Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 805 Awkward Ome (1)

"Sister Li?! Sister Li?!"

"Sister Li, you finally woke up! You scared me to death!"

Ling Wuyi had just woken up when she heard a voice calling eagerly.

Opening his eyes with some difficulty, what caught his eyes was a young man who looked quite young.

About twenty-three or four-year-old, wearing a pink suit and white-rimmed glasses.

Ling Wuxi frowned and looked around, the surroundings were very noisy, with people coming and going, as well as cries and cries of pain.

Many beds were separated by white curtains, and Ling Wu was lying on one of the beds.

This should be the emergency room.

Ling Wuyi raised her hand to touch her aching forehead, but the young man next to her quickly stopped her: "Sister Li, don't touch it, the doctor just bandaged your head well!"

Bandage? ! So her forehead is broken? !

Broken forehead = disfigured! Disfigured = disfigured? !

Ling Wuyi really wanted to take a mirror to look at her face now, but it didn't seem suitable.

"I... what's wrong with me?" Ling Wuwen asked a little puzzled.

The young man on the side didn't think there was anything wrong with Ling Wu's asking, so he waved his hand and said, "It's a car accident! Sister Li, you were rear-ended while driving, don't you remember?"

Of course she doesn't remember! I haven't even received the plot and memory yet!

"Am I seriously injured?" Ling Wuwen asked, she couldn't move her head now, it hurt when she moved, and she didn't seem to feel any other parts of her body.


The young man opened his mouth and was about to speak when a gentle yet eager male voice came from behind him.

The young man immediately turned around and waved to the person who came: "Brother Zhicheng, Sister Li is here!"

Then Ling Wuyi saw a male doctor in a white coat and silver-rimmed glasses walking over.

The male doctor is not particularly handsome, but he has a very good temperament, and his whole body is full of bookishness, as gentle as jade.

This man was seen by Ling Wujin before, and the overall feeling does not seem to be the best.

But when this man came into view, Ling Wu's heart suddenly throbbed.

This feeling comes from the body itself, and Ling Wuyi is no stranger to this feeling.

The man in front of her is the person she likes!

This kind of liking is still very deep, so deep that even if she leaves, the body still has this kind of reaction.

Song Zhicheng walked to the bed and looked at Ling Wuyi with concern: "Ali, how are you? Is it in pain? I'm sorry, I had an operation just now, so I came here now."

Ling Wuyi didn't know Jiti's character, nor did he know how Jiti behaved when facing the man he liked.

So in the face of Song Zhicheng's concerned greeting and apology, Ling Wuyi only said one sentence: "I'm a little dizzy, I want to sleep for a while."

Song Zhicheng nodded: "Okay, you sleep for a while, I will arrange a ward for you."

Ling Wuyin hummed, closed her eyes and began to absorb the plot and memories.


When Ling Wuxi woke up again, it was already dark outside.

Unlike Noise when she woke up for the first time, she was in a single ward.

The light white light is not glaring, perhaps because it doesn't want the patients to feel cold and rigid. Instead of using white as the main color, light blue and light pink are used in the ward.

At this time, there was no one else in the ward except Ling Wuji, who was alone.

At this time, it seemed extraordinarily quiet.

Ling Wuxi moved her head slowly and lightly to look out of the window. The night breeze blew in through the half-open window, making it a bit chilly.

The door opened just in time, and Ling Wuyi turned her head to look, and it was Song Zhicheng in a white coat who came in.

Ling Wuyi adjusted her facial expression in an instant, and she called Song Zhicheng: "Zhicheng."

"It's just in time for you to wake up. My mother made chicken soup for you. I just went back and brought it for you."

Song Zhicheng held an insulated box and a cloth bag containing tableware in his hand, and with a smile on his lips, he walked to Ling Wuxi's bedside.

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, just looked at him.

Song Zhicheng seemed to be used to this way of getting along, so he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

He opened the thermos, poured half a bowl of soup into the bowl, and added some chicken.

Raise Ling Wuyi's bed a little higher so that she can sit up.

Only then did Ling Wuyi realize that her leg was hung up with a plaster cast.

It seems that the body is seriously injured...

That's right, it's just so dead, of course it's quite heavy.

However, when did she come here? Could it be the time of the car accident? But why didn't she feel it?

Song Zhicheng didn't know what Ling Wuyue was thinking with his expressionless face at this moment. He sat down beside the bed with a bowl in his hand, and picked up a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of soup.

He gently blew the soup in the spoon to cool down a bit before handing it to Ling Wu's mouth.

Ling Wuyi tilted her head unnaturally, raised her hand and said, "I'll do it myself."

Song Zhicheng avoided Ling Wu's hand, with a straight face, like an elder: "No, you are a wounded patient!"

Ling Wuxi didn't think too much, and blurted out: "Do you treat every one of your patients like this?"

After talking about Ling Wu, I regretted it, this is completely out of line with the character of the body!

What the hell is this sour tone? ! To be swayed by the body's liking, to what extent does this have to be liking? !

Song Zhicheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "How can other patients compare with Ali!"

Ling Wuqin twitched the corners of her mouth, but said nothing.

Song Zhicheng didn't care about this little episode, and handed the spoon to Ling Wuxi's mouth again.

Although it was still awkward, Ling Wuyi obediently opened her mouth and drank the chicken soup.

After drinking the chicken soup, Song Zhicheng wiped the corners of Ling Wu's mouth thoughtfully.

When the warm fingertips touched the corner of Ling Wu's mouth, Ling Wu's eyes suddenly widened and looked at Song Zhicheng.

Song Zhicheng was still Song Zhicheng, the corners of his mouth always raised an arc.

Different from Jian Mo's gentle appearance, Song Zhicheng is a gentle man from the inside out.

His demeanor is so gentle that no one can find a good adjective to describe him.

It is also because of his temperament that even though his facial features are not exquisite, they are extraordinarily attractive.

Stared at by Ling Wuyue with horrified eyes, Song Zhicheng was a little confused.

"Huh? What's wrong with Ali? Is there something uncomfortable?" Song Zhicheng touched Ling Wu's left forehead which was fine.

Ling Wuyi's eyes flickered, and she stopped looking at Song Zhicheng: "Oh, I'm fine, it's just... you changed your glasses when you saw Zhicheng."

Song Zhicheng raised his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "Yes, my mother said that I had worn the glasses for too long, so she gave me a new pair without authorization."

"However, I didn't notice the difference between the two pairs of glasses, but A Li could see it. He really deserves to be the chief jewelry designer!"

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