter, Chu Xiao. If it is a lawsuit for custody, I will definitely win."

After a pause, Yun Shaoyang softened his tone and said, "Han Yu, do you have to take this to court?"

Han Yu's face was gloomy, he just looked at Yun Shaoyang and didn't speak.

If, as Yun Shaoyang said, he was infertile, then he would file a lawsuit to ask his daughter to return to him, and the odds of winning would indeed be great.

So, is he really going to send away the daughter he has raised for seventeen years? !

"I won't go with you!" Ling Wuwen said to Yun Shaoyang when Han Yu was silent.

Yun Shaoyang looked at Ling Wuwen: "Chu Xiao..."

Han Yu was very proud, the anger just now was extinguished in an instant.

Although he didn't know what Yun Shaoyang wanted to say, he still interrupted unceremoniously: "Didn't you hear that Xiao Chu said that she would not go with you?! This is my daughter, seventeen years ago when you didn't want me , she is my daughter!"

Look... If Ling Wuwen doesn't leave Han Yu, Han Yu will always regard her as his daughter.

Ling Wuwen knew that it was right for her to come to see Yun Shaoyang.

Of course, not to mention increasing her favorability, as Bei Xiaojia's daughter... always abused this man who was afraid to hide and was unwilling to take responsibility!

After Han Yu said these words, he left with Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuwen didn't say anything, but instead acted as if she would stand by Han Yu's side.

She didn't know that Yun Shaoyang was barren before, but now that she knew, Yun Shaoyang would want his daughter back even more.

Although she is a daughter, she is a descendant of the Yun family!

As for the lawsuit, although the child's wishes are also very important, since Yun Shaoyangguang is the biological father and can no longer have children, the custody right can definitely be taken into his hands.

So she doesn't have to worry about changes in her plan, it is estimated that Yun Shaoyang won't keep her waiting for too long——

After meeting Yun Shaoyang, Han Yu took Ling Wuwen to buy vegetables and go home to cook.

Han Yu cooked a lot of Han Chuxiao's favorite dishes, and the table was full of delicious food!

Once again, Ling Wuyue was fed up...

In the afternoon, Ling Wuxi took a nap in the room.

Han Yu stood at her door for a long time with a complicated expression on his face.

He's not stupid, so of course he can think of anything Ling Wuting can think of.

I really regret it, I regret taking Ling Wuwen to see Yun Shaoyang.

In the case of a lawsuit, apart from his daughter's own wishes, he doesn't seem to have anything to contend with Yun Shaoyang.

He... has a ninety-five percent chance of losing!

Han Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes became firmer again.

No, he still needs to consult a lawyer, he can't just sit and wait for death!

Thinking of this, Han Yu hurried to the study to call the lawyer for consultation.


On Monday, Ling Wuwen needs to go to school.

After two days in this world, I finally got to meet the hero and heroine.

As I said before, when Ling Wutiao came, Han Chuxiao was stimulated by the relationship between Shangguan Jingling and Bai Nuandong.

In fact, Shangguan Jingling and Bai Nuandong are not together at this time, but they spend more time in contact.

Han Chuxiao had heard some scandals before, so she made things difficult for Bai Nuandong at school.

Because of Han Chuxiao's embarrassment, Shangguan Jingling warned Han Chuxiao not to do that in the future.

Han Chuxiao was also very angry at the time, saying: "I am your girlfriend! Can I bear you being so close to other girls?!"

That might be the first time she lost her composure like this.

In school, she always looked down upon those with lower grades than her like a high-ranking queen.

She prides herself on being noble, and she regards her self-esteem as more important than her life.

But because of Shangguan Jingling, she lost her composure.

"Girlfriend? When did you become my girlfriend?" That's what Shangguan Jingling said at the time.

Then, Han Chuxiao was irritated.

Tsk~ It's also Shangguan Jingling's fault, if you don't like him, tell him early! Can't you open your mouth to clarify when someone says you are a couple?

Now that I have someone I like, I finally open my mouth, but I don't know that I hurt others——

"I'm going to school first!" Ling Wuwen said to Han Yu after finishing her breakfast.

Han Yu, who had just packed Ling Wu's lunch, paused, and said, "Daddy will take you to school today!"

"Huh? No need, I'll go by myself."

The place where they live is really close to the school, so close that they can hear it when the class bell rings.

Han Yu smiled at Ling Wu: "It's okay, Dad wants to send you to school today."

With that said, Han Yu walked up to Ling Wuyue and took her schoolbag.

Although Ling Wuyi felt that Han Yu was a little weird, she didn't say anything.

Han Yu didn't drive, but walked with Ling Wuwen instead.

Ling Wuwen's schoolbag was hung on his shoulder, he held a bento box in one hand, and Ling Wuwen in the other.

It's like... the average father sending his kids to school.

Every time this way of getting along, Ling Wuyi felt a little awkward.

"Xiao Chu."

When Ling Wu was awkward, Han Yu called her.

Ling Wuwen raised her head and looked at Han Yu who was a head taller than her: "Huh?"

Han Yu pursed his lips, and said, "What if... if your biological father wants to sue your father for custody of you, what should you do?"

Ling Wuxi paused, stopped, and asked him: "If there is a real lawsuit, will you win?"

Han Yu didn't speak, but just shook his head.

He consulted a lawyer yesterday, and there is no chance of winning.

So if there is a lawsuit...

"Then don't go to court."

Ling Wuwen said something calmly, took Han Yu's hand, and continued walking towards the school.

"What?" Han Yu looked at Ling Wuwen, but didn't understand what she meant.

Ling Wuwen stopped again and said to Han Yu, "I thought about it too."

Han Yu frowned slightly, waiting for Ling Wuyi to continue.

"At the beginning, he abandoned my mother and me like that, and now he wants to get me back. I think... He must make up for it. "

Having said this, Ling Wuwen stopped and looked at Han Yu.

"Besides, I'm not your daughter either. You can't stay away from marriage for the sake of me."

"You want to get married and have your own children, so that grandparents can feel at ease..."

Ling Wuyi wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Han Yu: "So? So you mean to let me give up custody to your biological father? So you don't want to recognize me?"

Ling Wuwen knew that Han Yu would be hit hard if he said what he said.

Sighing inwardly, she lowered her head: "Yes. I hope to return to my biological father."

Han Yu took Ling Wu's hand and let go.

He felt that his seventeen years of efforts were in vain and useless.

He loves and cares so wholeheartedly, but he is not his daughter after all, so he still has to leave...

yes! She is not his daughter at all!

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