Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 806 Awkward Ome (2)

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips, hesitated to speak, and said to Song Zhicheng, "Thank you."

Song Zhicheng paused when he was packing the tableware, and he chuckled lightly: "This is not like your style, Ali, and you even thanked me!"

Before Ling Wuwen could speak, Song Zhicheng continued, "What do you want to eat tomorrow? I'll ask my mother to make it for you."

His tone was natural, so natural that people didn't think there was any problem, and it seemed that something was wrong.

Ling Wuyi thought for a while before saying, "Aunt He likes everything she makes."

Song Zhicheng raised his lips and smiled happily: "If my mother heard you say that, she would be so happy from ear to ear!"

After washing and packing the tableware, Song Zhicheng went to Ling Wuyi's bed again: "Okay, you close your eyes and go to sleep, I'll check the ward first, and come back later. Huh?"

He helped Ling Wumi roll down the bed, and helped her tuck the quilt.

Ling Wuwen hummed, and closed her eyes under Song Zhicheng's gaze.

After hearing the door open and close, Ling Wuyi opened her eyes again.

Judging from all the memories received and sent before today, the plot should have just begun and not too long ago.

The body was short-lived, only twenty-eight years old, and for no reason, she encountered a car rear-end accident. Everyone else was only injured, and she died alone.

The host is called Bai Li, and his family is not very rich, but it is much better than the average well-off family.

Just in terms of family affection——

Ling Wuwen found that she had been lucky these few times, and found Xi Ziqiu's body in no time!

That's right, Song Zhicheng is Xi Ziqiu's body!

Speaking of which, Song Zhicheng and Bai Li grew up together as childhood sweethearts.

Bai Li is a single-parent family. His parents divorced when he was six years old. Bai Li lived with his father, but his mother married another man and immigrated abroad.

Bai Li's father is a typical workaholic, 24 hours a day, he works 18 hours a day.

Xiao Baili was thrown into the care of a nanny since he was a child, and the nanny was only responsible for preparing three meals a day for Xiao Baili.

Xiao Baili was very lonely and helpless, and gradually became withdrawn, unwilling to communicate with others, even with peers.

When he was eight years old, a happy family of three lived in front of Xiao Baili.

The aunt next door is a very gentle mother, the father is also very gentle, and the little brother who is only one year older than her, Song Zhicheng...

Little Bai Li could always hear the laughter coming from the opposite side. Occasionally, she would lie on the balcony and look at the balcony next to it with warm lights.

Seeing that she was always alone, the gentle aunt on the opposite side made pizza and biscuits for her from time to time.

Later, little Bai Li always liked to go to the opposite side. She liked to follow that little brother who had a good smile. Wherever she went, she silently put a little tail in front of her.

From the age of eight to twenty-eight, Bai Li's liking has never been revealed.

It may be that her parents didn't pay much attention to and teach her to communicate with her when she was a child. As a result, Bai Li is still a very bad-spoken person even when she grows up.

She is not indifferent, but she doesn't know how to express her inner thoughts to others. So this kind of Bai Li feels very indifferent.

Bai Li is also a very cautious person, she dare not tell Song Zhicheng that she likes him because she is afraid of being rejected.

She worried that in the future, she would no longer be able to be friends.

Song Zhicheng's current favorability is at 85 points, which is very high.

But Ling Wuxi knew that 85 o'clock was already the current limit, and it was the foundation laid by the collective Bai Li in the past 20 years.

It is still difficult to go up further.

Ling Wuxi moved her foot that was not in a plaster cast. In this situation, she probably needs to rest.

Bai Li inherited her father's workaholic physique, so at the age of 28, she is already the chief designer of a domestic brand jewelry company.

As for workaholics, Ling Wuyi actually doesn't understand. Live a good life, why spend most of your day working?

Life is limited, you must know how to enjoy life!

Ling Wuxi looked at her hand, but luckily it was just scratched, no fracture or serious injury.

She raised her hand to pick up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and there was a text message in it, which was sent by her workaholic father.

Maybe it was because she knew she was in a car accident that she sent the text message.

The content of the text message is simple, saying that he needs to hold a seminar abroad and can't come back immediately, let her have a good rest or something.

In fact, I want to ask Father Bai if he loves Bai Li? The answer is love, but between his daughter and work, Father Bai loves his work more!

So it's not that Bai Li doesn't love Father Bai, but more of it is resentment!

He tapped the word "um" on the screen with his finger, and then replied to Father Bai's message.

Afterwards, Ling Wuwen looked at the greeting messages sent by other colleagues, and after briefly replying one by one, Ling Wuwen turned off the phone.

It may be because of her health, so Ling Wuwen quickly fell asleep, and she didn't even know when Song Zhicheng came to her ward——

Because of the inconvenient movement, Song Zhicheng stayed directly in the hospital for several days in order to take care of Ling Wuwen.

In the beginning, it was very inconvenient for Ling Wuwen to go to the bathroom, and when Song Zhicheng was asked to help, she felt very embarrassed, causing a lot of embarrassment.

But after a few days of getting along, Ling Wuyue could see it.

Song Zhicheng completely regarded her as his own younger sister, so he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Song's mother, Aunt He, would come to the hospital to accompany her every day, and cook nutritious meals for her in different ways every day.

After staying in the hospital for a week, Ling Wuxi was finally able to be discharged from the hospital.

In order to facilitate sending Ling Wuwen out of the hospital, Song Zhicheng even took a day off.

Fortunately, Ling Wuyi and Song Zhicheng live in the opposite door, so even though Ling Wuwen still has a plaster cast on her leg, Mother Song and Song Zhicheng are helping her in daily life.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a month since Ling Wuwen came to this world.

What was Song Zhicheng's favorability towards her in the past, and it is still the same now.

Because of the personality of the body, Ling Wuwen is not easy to play at all.

Today is the day to remove the plaster. Early in the morning, the door of Ling Wuni's room was opened.

Song Zhicheng walked in with ease, changed into slippers at the entrance, and put the

The breakfast prepared by Mother Song was put on the dining table.

After that, he knocked on the door of Ling Wuyi's room: "Ali, it's time to get up, the cast is going to be removed today."

Ling Wuwen turned over and stretched: "Well, let's get up now."

With that said, Ling Wuyue had already got up. I skipped to the bathroom to wash up, and then took out a light blue bohemian dress I bought online a few days ago from the closet and put it on.

When Ling Wuyi jumped and opened the door, she saw Song Zhicheng standing there with a smile on her face.

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